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Onika's Pov

"Robynn" I called out as her and Normani walked into my house

We all greeted each other and for the first time in forever Normani hugged me, like an actual hug. We talked awhile until Beyonce came down. We had a small disagreement and she wanna be a big ass baby about it.

"About time" I mumble and she shot me a look

She can get out my face with that. I should be the one mad. I'm the one who caught another female in her phone.

That's just that manipulator in her.

They all said their 'hello's' to each other and Normani began talking to Beyonce about her situation. Me and Robyn went and sat in my den to give them privacy.

"I thought i'll never see this day" I say and Robyn chuckled

"We had sex and this time it's actually holding her off of me" she says shrugging

"Tell me about it, I caught Bey texting some girl and you'll think i'll be Normani 2.0 but i'm actually being cool about it." I say and Robyn eyes widened

"Do I needa beat the walking stick up?" she says and I snorted

"Uhh unn" I say trying to hold in my laugh "I hate her right now but please don't hurt my baby, she's fragile ass hell" I say and my phone dinged

:You're not getting away with this

What the hell?

I guess Rob noticed my facial expressions because she asked was something wrong.

Something most definitely wrong. A unknown number texting me some bullshit. Instead of running my mouth about it, I just showed Rob my phone.

She made the exact same expression.

"Someone probably knows what Bey is doing" Rob says

"And maybe that someone is her dad or uncle" she continues

"You're right but how would they know?" I say and So popped up in my mind

It was like is a signal of telling me something. And then it clicked... I don't think Solo would tell them willing. Me and Bey both haven't seen her in some days and she doesn't answer her phone so it could mean they got her...

I jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen. Bey eyes were glossy and I hated to add on to her hurt but who knows where So actually is.

"I think they got Solange" I said and bey raised her eyebrows

"W-what you mean?" she asked looking around at me like that was going to tell her

"This number texted me" I say as Rob shows her my phone "and we both been trying to contact So and she hasn't been around" I say and she continues looking at me

Is her brain not functioning right now?

She nodded slowly at me and some tears fell.

She grabbed her keys and got up.

"Robyn can you come with me? I need someone with muscles" she asked

"What about us?" I asked walking up to her

"I can't let you get involved into something like this, and Mrs. Fenty i'll even have my mic on my phone on for evidence" she says looking between us giving both of us a reassuring look

"What risk do we have?" Rob says looking at her wife

Normani started to nod while I was still unsure about it. Those were two grown men and the only protector they had was Robyn and Bey's gun. But who knows how that's going to work out. The gun may be to heavy for Beyonce.

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