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Beyonce's Pov

Onika and I sat down across from Lauren, Robyn and Normani.

We discussed our plan to catch my father and uncle in their act. Parts of me were nervous, scared, while others were calm, and soothing.

Robyn couldn't stop glaring at me, its like she was reading me. Lauren on the other hand, continuously made jokes about me and Onika in the bed room. And Normani watched her wife's glares, also trying to read her while she read me.

She gave off the vibe of jealousy. But Onika told me we were the same, even between our legs. So she was good, even if we differ in that way I still wouldn't look at her in that type of way.

"Baby" I hear Onika say, drowning me out of my thoughts

I looked over at her with a small smile.

"Are you ready?" she asked

"I-..I don't know" Beyonce yes you do

"Okay, just tell us whenever" she says

Onika always knew what to say, maybe because she's a therapist. Yeah that sounds about right. I know she could tell I was procrastinating. No doubt we would have a discussion about it once we get home.

"We should all go out tonight, just like the good ole days" Robyn says

"The good ole days, when you and Onika fu-"

Onika kicked her up under the table before she could finish

I knew exactly what was the next words were. I didn't too much care, knowing that we wasn't together then and still isn't in a way. But I could tell Normani didn't like it. I seen her pinch Robyn's thigh. And they both left out of the room. Guess that was their signal.

"Lauren" Nika called out "Now she's gonna keep Riri away from us for another 2-3 months or so" she cried out

"Oh puhlease.. She'll be fine, once Ri knock them braids out her head they'll be back good" she says giggling

I can see whose the childish one in the group.

Onika is hands down the mother. Something tells me Robyn and Lauren is the exact same way, but Robyn had her woman here to keep her in check.

If I knew them much more I would've been the same exact way, but couldn't since my woman is here too.

"He texted me non stop last night. Begging me to tell him where Solo is" I say "speaking of her... She hasn't pop up yet" I added

"She texted me earlier, saying she couldn't make it. I forgot to tell you" Nika says

She a forgot lie. She knew I would've had a fit if she would've told me earlier.

I replied with a hum. She knew I knew she was lying.

Robyn's Pov

After Normani pinched my thigh, notifying me to leave or else i'll be sleeping on the couch for 3 plus months.

She knew about me and Onika. We never dated but we had inter-course. Lots and lots of times. We knew better than to catch feelings and then that'll end up in a terrible heartbreak. We were all young and we moved passed that, Lauren is just being herself though. Not knowing how to shut that damn mouth of hers.

"Are you even listening to me" Normani snaps

"Y-yea baby" she slapped me across my head and shook her head

"Why the fuck Lauren always gotta bring that up? Y'all still got some of that weird shit going on" she asked tilting her head

"Mani no, and you know this... I barely be around them like that" I say

"Hmp, I wonder why" she brushed past my shoulder and walked back into the room

I walked in after her, staring Lauren down while she mouth "sorry". I knew they heard that slap I just got to the head. Don't know how they couldn't. My head sting and I wouldn't dare touch it, because Normani would ask if I wanted more. Its clear to the whole world who wears the pants and its a shame.

"Are y'all good" Onika asked and I could see Beyonce trying to hold in her laughs. She just don't know Normani and Onika are the exact same but in different fonts

"Are we" out the corner of my eye I seen Normani staring deep into my soul

"I suppose" I say

Normani hummed and turner her attention towards the younger girl.

"So Beyonce, your father... Has any criminal records?" she asked

"Not that I know of, my uncle does though. All or mostly regarding to illegal drugs" she says

"And his name is?" she asked again

"Wilson and my dads name is Mathew" she say

"I knew that already" Normani was still heated but she shouldn't take it out on poor Beyonce

Soon as I looked up Onika shot me a look. "Get her before I do" she didn't have to say a word but I can read her like a book.

I can tell Onika cared for Beyonce a lot. She looked after her like her own. Kissing her hands or cheeks every time she notices Beyonce became nervous. And that girlfriend in her kicking in every time her phone dings... Onika looking as if it was her phone.


I watched Onika and Beyonce kiss and hug up while sitting in the booth, while Normani mean mugged me and made slick comments. The fuck was her problem? You'll think sex would fix this but no. We'll have some rough nasty ass sex then make love but i'm still gone be sleeping on the couch.

I never get her at all. Lauren always told me I made an mistake with marrying her. Did I? With all honesty, I have had my second thoughts about our marriage. She acts if she hates me half of the time and to be real... It hurts.

"Why the long faces" Beyonce says looking over at me

I side eye Normani and did a small smile.

She just nodded and winked at me. Normani got up to go join Onika and Lauren in the shots.

Just me and Beyonce now.

"So what you do for a living, I see you driving in a dam benz so my first thought was the mafia" she says and I chuckled

"Have my own clothing line. For all kinds, male, female, big, small" I say and she nodded "and you?"

"Still looking at my opportunities" she says

"I would've guessed you was doing very well, especially at a young age. You wearing some Prada right now" I say raising my eyebrow

"Family's wealth" she says but my gut was telling me thats a lie

Everything about her was a mystery. The only person who really knows her other than us is probably her parents. Not even Onika knows certain things about her. Even her age was suspicious. She gives off a young vibe. I mean they say she's 23, considering that is young but she gives off teenager vibes.

Very mature and that shouldn't even be on mind but my gut is never wrong.

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