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Onika's Pov

With all the help from the police we still couldn't find Solange.

The same number has been giving us 'riddles' to help find her but none of them leads us to her. And Beyonce... Well she's acting like herself. She loves her sister to death and it's showing how much she loves her.

All she does is walk around sad and come night we're having sex. I think that's how she deals with her emotions. Well I don't think, I know it. It explains how she had so many 'girlfriends'. They were her cope, and now i'm hers. Don't get me wrong, sex with her is amazing but sometimes she takes that anger out on the wrong person. Me.

It hurts a bit but after while it turns into pleasure.

Another thing is that, I don't think neither her father nor uncle has her. Her uncle eventually went back to jail. And again it wasn't for any of the shit he did to them but it was drug related. Turns out he was in with the kingpin they've been trying to catch over the last couple of years.

Beyonce done harassed the fuck out of her dad about it. But he's innocent. So it's clear as day that don't have her, unless it's just another plan of theirs.

I couldn't expect that though, i'm just praying that So shows up at my house right now. Safe and sound.

"Nic" I hear Bey raspy voice from behind me

"Yes?" I turned around to get hit in the face with the scent of alcohol and weed

I sucked my teeth and mentally rolled my eyes. It's like her other coping mechanism other than sex.

"Why you did-"

"First off, Beyonce. You need go wash that smell off, it's like everyday now you smelling like some whiskey and somebody underarms" I say and she clenched her jaws

"You always nagging me, i'm grieving about my damn sister, woman" she says

"No, you're killing your insides. I'm just looking out for you, if its not sex it's this. I'll rather it be sex every damn day than to see you slowly kill yourself"

"You don't get it. None of y'all do"

"I get it more than anything. Just because I can't relate don't mean I don't understand"

"You may understand but you don't understand on my level. And it's not like i'm addicted to any of the shit"

"Not yet"

She glared at me and walked away, barely. She was limping. Like it hurt her to walk. This is what I fucking mean. And she called it nagging. So much for caring.


Beyonce's Pov

It's been some time since Solo been gone, and i've been killing myself for it. Every. Single. Day.

I felt like I lost a part of me when I knew we wouldn't find her. I don't even know if she's dead or not. All I know is she's gone and I failed her.

I failed to do the simplest shit for her. I failed to protect her. I feel that this is all my fault. If I wasn't so hard on her then maybe she would of stayed home with us. Just maybe. I can't even count on hand how many times i've thought of ways I could've prevented this.

But then again I got to remember i'm human. I couldn't predicted this. So I have no control over it. I just wish it was a different way to go about it.

And as much as I hate to say it, I wished my father and uncle did have her when we went up to the warehouse. At least then she would've been right here with me. Safe.

I'm fucking up my relationship with Onika. It's like she's some call girl. Like a sex doll. That cooks, cleans, and sometimes even bathe me. I know she's thinking about kicking me out. I overheard her talk about it. All I did was spaz out. I made her afraid of me.

Something that I never wanted to do. I even received a ass whoopen from Robyn. I didn't even bother fighting back. It was my fault. I almost raised my hand to Onika's face. I wouldn't dare connect it though.

I've been slacking more than she can handle. I've turned into a pothead and alcoholic. Two things I tried running away from. But sex wasn't helping. And I didn't want to step out of my relationship to get a quick nut. Just didn't sit right with me.

"Nicki.." I called out walking into the bedroom

She looked up and looked right back down. Mugging.

"I'm sorry, ok?"

"How many times have you said that?"

"I'm trying my hardest right now, no more alcohol... no more smoking"

"Something I have heard one too many times"

"I know a-and I-"

"You know what?"


"Get. Out"


"I didn't fucking stutter Beyonce"

"Where imma go!?"

"Somewhere other than here, you can't leech off of me anymore. Im not your damn mother"

"B-baby please. I'm trying with every bone in my body"

"Welp. Guess those bones wasn't trying harder... I already packed some suitcases up. Even called a uber"

"You really serious about this?"

She hummed.

I walked over to her, trying to grab her waist but my nose got hit.

"I'm serious Beyonce. This? It's over. Don't bother coming by anymore. If I have any updates about So, i'll tell Normani or Robyn to tell you... I'm done"

"We ca-" I couldn't even finish my sentence without tears storming out of my eyes

I spoke it onto myself. She was officially done with my shit. Parts of me wanted to rage, just because that's how I was brought up. But I couldn't. I couldn't even form complete sentences right now. She was tired of me. She couldn't take anymore.

I walked away from her and she grabbed two suitcases and sat them in front of me.

I took them and walked downstairs towards the front door. She didn't lie. A uber was actually waiting for me.

"Oni-" before I could even get her whole name out she shut the door in my face



No one's Pov

Onika sat at her island. Missing the corny jokes from Beyonce and her warm hands around her body. But Onika knew she couldn't deal with Beyonce any longer.

She wished Beyonce would've been more mature about her emotions. Instead of using alcohol or drugs. Sex was okay. Onika didn't mind. But the person Beyonce became when she was high off of whatever, wasn't a good person. This person mentally abused Onika. Onika was missing who Beyonce once was. She figured she could try to change her ways, almost like raising a child. But Tanya could only do so much before her breaking point.

Beyonce was sitting a bus stop, waiting for her mom. She didn't blame Onika one bit. She just wished she could've at least slept in a guest room, she'll even take the couch. But Onika was fed up with Beyonce shit and she knew it. Every time she tried to change it got jeopardized by something or someone, she had even almost went out of their relationship. It was a close call, but a false one.

When Onika found out she cried a river in Giselle arms. She didn't want her girlfriend this way, she was the woman she wanted to someday marry and impregnate. But it was all too late for that. Onika made her choice and she wasn't thinking it another way. She was hurt by a damn minor. She cracked herself up when she think about how a child caused her so much pain, and new insecurities.

Onika had her mind made up, whether it was letting Beyonce go or not. She still felt in love with the younger woman, but it was slowly drawing away.

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