🜃 | waiting for love

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[wanted to warn it's not totally accurate with the show but... just by  what I'm writing it should be obvious, so is there really a need?]

this sucks so baaad I'm so sorry:(

And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle

That can't be defeated

With nothing much exciting to do, Cole eventually decided to just tidy up his room. Not that it was in any way necessary, really. his room barely got too messy. But boredom got the best of him. Whatever, reorganising for the umpteenth time is still more fun than just idly sitting on his bed, looking around...

So, he took some of his gis to the washer, once again completely reorganized his bookshelf, found several items he completely about...


He completely forgot about that.

Cole stared into the medallion in his hand. The one he got so long ago when he convinced himself he was finally ready to propose.

Now that he was thinking about it, Cole could recall the day so clearly. How come he has forgotten? Everything was ready to a tee: he had a nice dinner planned for them, he had his nicest clothes, he had the perfect spot – beneath the sakura tree – he had the speech...

And then Cole put it into one of the drawers in a rush and forgot about it until now. Everything was a mess during the past while, no wonder it was left to collect dust.

He smiled at the thought of finally proposing to Kai. And now that the mess was over, maybe he could try it again. But just to make sure, he'll put it in his pocket. Just so he won't forget again. Just so his plans don't get interrupted once more.

Then Cole happily exited his room, filled with new energy. As he walked into the training area of the monastery, he saw the mailman hand a letter to Jay. That piqued the interest of everyone around, and they gathered around the lightning ninja to see what was going on. Cole smiled at Kai and his partner happily returned the gesture.

When he heard about the invitation to the Ivory City, Cole's mind automatically jumped to his proposal plans. What better place to propose than the fabled kingdom? Maybe this was his sign. Maybe the universe was carefully pushing him forward to make the big leap he was so nervous about. Careful, gentle pushes, like a mother bird, trying to encourage their children to spread their wings...

Don't be afraid, I'm here to catch you. You can do it.


Oh, if only for once things could not go wrong...


The plan was settled, everyone was ready... but Cole felt a strong urge to do one more thing. He wasn't even sure why. Perhaps he got sick of being constantly cut off by villainous schemes that never left his window open for long enough so he could do it... Perhaps it was the tiny flicker of fear he felt deep inside...

He caught Kai's hand, making the red ninja turn back to him. The others were not too far ahead but enough for Cole to take a deep breath...

"Kai," he said, "I'm not sure why I'm doing this now but... I want you to know that I really, really love you. You're one of the best things that ever happened to me, really." This was not the right time to start shaking; he was supposed to be the strong one...

Kai squeezed his hand. Fire grounds earth? Now who ever heard of that?

"I can say the same," Kai responded with that smile Cole always adored. "But you know you're not going on a suicide mission, right? We're all gonna make it, we're the ninja, the elemental masters! Don't worry, we've got this, okay?"

Misunderstanding... Or perhaps Kai also felt what Cole couldn't? No, he was just nervous about making this huge step, that's it.

"I know." A glance at their waiting friends. They seemed confused by what was holding them back but gave them some space nonetheless. Cole had to rip the bandage off.

With a tug on his hand, Cole brought Kai closer to him. It was just the two of them for the ephemeral moment. Just the two of them, together in a champagne bubble. Kai's breath on Cole's face. The power of fire in the palm of his hand. Two embers staring back into his coals... No time to get lost.

Just jump.

Spread your wings.

Feel the air, flow with it.

Ignite the fire, feel the earth shake.

"Kai, dear, will you be my yang?"

He pulled out the amulet, holding it in the small space between their bodies. Kai was looking down at it, his face filled with pure shock. It felt as if there was no air in the little bubble they created. Just vacuum... No time, no pressing matters, just Kai's stunned face, just the quiet anticipation.

And then his features softened again before doubts could poison the champagne.

"Are you kidding?" He breathed a laugh.

"Not exactly the time for jokes now, is it?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Kai exclaimed, attacking his lips with kisses and Cole couldn't help but laugh, holding Kai close. "Yes, ill be your yang, Cole."

He smiled, holding his world in just his hands. It was hard to hold back the huge, giddy grin, so he didn't even bother to try.

"I love you so much," he whispered into his lips. Then, knowing the pressure of time, Kai pulled away with a grin as wide as Cole's.

"You and Jay really are soulmates, aren't you?" he commented. "Always the worst timing with you two..."

He had to laugh along. "To be honest, this was supposed to go way differently but... I couldn't stop myself."

A spark of fear, dread nesting in his gut... The bubble was popping in slow motion. "Please tell me you don't plan on sacrificing yourself," Kai muttered. There was war in his eyes – the happiness trying to keep its ground while the worry desired to invade, to burn...

Maybe it really wasn't the best timing. Maybe he picked up on Kai's impulsivity through the years.

"Oh, no! No, I'm not, I swear! I just... I had this planned quite a while ago but I guess I got so high on adrenaline..."

The grin was back, everything was fine.

"Let's go get them, Rocky," he said, his voice and face filled with determination that was just so irresistible and contagious. "Let's go kick some Skull Sorcerer butt!"

And Cole followed, their hands connected for as long as their plan allowed them to.

Let's get this over with, he thought, sparkling eyes watching the ethereal sight just in front of him. And then let's show the world the best ceremony it has ever seen.

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