Chapter 13

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The sudden outburst from Qrow left the others in the room visibly confused, exchanging puzzled glances as they tried to make sense of the tension that had erupted. Yang and Ruby, standing behind their uncle, watched the interaction with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Toji, maintaining his enigmatic composure, leaned against the wall, a cloud of cigarette smoke surrounding him. He glanced at Qrow with a nonchalant expression, waiting for the conversation to unfold.

"What the hell are you doing, bastard?" Qrow questioned, his tone sharp with both accusation and irritation. Toji, maintaining his aloof demeanor, simply shrugged off the insult.

"Just having a friendly chat with some important people," Toji replied with a dismissive air. His gaze shifted to Qrow's arm, a devilish glint in his eyes. "It looks like your wing is pretty good now."

Ozpin, sensing a deeper connection between the two, intervened with a calm inquiry. "Qrow, you know Toji before?"

Qrow shifted his attention back to the headmaster, reiterating his intent to discuss their shared history later. "Yeah, but we'll talk about it later. I want to know why you are here," he emphasized.

Summer, in an effort to diffuse the tension, intervened with an explanation. "Because he saved me, Qrow," she clarified, attempting to shuffle herself up in the hospital bed. "He somehow saved my bacon from some bad guys."

As the revelation sank in, two gasps echoed in the room. The first came from a blonde little girl with hair as long as a lion, resembling Toji a certain someone. The second gasp came from a younger girl, her silver eyes mirroring those of her mother. The atmosphere became charged with a mix of surprise, curiosity, and uncertainty as the significance of Toji's actions and his presence in their lives unfolded before them.

The silver-eyed girl approached Toji, her eyes wide with a mix of awe and gratitude. "Y-you saved my m-mommy?" she stammered, her voice revealing a sense of both surprise and relief.

Toji, feeling uneasy with the impending praise, reluctantly admitted, "Yeah, I did." He bent down to their level, attempting to downplay his role. "She was in trouble, so I was just in the area to help."

As soon as he uttered those words, both girls rushed toward the sorcerer killer, showering him with masses of hugs and expressing their gratitude with little thank-yous. Toji, standing amidst the whirlwind of their emotions, felt an unusual warmth despite his discomfort.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" the silver-eyed girl exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. The blonde girl echoed her sentiments, their genuine appreciation turning the room into a chorus of heartfelt thanks.

"Thank you for saving my mom!" the blonde one added, her words carrying a sincerity that touched Toji in a way he hadn't expected. In this unexpected exchange of gratitude and affection, Toji found himself at the center of a moment that transcended the usual boundaries of his stoic demeanor.

Amidst the expressions of thanks and embraces, Toji, the enigmatic figure with a reputation as a sorcerer killer, found himself in an unfamiliar role—the reluctant hero in the eyes of two grateful children. The little silver-eyed girl and her blonde counterpart continued to shower him with their heartfelt appreciation, their innocence contrasting sharply with the darker aspects of Toji's past.

As the girls continued to express their gratitude, the room seemed to transform into a haven of warmth and sincerity. The complexities of Remnant, with its Grimm, faunus, and hunters, momentarily faded into the background as the focus shifted to a simple act of heroism. Toji, although unaccustomed to such displays of emotion, stood there, allowing the waves of gratitude to wash over him.

Summer, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but smile at the unexpected connection between her savior and her daughters. Qrow, still wary of Toji, observed with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. Ozpin, the ever-watchful headmaster, took note of the dynamics at play, recognizing the potential impact of this encounter on the intricate web of relationships in Remnant.

In this hospital room, the threads of fate intertwined, weaving a narrative that transcended the battles against Grimm and the pursuit of knowledge. A sorcerer killer, a silver-eyed girl, and a thankful family stood at the crossroads of past and present.

Amidst the continued expressions of gratitude, the silver-eyed girl, still teary-eyed, mustered the courage to ask Toji another question. "Um, mister... what's your name?"

Toji, taken aback by the innocence of the inquiry, hesitated for a moment before responding, "Toji."

His usual gruff demeanor softened, if only slightly, in the face of the children's genuine curiosity.

The blonde girl, still clinging to Toji, piped up with curiosity. "Are you a superhero?"

Toji chuckled at the question, a sound that seemed oddly out of place coming from the sorcerer killer. "No, kid. Just a guy who happened to be around when your mom needed help."

Meanwhile, Qrow, unable to contain his skepticism, interjected. "You're telling me you're just a 'good Samaritan'?"

Toji shrugged in response. "Call it what you want, birdie. I did what I did."

Taiyang and Summer stood on the periphery, watching the heartfelt scene as their daughters continued to express their gratitude to Toji. The mix of emotions on their faces revealed a complex interplay of relief, curiosity, and appreciation for the unexpected hero in their lives.

Ozpin, ever observant, broke the momentary silence. "While this is good and all, maybe we should let the family have their time?" he suggested, urging everyone to give the reunited family some space.

Toji, not one to dwell on sentimentality, chuckled in agreement. "Alright, brats. Go see your mommy. She probably misses you with her being hurt." With a casual ruffling of their hair, he playfully nudged Ruby, who chuckled with a slight blush, and Yang, who swatted his hand away with a grumble about messing with her hair.

As Toji headed towards the door, he nodded to the couple, with Qrow, Ozpin, and Goodwitch trailing behind him. The group made their way into the hallway, leaving the family to their reunion.

Once outside the room, Toji shifted his head toward Ozpin, breaking the silence that had fallen upon them. "My payment?" he inquired, the businesslike tone underscoring the underlying transactional nature of his involvement.

Ozpin, adjusting his glasses with a calm demeanor, replied, "Of course, Toji. Your compensation will be arranged. However, there is one more matter we should discuss."

Toji, seemingly indifferent, raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What's that?"

"So why does Qrow know you?" Ozpin inquired, his usual composed demeanor unyielding.

Toji, leaning against the wall, grinned mischievously. "Basically, I was in the forest for some reason, was in a camp, met her, then met the bird here, beat the living shit out of him, I won, and the fun part, I've fucked his sister."

Ozpin, adjusting his coffee mug with the headmaster's emblem, shifted it ever so slightly at the unexpected revelation. Qrow's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief coloring his expression. Goodwitch's eyebrow twitched, not pleased with Toji's choice of language.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?" Qrow erupted, his voice a mix of incredulity and anger.

Toji, unfazed by the outburst, continued to wear his sly grin. "Oh, don't act so surprised, birdie. It was a long time ago. Besides, your sister seemed to enjoy herself."

The tension in the hallway escalated as Qrow seethed with frustration, his semblance of composure shattered by the revelation. Ozpin, ever the mediator, attempted to diffuse the situation. "Gentlemen, let's focus on the matter at hand. Toji, your actions in saving Summer are commendable, but we need to discuss potential ramifications."

Toji, still grinning, gave a nonchalant shrug. "Sure, sure. But can we wrap it up? I've got places to be and money to collect."

The dynamic between the three individuals, each with their own histories and perspectives, unfolded in the hallway of the hospital.

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