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Onika's Pov

Loud chattering filled my dining room as I stared down at the meal Momma cooked for us. Beyonce was tearing it right up. But I had too much on me to even think about food.

My family wasn't here because they missed me. They may have but that wasn't one of the main reasons. Their reasoning left a hole in my heart that I feel that nothing could fill. I was through with the conversation they tried to start up. It was my job to keep them company but I wasn't here with them right now.

I needed an break from reality, and the only time I had that break was when Beyonce's dick was inside me. That's why I wanted them gone, but their reasoning for their visitation was valid. Even though that hole will never once again be filled.

I was brought back when I felt Beyonce's warm hand touch my thigh.

I looked up at her and she furrowed her eyebrows at me and then my plate.

"You good?" she whispered

"Yeah. Just not hungry." I whispered back

"How so? You haven't ate anything today."

I shrugged.

"Y'all suck at whispering." My brother says

I smiled lightly up at him. And my eyes reverted to Momma.

"My food nasty?" she asked

"No Momma." I grinned

"Why aren't you eating then?"

"Just don't have an appetite."

"You pregnant?" Jessica asked

"No." I plainly said, I could've been. We don't use protection.

"You sure?" Beyonce asked

I whipped my head at her with quickness, and looked at her like she was crazy.

She scratched the back of her neck and chuckled.

"Don't be afraid of that munchkin, honey." My momma says looking directly at me

"Oh trust me, i'm not."

"That's a first. Lord knows—"

"Momma." Jessica says

"Excuse me." I got up and walked towards the bathroom

My whole world was spinning and I had no idea why. It's like one thing can go wrong in you life, and your whole perspective of life changes itself.

You don't view "your" religion the same anymore. Hell, you may not even believe in religion. You get to a point where your stuck on that one thing and it replays in your mind like a broken record.

"Baby, yo Momma them left out. Wanted to visit the great Houston. You good?" Beyonce asked

I opened the door, my eyes trailing down to her print and back up to her beautiful face.



"Talk to me, your not acting like yourself."

"It's nothing." I walked closer to her, rubbing my knuckles against her member

"I just said no. You need to find another way to cope with whatever you're going on. Your a damn therapist crying out loud."

I scoffed, "So now I got problems 'cause I want some dick?" I smacked my lips and walked away

"Y'know what I mean Nicki. It's not healthy. Talk to me instead of breaking my shit down every day and night."

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