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Onika's Pov

Me and Beyonce has been sitting in some comfortable silence for some time, while I read books and she played her game. Solo has been living with some little boy and of course Bey doesn't knows and we all know why.

My weeks are mostly consisting of, going to visit the new building for my therapy they were building, Bey fucking my brains out, and talking to my clients over the phone. I know my life isn't complete but i'm happy, truthfully.

"Baby?" I hear Bey says turning around to face me.

"Yes?" I answered

"Are you pregnant?" she asked and it took my breath away a little

"N-no, why do you think that?" I asked

"Because, i'm gaining weight" she says

I rolled my eyes "oh please, your a stick"

She chuckled and turned back around.

Really think she just wanted to talk to me. I moved to the end of the bed where she was and wrapped my arms around her waist. She was playing basketball with some of her friends. And when I say their mouths are nasty.

Bey telling them how she be fucking me up, but not revealing my identity. Good.

"Fuck Jordan, learn to pass the fucking ball nigga." she says loud causing me to jump.

"Baby, do you have to be that loud?" I ask

"No no, i'm sorry." she turned a bit and kissed my forehead.

I smiled and felt sleep take over my body.


"Solange fucking Knowles, i'm not playing with you girl." I hear Bey says from downstairs.

"B chill, for real. You not Tina so you can't talk to me any kind of way." she say.

"Where you been?" Bey asked.

"Somewhere, damn. Wanna know when I gotta piss too?" Solo say's getting extra loud and that's when I made my way downstairs.

"Hey Nika." Solo says and walked fast towards me, "Saved the day." she whispered.

I smirked, "Hey my baby."

Bey grunted and approached us.

"You know some I don't?" she asked me.

"No." I lied.

"Hmm." She hummed, "Sure." She says and walks back into the kitchen.

"And B, tell Dwight to stop fucking calling me. Shit." Solo says.

Whose Dwight?

"He needs bring me my money why he tryna get in touch with you." She chuckled.

"What money?" I butted in.

"Some stuff he owed from a while back." she says.

I hummed. I didn't know whether to believe her or not. It wasn't a big deal but as a therapist I can always tell something's off.

Beyonce phone started to ding uncontrollably. And we all looked at it worried and confused.

She picked it up and signed.

"Aniyah." she says lowly while rubbing her head.

"Just block her?" I say.

"I tried like twelve times already." She says, "She keeps getting fake numbers and shit." she added.

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