🜃 | back in black

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[somehow, most of my Cole angst is nightmare-related... hm]


 There wasn't anything to be seen. Literally nothing. He turned and turned and turned around, trying to find something, anything to focus his eyes onto – and with no success. The darkness was surrounding him, cornering him like a giant snake and his chest went tighter and tighter until he could only gasp for air. He didn't have even the slightest idea as to where he was, it was not only frustrating, but also terrifying. For whatever reason.

Come on, he just wanted to see something else than the pure black.

Then the whispers came in. They weren't decipherable at all; maybe they could be confused for the wind – but somehow, Cole knew they were whispers and they were taunting him, making him turn around even more frantically in panic.

His chest heaved and despite the lack of running, he actually felt as if he just ran miles and miles without a stop. His hands – his usually strong and steady hands – were quivering, his legs following suit. A few times he actually stumbled as his knees almost gave out. And all he could do was spin around like a cursed humming top. Hushed voices filled his ears.

Then he felt his body growing colder and colder; as if the black sucked all of the warmth out of the world and now it turned to him, the last source needed to be extinguished. Cole didn't like to be cold, he didn't want to be cold. Oh, god knows what happens if he never gets out of there.

Maybe this was the way he dies? Was this his last moment breathing? Surely, he couldn't possibly survive any of this – then again, he would be free.


One of the whispers became clearer, Cole still for whatever reason wasn't able to understand its words, but they echoed through his mind nevertheless. As if an arrow made out of ice struck his chest, Cole gasped., thinking it was the last breath he would ever take.

"Breathe, pebble, breathe. In and out. Come on, listen to me. Just slow down, in and out, in and out. There you go, keep it up."

At first, he didn't recognise the voice, he didn't recognise the place. Nothing seemed familiar. What happened? What got him into this situation? Who was whispering to him?

So many questions, they made his head spin. For now, he will just follow the calming words.

"Good, you're doing good, Cole, just in and out." It took some time, some more repetitions of the phrases but eventually Cole felt his chest loosen up a little as his breath came back to a steady pace. That was when his other sense finally started working again and things became familiar again. Before he opens his eyes, however, he has to make sure.



"Good." Shimmering amber eyes were the first thing he saw, then came the light and the covers. Oh, they must have turned on the bedside lamp. Kai was on his side, supporting himself with his arm, leaning over Cole. They watched him, steady, looking for anything to happen.

"You're okay?" he spoke as Cole watched their lips move. His mouth was barely open since he spoke so quietly. Probably not to disturb anyone, Cole figured. There was a moment of silence as the two of them waited for a response.

"It's better now."

Kai nodded. Cole has barely seen him this solemn, without a single hint of a smirk on their face. "Good, that's good."

After a while of Cole laying on his back, hands folded together on his stomach and eyes fixed on the ceiling above, Kai laid back down next to him, also watching the ceiling, as if they could see past it; as if they could see the hidden stars. Their breaths filled the sombre room.

"Bad dream, huh?" they spoke up once more, unable to bear the silence. Nothing unusual.


"Wanna talk about it?"

"There isn't much to talk about," denied Cole and he turned his head to look at Kai. His gaze fell down the black tunnels; their pupils were almost the only thing he could see. Black, it was back again. "It was black and cold and–" He shut up as quickly as he started speaking. It was hypnotizing, the black swirling around, swallowing him whole and he felt his chest tighten again.

"Cole– Cole, hey, it's okay, all right? You're safe, we're in your bed, you're safe, there isn't any more threat. We're okay now. Come on, breathe with me."

It wasn't easy at first, he could only breathe through his nostrils because if he opened his mouth... he couldn't open his mouth. But then he focused on the brown hair instead and the moving lips murmuring to him sweet lullabies and the darkness stepped away. At least a little bit.

"Can I touch you?"

He felt like choking. Or spewing. Or maybe a bit of both at the same time. "Y– Yeah."

Arms wrapped around him, along with the natural warmth the fire ninja always emitted. As it sunk in, Cole almost began crying. It was warm, not cold. He was safe and sound, wrapped in blankets, there was soft light behind him. Why was it so hard to believe? Where has the guilt come from? His throat joined his chest.

"I'm sorry," he choked out, brushing the wild brown hair out of his face.

"Don't be sorry," Kai asserted. "It's not your fault." Tears welled up in his eyes and Cole was determined not to let them spill into Kai's soft hair, that was maybe tickling him, but it was better than feeling the cold dread swirl around him. It seemed neither one of them wanted the silence to last long.

"How are you doing this?" he breathed out.

"I guess I got this from taking care of Nya," came a reply. "Is it working?"

"I feel better." Cole burrowed his face deeper into the brown hair, his nose was filled with the shampoo's aroma. Green tea and apples, so sweet yet still so fresh. It was nice feeling things, seeing things, smelling smells, and hearing his partner's breath and voice. Man, was he glad he wasn't dead.

"Thank you."

"Of course. I'm here for you, Cole."

"But I don't think I'll be able to sleep now."

"That's okay, I'll get you a day off tomorrow." The tears stung again and Cole held Kai's body closer.

"Why are you always so nice to me?"

"Because you're always so nice to everyone. Because I love you. I'd do anything for you if it means you'll feel better." Cole couldn't ask more questions, no matter how much he wanted to. He wanted to ask how come they were now so open about their feeling but he had to save his strength to speak. Kai reciprocated the gesture, adding some back rubs. the warmth spread. A yawn worked as the guilt's dagger, stabbing him into the abdomen.

"Go to sleep, Kai."

One more yawn, then an answer. "All righty then, I'll protect you in my sleep too. I'm that good, ya know?"

In the darkness, a tiny firefly shone through.

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