⭒| inspire me

5.1K 49 36

hello, hello!

this part is a free zone where you (yes, you!) can submit your own ideas you would like me to write!

but first, let's specify some things:
¹ since this is a lava-centric book, your reqs should be mainly about them, but I have no problem with writing other ships!

² however, I won't write romantic ships including lloyd and I definitely won't write anything regarding llorumi (in a positive light, but even then I prefer not to write about harumi at all)

!! I won't respect llorumi or lloyd x ninja, this is not a safe space for those. !!

³ I won't write any smut, it's in the story description but I thought repeating it won't hurt

everyone has different headcanons and it's important to respect that, I'm flexible and won't have any trouble including yours (of course, there may be some boundaries, but I doubt anyone would be near crossing them, I trust you guys), so if you'd like, you can include those in your req (however, I'm sorry in advance for any possible inaccuracies, I'm really trying to research things but one never knows)

okay, now that unpleasant part is behind us, let's get submitting!
I don't promise I will write everything you send me, but when I do get inspired by you, I will dedicate the specific chapter to you

that would be all, thank you all so much for your patience and for your time! <3

[thank you for over 6k reads, good lord, the numbers keep growing and you're all super sweet! I am so glad to receive so much positive messages, you make me really happy <3]

[edit 28/4/23: HOLY SHIT 10K?? THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH heart hands, you're wonderful, folks <33 thanks for the support!!]

[20/6/23 20k reads im crying you guys are the best, also nine days ago happy first birthday to this book you have the same birth month as I do]

[6/8/23 30k and still going strong... i love you guys endlessly and I'm sorry there weren't any updates in a while, i thought i would finish writing kobh over the summer but my focus glued itself to dgb instead... ill cook up something hopefully before the end of summer break, thank you all<3]

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