Chapter 15

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Neo's life had been anything but easy. Growing up as an orphan in the slums of Mantle, she quickly learned that survival meant taking matters into her own hands. With no one to rely on but herself, Neo turned to pickpocketing as a means of putting food on the table and a roof over her head.

Despite the harsh conditions of her upbringing, Neo discovered early on that she possessed a natural talent for thievery. Her hands moved with precision and grace, effortlessly slipping into pockets and purses to retrieve whatever valuables she could find. It was a dangerous game, but one she played with finesse and cunning.

However, her life took a dramatic turn when a previous mark caught wind of her activities and sought revenge. Fearing for her safety, Neo made the decision to flee Mantle and seek refuge elsewhere. It was a risky move, but one she felt compelled to make in order to survive.

Her journey led her to Mistral, a bustling city teeming with opportunity and danger in equal measure. Despite her best efforts to keep a low profile, Neo soon found herself running low on funds and options. Desperate to avoid a fate of poverty and destitution, she reluctantly returned to the only skill she knew: pickpocketing.

But Neo was not the same inexperienced thief she once was. With the awakening of her Aura and the discovery of her Semblance – the ability to change her appearance at will – she became a force to be reckoned with. Her newfound abilities made her virtually untouchable, allowing her to evade capture and disappear into the crowd at a moment's notice.

Yet, as Neo's confidence grew, so too did her recklessness. She began to take greater risks, pushing the boundaries of her abilities in pursuit of bigger scores and greater rewards. But with each successful heist came the ever-present threat of discovery and reprisal.

Despite the dangers that lurked around every corner, Neo remained undeterred. Her determination to survive and thrive in a world that had shown her little kindness drove her forward, propelling her into ever more perilous situations.

Neo's heart pounded in her chest as she attempted to slip the man's wallet from his pocket. She had done this countless times before, using her Semblance to seamlessly blend into her surroundings and evade detection. But this time, something went horribly wrong.

As her hand reached for the wallet, the man's hand shot out with lightning speed, catching her by the arm before she could react. Panic surged through Neo as she realized she had been caught in the act. But what shocked her even more was the man's next words.

"Eh? You tryna rob me?" His voice was deep and rough, his eyes piercing as they bore into her own.

Neo's mind raced as she searched for a way out of the situation. She had never encountered someone who could see through her illusions before. But before she could come up with a response, the man's grip tightened on her arm, his expression growing more menacing by the second.

"I don't take too kindly to thieves," he growled, his voice sending shivers down Neo's spine.

Fear gripped her heart as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had underestimated her mark, and now she was paying the price. But even in the face of danger, Neo refused to back down. She had survived this long by relying on her wits and cunning, and she wasn't about to let some muscle-bound thug intimidate her into submission.

Scene Change

Toji's eyes bore into the child, his gaze unwavering as he studied her dirty, unkempt appearance. She looked like a street urchin, her clothes worn and tattered, her hair a tangled mess. But there was something about her that piqued his curiosity, something that set her apart from the other pickpockets he had encountered in the past.

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