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"Ma y'all acting like that aint yalls daughter" I say to my parents

"If she was she wouldn't be acting such way" my dad butted in


"Enough Giselle, let her live her life" my dad says

"She's killing herself with the shit she's doing" I say getting loud a lil

"Who are you getting loud at?" my dad asked

"You. Since you can't understand me" I say slouching in my seat

"Isn't this therapist mess supposed to help her?" my dad asks my mom

"It is, she's taking baby steps. It'll be nice of you to actually notice" she says

"Notice what?" he laughs "her dick going straight in the air every time she speaks of Ms Maraj" he says bluntly looking over at me

Before I could even speak, my mom gave me the look and I headed to my room.

"I just don't get it. He always shutting her out when she's legit dying and doesn't even know it" I say to Ms Maraj through the phone

"Hopefully he'll come around event-"

"Impossible. She's been like this since 16 and it's always the same. Sometimes I feel like giving up but that's my sister, I can't just give up on her" I say

"Then don't. Forgot what your dad said. Go help your sister" she says and I can tell she was smiling

"Before I forget to ask... Can I please just come over for our sessions. I understand better when the person is in front of me speaking" I say hoping she'll finally agree

"Sure, but I have to ask your parents first" she says

"Ok fine whatever. See ya soon... At your house" I say, hearing her laugh before I hung up


Onika's Pov

"B doesn't even look that old" Lauren says showing me a picture of her that she posted on instagram

"She isn't? She's in her early twenties" I lied

I knew if I would've told Lauren Beyonce's real age, then she would become the therapist. Ratting about how I can go to jail as if I didn't know that already. And don't get me started on her running her mouth. She'll damn near tell the whole world and it wouldn't even be intentional.

The next day

"So glad you finally agreed for me to come over" Beyonce says making her way into my house

"Mhm" I say making my way over to my house office

"The shit is nice ass fuck too" she says following me while looking around

"Thanks boo" I say turning around catching her staring at my ass "my house or my ass" I added raising an eyebrow

"How about both" she says smirking

"You're something else, but lets try to keep things strictly about this session, ok?" I asked her

"Sounds a bit boring but alright" she replies

After about an hour of our session, it's like my body got overstimulated by nothing, well Beyonce hard ass dick and having a small boner, but it's gotten bad.

Hoping a emergency come up from her so I can go in my room and let myself give me pleasure. But it would be nice to feel Beyonce's long dick throbbing inside of me, thrusting in and out, and painting my walls with her seeds.

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