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Onika's Pov

"What do you think about this one?" Bey asked as she held up an suit

She was going to an business party... She trying to get into the real estate and some successful realtors invited her to it.

"I love it, but don't cha' think the pants going to be too tight" I say and she rubbed her chin

"Dick too big for them is what i'm trying too say" I say shrugging and she snorted

"Its the truth" I say again

"You right, imma get a size up" she says and I nodded

She walked up to one of the workers and started to talk. I just looked through some of the other suits that I thought would fit her.

She insisted I go with her for moral support so I brought a couple things for me. I don't know why though, it's so many clothes that I have yet to worn and they would be perfect for something like this. But lil Yonce... No, I looked through all her clothes and the only decent ones are the ones I brought her for her family gathering.

We still haven't caught her father and uncle, only because Normani refuses to come around us until her and Robyn are cool again. Robyn says she's mad because a girl approached her in the store and she smiled at her. I can see being a little confused and somewhat upset but Mani really takes things way too far.

Keeping her away from us, well me, since we had 'history'. That's what she called it. We called it fun. And the past for crying out fucking loud. But she wanna cry over spoil milk, I let her go right ahead. I'm not losing sleep over it but I won't be surprised if she is.

Bey came back with the suit in a bag and winked when our eyes met. I spotted a small scratch on her face and instantly felt bad. It may or may not have came from me. She was trying to show out in front of some girls at the court today. Let me find out she be being a little more extra when I don't come.

She started back going out with her friends. I don't trust em. They all look like drug dealers and potheads to me. Bey looked like that when we first met. But I changed her all around, she even started doing yoga. And i'm glad I can be in her life and see how much she's changing for the better.

Her skin is flawless, not a ounce of acne to be found. She even has a morning and night routine. And once again i'm taking the props for that. I changed her into a woman she was edging to become, but couldn't because she didn't need the guidance. She felt that she didn't matter at times, due to her messed up past. But as the days pass I make sure she knows she's more than enough and she matters the most to me.

She's directly at my heart and I wouldn't change that for nothing.


"You gone fall through every time a nigga call you, that's why I ball how I ball when I spoil you" Bey raps with the song and points directly at me

She was singing it to me and I couldn't do nothing but smile like some teenage girl.

"Someone has a favorite song" I say as it ended

"It's a song for you" she says and rubs my thigh

"You should've drove, folks acting like they can't fucking drive today" I say

She laughs and shook her head.

"You just can't drive" she says

"Shut up, that's why you only last a damn minute" I say smirking

She stopped laughing and looked over at me.

"You for real?" she asked with a hence of worry in her voice

I hummed and started to smile. It was a flat out lie but I just wanted her reaction. It was lame, I know she just gone cry about it later tonight.. Trying to 'punish me' but i'm here for it.


Robyn's Pov

"Man Mani what the fuck is your problem man?" I asked as she started to throw a dish at me

"Why do you care so much about Beyonce case? Huh? You don't fucking know her.... You just wanna see Onika ass!" she yelled and I shook my head

"You needa get yo shit together. Fuck man, I can't have some damn sympathy for her? She's been through a hell of a lot and you being selfish right now" I say and she just looked at me, I could see the water works coming

"You still love that bitch.." she says lowly

"What? Mani she's not a bitch, she's my damn friend. And the shit we did is in the past, far there. I'm in love with you and you so busy worrying about another woman who I look at as a sister" I say and she rolls her eyes

"Whatever Rihanna. I'm sick of arguing about the same shit" she says and walks up stairs

What bro? She the one who started the shit.

As you can see, ain't a damn thing changed about us. She's still crazy and i'm even crazier for putting up with it. I got scratches all over my face, but I wouldn't dare try to hit her back. I know my strength. I use to lift back then. So I can't intentionally hurt the woman i'm in love with, or so the woman I was once in love with.

If she doesn't get her shit together, and I mean ASAP, i'm gone. I can't put up with this shit any longer.

I pulled off my shirt as I walked up the stairs. Knowing what was about to go down. Makeup sex. It was like she picks fights on purpose just so I can take that anger out on her. I wasn't complaining though. Her pussy had me crazy just like she was. Main reason why I can't seem to leave her.


"Fuck-kk Rihh" Mani moaned as I started going in circular motions will I gripped her hair

I groaned out and smacked her ass and she winced.

"Why you continue to fucking play with me girl" I say to her, pounding faster than I was before, causing our skin to make a loud clapping noise

"Huh? You can't fucking hear" I say to her

I knew she couldn't speak, I just wanted to be a tease. She deserved it after all.

I turned her head roughly and saw the tears rolling down. I kissed them away and moved my free hand down to her entrance.

I rubbed her clit without even caring if she was over it. I felt her warm embrace coat up my dick and her knees weaken as I speed up on rubbing her clit.

She couldn't take it, she was creaming all over my fingers. Both my harden dick snd long fingers was cover in her white cream. She fell on the bed and I rolled over beside her.

She scooted over kissing my cheek snd nibbling on my ear.

"I'm so sorry baby..." she says in my ear

"I know you don't love her, I just get in those moods. First thing tomorrow call her and we can schedule a date for Ms Beyonce" she says and I nodded

I wasn't too glad she was back 'normal', probably because it was a cycle. She has bipolar disorders bad but goes against the doctors and don't take her medicine. I tried putting then into her drinks but somehow, someway, she finds out and lashes out.

I remember the night I had finally hit her back. She had stopped hitting me for almost 5 months. Something in me was happy but most of me was sadden. I had made her afraid of me. So I sat her down and talked to her. Told her how it was a mistake and it'll never happen again. And it didn't but she's still the same ole abuser. I stay because I fell in love. I married her because I loved her with all of me. I done stole, lie, and did so much more for this woman.

And all she has to show for it is a hit to the head and some pussy.

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