Chapter 11

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The air of smoke was roaming around the discarded Zen'in as the cigarette was loosely on his mouth. He was just watching the night sky having nothing else to do. Toji often finds himself reflecting on his son, Megumi, in the middle of unexpected struggles and a world unlike his own. His thoughts are occupied with memories of their troubled relationship and his concern for Megumi's well-being. He wonders if he made the correct decisions and hopes that their paths will be 'normal', allowing him to make atonement and shield his kid from the perils they both face.

But he wouldn't pray on it. The Gojo brat will take care of everything. Beside, who want a monkey as a father?

He took long, deliberate pulls, expelling wisps of smoke that seemed to dance in sync with Remnant's unpredictability. The act of smoking provided a brief relief, a brief getaway from the relentless struggles, and a reminder of his unrelenting determination. Toji's constant perseverance in the face of the unknown was symbolized by the blazing ember of his cigarette in the midst of this alien universe.

"Well, I believe you are the savior of our Huntress." Said Ozpin.

Toji looked over at Ozpin with an evident disdain, his gaze devoid of respect or intrigue for the headmaster's mystique. Toji's gaze briefly changed from his usual apathy to the striking presence of Glynda Goodwitch. Her beauty and elegance stood out like a beacon in a world filled with danger and mayhem, despite his unwavering focus. But, in his perspective, she has her looks.

"You're the big man around here?"Asked Toji.

"Indeed, Mr. Toji. I'm Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy. This is Glynda Goodwitch, one of our esteemed professors." Replied Ozpin.

"No need for the formalities. I'm just here to get the job done and collect my payment." Toji said bluntly.

"I respect your pragmatism, Toji. Your actions in saving Summer Rose were truly remarkable." The headmaster said with a smile.

"I don't need any praise. Just the cash." He was disinterested with having to be praised for doing something good.

"A real charmer, this one." Scoffed Goodwitch. Both of the men pretend to hear her comments.

"Understood. We'll discuss your compensation and the next steps." Said Ozpin.

Toji's irritation became palpable as Ozpin insisted on having him meet the family of Summer Rose, his stoic expression hardening. He had no interest in the emotional entanglements of others and was singularly focused on his payment.

"Toji, it would mean a great deal to her family if they could express their gratitude." Said Ozpin.

"I'm not here for their gratitude or any emotional nonsense. Just the money." Toji said with a dismissive wave. Glynda, watching Toji's attitude, couldn't hide her disbelief.

"You have no respect for the bonds and emotions that drive people in this world." Said Goodwitch.

Toji threw up a cloud of smoke, drawing their attention to a terrible memory that lingered, a wordless reminder of his own silent motives for meeting with Summer's family.

As Toji wrestled with his inner demons, a voice echoing in his mind with taunting words, "dirty monkey," the repetition grew deafening. He clenched his teeth and hit his head to silence the unwelcome thoughts, his eyes flickering with frustration.

Toji finally turned to Ozpin, demanding an explanation, "Why should I meet with the rest of them?"

Ozpin, with a calm and reassuring tone, explained the importance of closure and the impact his presence would have on Summer's family, promising that he would be paid after the interaction.

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