Chapter 8

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He stared at his blade as it gleamed in the moonlight. He shook his head, "The days of hunting Grimm can be lacking." Toji was slaying the mindless beasts one by one with the job he accepted. He usually doesn't want to deal with being a clean up  member. But when it comes to money, you have to work to get rewarded. He paused when he heard a roar.

"ARRWOOOOH!" A beowolf howled into the night. It howled again, followed by a few more similar, different howls. A pack, and they were getting closer.

Toji paused with slight annoyance of having to deal with more Grimm. He decided to start off with just the blade and pulling out with his firearm to prepare for the slaughter. One of the wolves, the one in the lead, roared, charging forward.

The man tensed, but made no move to dodge. Only when the wolf was just feet away, claws raised up to slash him to ribbons, did Toji react.

"Boom." He muttered, before he aimed his firearm at the wolf's chest, firing a buckshot into its chest, tore a massive hole in the wolf's body. The black smoke floated upward, dissipating into the air, killing the beast. Two of the other Wolfs roared, rushing forward to avenge their fallen kin. Toji just shot another shell towards one of the wolves and gave the same result with the first one.

The final wolf proved more cautions than its kin; circling Toji. However, before it could strike, another loud howl echoed through the woods. The wolf's ears twitched, but it eventually snarled, bolting towards the other howl. Toji grunted, keeping an eye out in case the beast decided to double-back for a rudimentary sneak-attack. When no such attack came, he turned his attention to the three corpses around him, nonplussed to discover that the bodies were dissolving into black mist. He poked one of the wolves' limbs with his blade, and once more sunk it deeper in than he intended, the tip of his sword embedding into the dirt.

The black mist was surrounding the sorcerer killer having to get used of the mist. It wasn't blood, obviously. But the smell can be...inhuman, but blood can dissolve in any way. The mist, it lacked that. It didn't even smell like 'normal'. Rather, it did, but it still lacked a fundamental aspect of those creatures. Some indescribable essence that...that denoted them as living.

Suddenly, gun shots can be heard from a distance.

'The hell?' He thought. It was strange for someone to be out here, in the middle of the night. Which is much weird is that the beowolves that he was used to were never so social. Certainly, a wolf never harmed another wolf, and they were willing to share territory if they had to. But never before had he laid witness to such a large group.

All the while, the sound of gunfire grew louder and louder. The trail came to an end at a small cliff, and Toji came to a stop at its edge. At the cliff's bottom—which wasn't all that far down, he could make it with a few careful leaps—was a large group of those wolves, as expected. What was most certainly not expected was the lone woman they were all surrounding. From the clifftop, even with his better eyesight compared to normal men, he could only see that they were wearing a bright white cloak under which was a much more sensibly colored black outfit.

'A huntress,' he confirmed. 'Must be doing the same job.' He couldn't exactly make them out, but her weapons seemed to be a pistol—which did not tear through the wolves like his firearm did, merely pushing them back—and a knife—which also did not slash the wolves to ribbons as his own blade did—attached to a chain, which she swung with the grace of a dancer. Unfortunately, all that grace didn't seem to be helping her, as the wolves were slowly encircling her, inch by inch.

"Hahahahaha!" a shrill voice screeched with laughter. Toji jerked his head towards it, narrowing his eyes at the two figures staring down at the woman from a nearby hill. One of them was a hulking beast of a man, with dark hair, olive skin, and, like an idiot, only wearing a short-sleeved black shirt. The other one—much lankier and paler than his compatriot—was dressed a bit more sensibly—but again, he was wearing white. The smaller one was the source of the laughter, jeering and pointing at the woman below them; the taller one was much more stoic, merely looking on silently, injecting a vial into his arms.

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