Listen To Me: Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: (Max p.o.v.)

I stood against the desk, talking to a nurse in the ER when Courtney walked over to me. She managed to convince my father to let her get a job transfer over here in Maine. She lives a few miles down the street in a house she shares with Sam.

"Hey, so, there's an ambulance on the way." Courtney whispered.

I nodded slowly, "Okay?"

"You'll just have to bear with me, come on." Courtney whispered, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the hallway.

We changed into our yellow plastic "suits" and slipped some gloves on. We walked outside into the rain and waited for the ambulance to come.

"What kind of case is this?" I asked her, shivering slightly.

"Just wait for it." Courtney answered, tapping her foot against the cement.

My eyebrows furrowed together as the ambulance pulled up and haulted to a stop. Something was different, there was a cop car behind the ambulance. Courtney and I ran over to the doors of the ambulance when the EMT's hopped out with a guy on a gurney. There was blood everywhere...on the man's face, his chest, everywhere.

"What happened?" I asked, following the EMT into the hospital.

"There was a fight at the jail a few miles away."

I cursed quietly as Courtney paged the head surgeon and ran with the EMT's down the hallway. A cop tapped my shoulder and I turned around quickly.

"Who is he?" I asked the cop.

He swallowed hard and scratched the back of his head, "I've been told that he's your ex-boyfriend...Kyle. But we call him inmate 94512."

My heart sunk to my feet as the cop handed me the mug shots. This was no doubt my ex-boyfriend Kyle.


I stood at the operating table, trying to fix my ex-boyfriend's torn muscle in his heart. He has a broken heart, how ironic.

"I wish I could kill him." I whispered.

Courtney looked at me, "That's illegal."

I looked up at her from behind my mask and smiled, "I could be an accident."

The other doctors looked at me with worried expressions on their faces. I cleared my throat and went back to fixing his heart.

"Max...I know that you want this bastard to survive." Courtney hissed. "I know that deep down you want him to suffer."

I smiled behind my mask as I started to repair his heart. She was one hundred percent correct. I do want him to be in pain. I really do. I don't know why he would be in Maine though...Gaven probably wanted him as far away from me as possible...its kind of funny how that worked out. Maybe I could snip a blood vessel and just let him bleed out.

"Max...I know what you're thinking." Courtney whispered, "Don't kill him."

"I'll try not to." I sighed.

Courtney smiled as I finished working on his heart. I stitched him back up and the other doctors took him out of the operating room.

"You're going to have to talk to him, you know that, right?" Courtney whispered.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, I know."


I stood by the door of Kyle's room, waiting for him to get up. I had two cops next to me and one more next to his bed. He finally opened his eyes and smirked, tugging on the handcuffs attached to his bed.

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