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Beyonce's Pov

"So what now Beyonce?" Aniyah says to me.

"What you mean? I thought I made myself clear enough." I say.

"So you just gone up and leave outa my life for good?" she asked.

"Pretty much Niyah." I say. "i'm ready to move on... For the better." I added.

"Whose the bitch?" she asked.

"What bitch?" I answered her with a question.

"The bitch that's taking you away from me." she says.

"This ain't no use, we're done Aniyah. Have a nice life." I say to her starting to walk away but she grabbed my wrist.

"Baby please, i'll do anything for us to stay together.." she says tears forming in her eyes.

"Aniyah I made my mind up. Now let me go." I say as she reluctantly lets my wrist go.

I know this may seem bad but it isn't. Me and Aniyah haven't been together together since 2 months, still intimate though. But as time went by I grew out of love with her. I tried to let her go easily but it wasn't so easy. I kept dragging her along with my selfish ways. She knew I didn't want her anymore, I even told her and she still attempted for us to work over it. Didn't work as you can see.

I guess relationships aren't what I need right now. No matter what girl comes into the picture. I convinced myself it'll be the same as this.

After I drove from her house I made it back to mines, inviting my friend over before making it.

I made it to the house and Amari was already parked waiting on me.


"Free agent G'." I laughed.

"Man what girl you felt in love wit'." Amari ask.

"Why y'all keep saying that shit, i'm just over her." I say.

"Yeah whatever, don't catch none." Amari says glancing at me.

"I wear protection.. sometimes." I say.

"Welp, imma be a unc' soon." He says laughing.

"Don't jinx me nigga." I say shaking my head.

"How that counseling shit going." He asked.

"Good, if only she wasn't so into that damn job, I would've been hit right now." I say.

"Yo' ass only been for like a day, calm down." He chuckled.

"Man so? If you see her you'll understand."

"Well, ask her to letcha' come to yo' house or some." he says.

"Yeah like that'll ever work, crazy ass boy." I say.

"Just suggesting, pussy." he says.


"Broke up with your first love for good basically?" Ms Maraj asked.

"Basically, but ha' friends and shit keep picking at me." I say.

"What made you leave her?" she asked.

"Just fell out of love I guess, she started to change." I answered.

"Change? How did she change?" she asked again.

"New friends I guess. Sometimes I couldn't even recognize her." I say.

"Awe, maybe its for the better. Sometimes people have an effect on how we live our life." she says and smiles.

"Think it's a sign for us to try." I say smirking.

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