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Beyonce's Pov

Onika wasn't acting like herself. She wanted me to be up inside her every hour of the day. She was acting how I used to act.

"One last time, please baby. Before my parents make it here" she begged

I wanted to say no so bad. But her long nails brushed against my dick and I was carrying her upstairs.

She aggressively grabbed onto my member while sucking my tongue. I was afraid she was going to break it off.

She started to grind up against me while licking on my earlobe.

"I need this dick so bad, baby" she moaned out "I want you to fuck me so hard"

I laid her on the bed, stripping myself quickly because she was like a mad woman when it came to me.

She had already took her clothes off. I was leaking pre-cum just watching her play in her wet folds. I was talking about her knowing I wanted this sex just as bad.

I grabbed hold of her throat, while I slid inside her with ease, she was just that wet. We held eye contact. She was staring into my eyes, biting her sexy lips with that goofy smile on her face. This woman was crazy. And I was adding onto her craziness.

She grabbed my ass and moved me for herself, she didn't want the slow sex that she used to want. She wanted me to disrespect her.

I sped up my thrust while tightening my grip around her neck.

"Mmm, yess..sss"

I slam myself in and out of her. My dick was coated like a glaze donut. We both watched how her wetness mixed in with my pre cum. It was a great sight to see.

She grabbed onto my forearms and moaned loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Her eyes were now shit and her mouth was wide open. She was close but wasn't willing to come first.

"Let it out baby"

She moaned again, eyes now white. Bruises all up on my arm, chest, and back.

She wasn't going to come so I was just going to make her. I pushed both of legs back by her head and held onto them for support. I stroked into her like my life depended on it.

Our moans mixed together and the sound of her waterfall made me closer to my breakthrough.

I felt her warm sensations on my shaft and released all of my kids into her like it was a school.

I fell onto her and our heartbeats synchronized. This was my woman and it was no denying it.

"Whew. You sho' know how to work that thang" she slapped my ass

"Nicki" I chuckled

She sweetly kissed my ears.

"My sweet girl. I love you"

I was blushing like crazy, the woman I done went through hell and back for almost, loved me.

"I love you, more"

"Ugh. Now that this over I remember mama them coming"

"Whats so wrong with mama them coming?"

"Were all alike. But imagine 5 Onikas"

I laughed and she slapped me across the back gently.

"Its not funny" she pouted

"Just chill, they just wanna spend some time with they daughter"

"Their not here for me"

"What makes you say that?"

She went quiet and started to tap my back.

I moved back, my dick soft but just as wet and sticky.

She ran into the bathroom before I could even ask what was wrong. Maybe she had to pee?

She was in the bathroom for a minute, but I still didn't bother. But then that same minute turn into half a hour.

"Onika, unlock this door" I say firmly

I heard a lot of ruffling and also.. sniffles?

"Baby, you okay?" I asked

"Y-Yeah, i'm fine, just go straighten up the house for me. Please"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me and made my way downstairs. I started off with the living room since it was kinda the junkiest. The upstairs could wait.

As I cleaned, my mind darted back to Nicki. She wasn't herself. I didn't know what was wrong, but it was obviously something big bothering her. I thought she could be pregnant, but I don't think she'd keep that a secret.

I figured it was stress, Robyn came up but she hasn't seen her yet nor have I seen Solange.

The story Normani gave us was sketchy. They wasn't able to stop by for just a quick minute. And maybe thats what bothering Nicki.

Maybe it's something dealing with me. The way things kinda happen between was fast, and harsh. It happened all so quickly. Feel like just last month I was still in her office, flirting with her every chance I get.

Now i'm living with her, wearing her slippers, and eating the food she cooked.

I wondered what will happen if I never did succeed with her? Solange would still be here, not with me but she wouldn't be anywhere far. I wouldn't be laid up with a woman who's honestly old enough to be my mom.

I would just be regular ole Beyonce. Maybe still talking to 6-7 girls at the same time. But maybe this was the path God wanted me to be on. He switched it up for a reason, i'm hoping.

That question always pondered on my mind. What is the reason? What is my reason? Was this the right way? Am I going to end up dead if I don't match the pieces quick enough?

I was now cleaning the downstairs guest bathroom, and Onika was still upstairs. I didn't be a bother so I just left her alone. She'll come around when she's ready.

The doorbell rung and I heard a lot of voices. I figured it was her family and smiled. Maybe they'll cheer her up.

I opened the door and all of them, except the one that look like a older version of her, they stared at me like a deer do at headlights.

"Awe, Beyonce" she brought me in for a hug and the rest came into the house

"I'm Carol, Onika's mother" she says pulling away from the hug

"Its nice to meet you, ma'am. Onika didn't tell me that you were so easy on the eyes" I laughed

She waved me off and grinned. "Likewise"

Someone from behind cleared their throat.

"Oh how rude of me, these are Onika's siblings, Ming, Jessica, and Jelani" she pointed to them as she said their names

I gave all of them a respectful handshake.

"Where is Nicki?" the one named Jessica asked

"She's upstairs, probably getting ready. I'll go get her. Make yourselves at home" I say walking off to go upstairs

"Nicki, baby" I called out no response

"Your family is here and their—"

"You let them in?" she came from out of her closet and asked

"Y-Yes, it would've been rude not to" I say shrugging

"Im about to change, stay up here with me. They can wait"

I nodded and sat down on the bed.

"Your still walking around with my pussy juice on you?" she laughed and I shook my head, joining in

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