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Beyoncé's Pov

"How you feeling?" Normani came around the island and rubbed my back

"I'll be a lie if I said ok. It feels like my head isn't even on right" I replied

"That's makes two of us. Maybe that's why I like you so much... So much in common"

"You like her because she can't find her sister?" Onika spoke up

"It was before this, I feel for her. Her past. It relates so much to my present" she smiled slyly at Nicki

"I gotta get going. Beyonce we should talk more, maybe we can figure this out together" she says reaching for a hug, and I accepted

I walked her out and watched her until she was gone.

"Wish Robyn was here to see how you're eyeing her wife"

"I'm not ey— Did you fuck Robyn while they were together?"

She started coughing, like she had choked on something. That had told me all I needed to know.

I scoffed and walked away from her.

"We were drunk. I regret it every single day. That's why Normani doesn't like Robyn around all the time. Especially if she's not present with her"

Going off what Normani told me, it was more than a one time thing. But I wasn't here to judge Onika, I just wanted to know the reasons.


"I apologize"


I walked up stairs and headed to my room. I was sick of empty apologies. Nothing never good came from them. She was still the same ole Onika. Pride always took over in the Maraj family.

Even though I never met her family, I heard a mouthful about them. They all related in a unique way. Their arrogance. I never spoke it to Onika, but even if I did, what good what it do?

She was so full of herself she never thought to realize she was like that. Traits that comes with that. It was always about her. No matter what was happening, she was the center, and she didn't give to shits about any one else.

I saw that side of her, when I was romantically in love, I thought it was admirable. Somewhat inspiring. I wanted to be that confident, I was, once upon a time. But life broke it down. A certain woman broke it down.

I wasn't "B" anymore, didn't even think I was "Bey". I was Beyonce. Maybe Giselle on a good day. I lost parts of me, but I was finding them back. Without that certain woman.

"Why are you acting so uptight with me?" she busted in my room

"I'm not acting like anything. None of this is regarding you" I say back

"It does. Your upset that I don't want you"

"No lie, it pained me when I had to face reality. But you don't know me for crying over spoil milk" I shrugged

"See what i'm talking about!" she exclaimed

"I do see. But like I said—"

"I ne—"

"Of course. That sentence started off about you" I scoffed

"Whats that supposed to mean?" she asked

"Exactly what it's 'posta mean, Tanya"

She looked at me and started crying.

I furrowed my eyebrows and hesitatingly walked over.

"Onika, i'm sorry" why am I apologizing?

"N—no, Beyonce i'm sorry. I ju-" she started to cry more on my shoulder

I didn't know what to do, didn't even know why she was crying. All I could do was comfort her, so thats what I did. I rubbed her back gently and caressed her head with my other hand.

She was trying to say words but they were incoherent.

"Take your time"

I felt her nod and she started to cry even more.

My eyes started to water up, seeing her like this hurt me badly. Even if it wasn't physically, it hurt 10x worse than it. I stopped trying to stop the tears and let them flow. We were both crying. I didn't even know my full reason, neither hers.

After awhile she stopped crying and guided me to the bed. She pecked my lips and before I could even mutter out a word, she drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to something wet on my skin and a hand in my pants.

It was Nicki, she was licking all over my face while stroking my member.

I let out a soft groan and held her hand to prevent her from moving.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Showing you another way of apologizing, baby" she kissed my lips and started to move her hand again

I went to stop her but she used her free hand to stop me. "Just let me take care of you"

She moved from my lips and trailed kisses from my jawline go my neck. I was feeling arose, so quickly.

I could see my dick standing straight up through the thin layer of sheets. I was close, too close. She had just started but with every kiss, lick, touch, I was more closer than I was before. I needed this. I couldn't feel this way about any other woman.

That was why I feened for her like I did. It felt like I was addicted to her, no matter how much I curse her name and my name, and how much I gave myself a pep talk to let her be. It was always proven a false claim. I knew I couldn't deny the feeling this woman gave me. I just didn't know why she gave me this feeling.

She was like a high, I didn't want to come down from. I didn't think I should nor could. I didn't know where we stand, but the way she made my dick stand, that told the story all on its own.

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