Chapter 1.

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Kaveh's pov. 

I lost everything. I lost my pride, I lost my father, I lost my mother, I lost all my money, I lost my sense of shame. The only things I have left, are my friends, Alhaitham, and my false sense of security. My ignorance and arrogance left me in a point of no return. I was so ignorant, that I signed myself up for a deal too good to be true. I'm so deep in this hole that I dug for myself, that I can't even see a single stroke of light. And one day, when I was weeping in a bar. I saw a light. Maybe I was too drunk, but I saw him sit next to me and I didn't recognize him until he spoke. That voice, that tone... I remembered who he was. He asked me if I was ok, and the only thing I remember afterwards was how I cried in his arms and how comforting he was on that day. He brought me to his home, he took care of me.

But soon, that light disappeared once I buried myself deeper in debt. I knew that he tried his best to help me. But he couldn't help me out of my hole, we were to busy with work, he had a huge promotion, even though he was always working, I could tell he was happy. On the other side, I was the top architect in Sumeru, but I didn't know how to organize my time. So I always had too many things to do, which worsened my health, mentally and physically. Now is a good transition to the present. I've been in my room all day, trying to finish an architectural design that's due in two days. I haven't eaten anything, I didn't go outside. Maybe that's why I can't focus. I sighed and got up. I opened my door to go take a shower. Once I stepped out, I felt the fresh, cold air, which calmed me down a bit. After only a couple of seconds of walking, I was hit with a migraine. I felt dizzy and my vision blurred. Instead of walking to the bathroom, I walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. I walked in and looked for something to eat. I found some strawberries in the fridge and decided to eat that.

A couple of minutes later, I heard the doorknob rattle. I came out of my room and saw Alhaitham. He kicked the door closed, he looked happier than usual. The ends of his lips curved slightly. He had two bag of groceries. He put the lighter one on the ground and looked at me. "Hi Kaveh. How are you?" He asked with a soft voice. I was a bit tired and I hadn't spoken the whole day so when I talked, my voice sounded as if I were sick. "Hi... Good and you?" Once Alhaitham heard my voice he chuckled softly. "Are you sick Kaveh?" He asked, knowing that my immune system wasn't the best from how much I took care of myself. "No... I'm just tired." I said with a light laugh. He nodded and looked at the bag on the floor. "Hey could you take that bag?" He asked. Without saying anything, I took the bag and went to the kitchen to go store all the food. 

Alhaitham joined me with his bag and started to store with me. I opened a cabinet to store something, but because of how I placed everything the other day. It all fell, including a bottle of wine. the wine bottle shattered on the ground, and because all the other foods also fell, they got soaked in wine. Alhaitham turned around to see what happened. We both froze and looked at the mess on the floor. Alhaitham looked at me. "Kaveh I'll clean this, just don't stay here." He said with a monotone tone. I looked at him straight in his eyes and didn't  budge. "It's my mess, let me clean up." I said before walking to go get a paper towel. Alhaitham stared at me and tried to block me. "Please let me." He told me. I scoffed in his face which made the end of his lips twitch. I forced myself through and took a paper towel. Before he could take it from me, I was already on my knees cleaning the mess. 

He stared me dumbfounded. He regained his usual stoic expression and left. I kept scrubbing, until not a drop of wine was left. i gathered all the glass shards and threw them in the trash. I looked at the food, a bit confused on what I should do with those. I took them and put them on a paper towel to dry. When I finished, I joined Alhaitham on the sofa, I sat on the other end and stretched myself while he read a book, sneaking a few glances at me. I stared at him and smirked. Once he noticed that, he got a bit annoyed. "Don't you have something better to do instead of staring at me." He asked, putting his book down.

 I laughed  and crossed my legs. He looked at me in confusion before crossing his arms. "Why couldn't you let me clean that." He asked me with a monotone tone to mask his emotions. I sighed before responding to him. "You weren't the one who made a bottle of wine fall. I was the one who was supposed to clean it up because I'm the one who broke it. You didn't need to clean it up." I said while looking at his book and back at him. He sighed deeply and looked at the floor. He muttered something I couldn't hear. He looked back at me. "I was trying to say be kind." He said looking to the cushion next to me instead of me. "You're already kind enough to me Alhaitham! You gave me a roof over my head! You don't need to do anything else!" I said raising my voice.

Alhaitham's expression contorted, it was stoic, sad, and angry at the same time. I analyzed every detail on his face to try and decipher it. "Kaveh. I Don't know how to express my gratitude! You clean the house when I'm not home, you cook for me and you take care of me!" He said raising his voice at me as well. I got up and clenched my fists. Maybe it was because of how tired I was, but I was so annoyed that I wanted to win this argument at any costs. I looked at him straight in his emerald eyes. "I do all that because I can never pay rent on time! It's my way of thanking you and apologizing!" He got up as well and looked at me with a sad expression.  "Kaveh why do you always have to start an argument with me! Do you find it entertaining seeing me get annoyed?!" He clenched his fists tighter until his knuckles turned pale. Before I could retort, he spoke again. "I was in a great mood today! And you've ruined it! I give you all of my patience and you don't care! You throw it away!" He said, no trace of a monotone tone. He groaned and looked at the floor.

I stared at him before responding. "If I ruin your days so much, why don't you kick me out! You're obviously regretting your choice of letting me stay with you!" I yelled while I got closer to him. He looked heartbroken when I said that. He stepped closer to me. "Is that what you want? To be a homeless man? What would your clients say when they found out that the top architect in Sumeru is homeless. You're already embarrassed when someone suspects the slightest thing about your living condition." He said more quietly. We both stared at each other in a stalemate while I tried to find something to say. "I'll find a way. I'll find an apartment. And I'll find a way to never argue with you." I said with annoyance in my tone. "What do you mean by never argue." Alhaitham asked. His fingers trembled slightly and his tone was now filed with sadness and annoyance. I rolled my eyes at him before responding. "Maybe I mean that I never want to see you ever again." 

He looked at me dumbstruck. He chuckled before clenching his fists again. "Do you understand what you're saying Kaveh!? I don't think you ever appreciated all I did for you! You're ignorance and arrogance is so high that you're blinded! You think you can 'Find a way?'. That's not how the real world works Kaveh! Wake up god damnit! Well, if you're so full of yourself, find a way to live without any of my help! Because I'm kicking you out of my house!" He yelled. He shook at the end and looked at the ground. "Fine!" I yelled before turning around in tears and walking to my room to pack. Alhaitham stormed to his room.

I started to pack while I sobbed. I didn't want to live anymore. He was right. I can't live without his help, or at least turn stable without his help. I stopped packing understanding that it was useless to pack if I was just going to kill myself. I left everything and took a piece of paper and a pen. I started to write even though my hands were shaking. I wrote every letter slowly before folding it and writing Alhaitham's name on the back. I heard the shower start and got up. Alhaitham wasn't in his room so it was the perfect moment to go deliver his letter. I walked in his room and placed the piece of paper perfectly on his bed. I left the room soon after, and then I left the apartment, and then the building. My brain was moving fast and I already had a plan.

I walked to the Akademiya and looked up to see the highest balcony.

It was perfect.


if you find any errors in my English plz tell me. ty!

Beatiful, Beloved. |  modern AU kaveh x Althathiam |Where stories live. Discover now