Chapter 5

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The bandits surrounding the camp began to cheer and shout, sensing the oncoming combat and pushing to get the best view. The circle crowded in, tents and other items pushed away as a ring was roughly formed, not ten metres in diameter. The walls of it were flesh, muscle and the odd weapon. Had Qrow and Toji wanted to leave, it would be impossible.

"Fight him?" Qrow asked, not at all bothered by the display or at least hiding it well. He looked the Sorcerer up and down to examine his build.

"Alright, shouldn't be too hard." He brought forth his weapon and started to swing it, loosening his muscles. "But if I win, you have to stick to your side of the deal."

"I don't go back on my word."

"Heh, I guess that's at least one thing you're good at sticking with. It's a shame you never managed it with anything else."

The barbs and taunts never ceased and the crowd loved it, lapping up the tension and the promise of a good fight. Toji was stretching his arms out and stretch's his legs to began this slaughter. He knew he wouldn't kill Raven's brother for two reasons. One, for being his brother, and two he's a informant. If something happens to him, then the higher ups will be known and it's a target on his back.

"I'm not doing this for you, by the way." Toji turns to Raven. "I wanted to see the little birdie could sing for  me." Toji began to cough something out his mouth.

"I would have no respect for you were it the other way around. I'm not a damsel in distress who needs a man to fight her battles for her. This is simply entertainment. That and confirming something." Replied Raven.

Well, that was certainly an ominous way to put it, but he shouldn't have expected any less. Sure, she can be a bitch, but she has skill and power of her group.

Toji began to walk away from Raven and towards his upcoming fight in the center of the ring. The man watched him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Finished flirting?" he asked.

"Maybe. Thought, I know that this sibling beef, so I'll try to see myself out."

"Not possible. Not when you stand alongside her."

'But I never did. Dumbass.' Thought Toji. Unfortunately, Qrow would never believe him. He had no reason to, and there wasn't much else of a good explanation for why he was here, nor why Raven had chosen to call him to fight Qrow. The flirting can be fun, but in all means it just fucking around.

In the end, everything seem to be a nuisance on how his plan would work out.

"You shall fight until surrender, injury or death," Raven called, leaping up onto her raised platform where she would have a wonderful view of the fight. To both his and Qrow's annoyance, she made a show of sitting down on a seat, slinging one leg gracefully over the other. "Do try to avoid the last option. I don't need a corpse stinking up my campsite."

"No promises." Both Toji and Qrow said.

The two men look at each other, baffled thinking that one can beat the other.

"Let the fight begin!" Raven roared.

Qrow rocketed forwards with might. He began slashing and slashing between the lines of Toji not even flinching of the ongoing attacks. Toji dodging effortlessly by the way seeing the attacks clearly. Qrow began to stop his attacks and look at Toji with confusion.

"What's the matter?" Qrow taunted. "Aren't you gonna show out your skills? Or you're just scared to fight against one of the best?"

Toji just chuckled and began to call it out. His inventory in shaped of a slug with a face of a baby. The curse spirit began wrapping around his torso and laying his shoulder. The feeling of his inventory made him feel whole again. Then the pressure began to disappear.

Everyone in the circle were curious and shocked on what the hell is going on. Vernal was shocked and confused on how the hell did he get that ugly thing. Could it be a semblance?

Qrow was staring with a slight interesting, but narrow at the...thing that laying on the man's back. He seen some weird semblance, but this could be top 2.

Raven was observing Toji's new little toy. A slug. A slug latching onto his back. She didn't what it's doing to him, but it seem it could be semblance. Why else he would summon it to attack his brother? But the question remains, what does it do?

"What the hell is that thing?" Qrow asked. As the question wasn't answered, the Sorcerer killer began to move his hand towards it's mouth. The slug was spitting out something large and long. A sword was taking out of the slug's mouth and seen better days. It was not clean, dried blood stain onto the steel by the victims that he took for his jobs.

Qrow narrow at the sword and seeing it's condition.

"Seem like you've been busy." He began to move again, knowing this guy was bad news. Before he could attack, Toji just simply disappeared.

'What the-'the thought of Qrow wasn't registered until a he felt a slight pain on his cheek. His hand over his cheek and it was slash on it. A slash that bypass his Aura. His Aura. Wait a minute..........

"So these can cut through the Aura, huh?" Qrow turn around to see Toji observing his weapon. Toji began to chuckle again and began to bring out another weapon from the slug.

He smirk at Qrow, knowing that this fight is for real now.

"Well, little birdie," Toji said, after he pulled an dagger. "Shall we continue?"

Toji rushed towards to the twin. The man's blade parried his with ease, knocking it aside with a sharp bark of laughter. The man's blade parried his with ease, knocking it aside with a sharp bark of laughter. He cut inward, aiming for Qrow's throat but a tilt of his body gave it nothing but air. Toji began to let go of the curse weapon and threw one hand and sent it crashing into Qrow's face. It caught him in the jaw and knocked his head back, having to give a expression of annoyance.

The bandits cheered wildly, deciding Toji was the better one to support even though Qrow had once been a part of the tribe.

Tch," he said, spitting a little blood to the side. "Cheap shot."

"Come on, don't be pussy now." Toji just grinned.

Their blades crashed together again, Toji giving ground as he parried each attack, keeping his sword central to his body and refusing to take any of the gaps Qrow left him.

Qrow's attack came in high and clashed off his sword, but Toji ducked low, stepped under and rammed his shoulder into Qrow's gut. With their swords locked above them, he drove the huntsman forward and let go, tossing him a few feet. Though Qrow managed to land, it was awkward and clumsy, and that left him unable to properly defend when Toji giving slashes to the downed Qrow. He barely managed to block every attack.

Qrow tried nonetheless but his footing wasn't there. He managed to deflect it but flew back, falling on his ass before he rolled away and staggered back up. As the crowd jeered and laughed, Qrow's cheeks tinted.

"Alright, so you're no mere bandit. I guess I'll have to take you seriously." Said Qrow.

"You're lucky, because you've been taking baby steps with me. I could have slit your head clean with kicking to the Grimm." A creepy grin form on the thought on it

The bandit group roared with excitement of the two warriors fighting for pride. Who will prevail in this battle of these attractive men? Who will die? Who will live?

Both of the warriors began to press each other with their attacks, having a little sparks fly over. The battle continues....

A/N: Heyyyyy!!!! Sorry for the late upadates. Done with college for now and doing some YouTube videos for fun and trying to get a job as well. But don't worry, I'm not gone yet. So sit tight and I hope enjoy the chapter!

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