Listen To Me: Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: (Sam p.o.v.)

I paced back and forth in the waiting room, wondering when Gaven was going to come out and announce the gender of the baby. Courtney was sitting next to me, with a bowl of cereal on top of her stomach. I glared at her and pursed my lips together.

"Your best friend since kindergarten is having a baby...and you're eating cereal." I muttered.

"You rushed me...I wanted to finish it."

"I'm going to tell her to do the same thing to you when you're in labor." I whispered.

"She won't do that."

I rolled my eyes at her and took a seat, looking at the door and resting my face in my hands. I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Gaven, smiling like he just won the lottery. I shot up and watched Courtney as she struggled to stand up. Gaven glared at me and helped Courtney up. She thanked him and punched me in the chest. Gaven walked over to the door and opened it slowly. My eyes set on Max, who was holding onto the baby in her arms...the baby wrapped in a pink blanket. I grinned at her and stood by her side. Gaven stood at the foot of the bed while Courtney was holding onto her free hand.

"Ten hours of labor." Gaven muttered, rubbing his eyes. "It was so worth it."

Max laughed and looked down at her daughter in the little pink hat.

"What's her name?" I asked Max, as she handed her daughter to Courtney.

"I don't know, Gaven and I didn't decide." Max muttered, looking up at Gaven.

He shrugged, "How about Hannah?"

"No." Max shook her head quickly.

"Max?" Gaven winked at her.


"How about Elizabeth?" Courtney suggested.

Max and Gaven looked up at Courtney and then looked at each other. They both nodded slowly and Max smiled, kissing her daughter's head. I stood next to Courtney and Gaven stood next to me.

"Elizabeth...Courtney...Porter." Max whispered.

Gaven's eyes widened and I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek. My lips parted at the sight and I grabbed onto Courtney's hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Okay guys...let Max sleep." Courtney whispered, "I'll see you back at home, Max."

Max nodded and Courtney walked out of the room, dragging me behind her. I waved to Max and she waved back. I watched Gaven as he climbed into bed with Max and Elizabeth. I looked at Courtney and she smiled at me.

"What's bothering you, honey?" Courtney asked, slowing her pace.

"Nothing." I grinned.

"Are you sure?"

"I can't wait until you have our baby, Court. I love you so much."

"I love you, too. You realize that we have to have our kid's middle name as Max...right?"

I laughed, "Of course I do."

She stopped and kissed me gently on the lips. She grinned and we walked out of the hospital.

(Gaven p.o.v.)

I held Eliazabeth in my arms and walked her around the room while Max slept on her stomach for the first time in nine months. I looked at Elizabeth and kissed her gently on the cheek.

"Daddy loves you." I told her.

She opened her eyes and mine widened slightly. She had my blue eyes and Max's dark hair...from what I could tell. She's so beautiful. I kissed her forehead again and the doctor walked into the room.

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