🜃 | chained with thorns

654 18 38

[look i did read about this a few times and ik my portrayal isn't accurate but i was thinking about this for a long time and wanted my own little twist on it so... we all, all right?]

[also... sorry if it doesnt make much sense i am sick and i feel like my brain has been set into factory settings or something lmao... and also my y key is acting up]

Kai smiled up at him the moment he entered the room and Cole had no other choice but to smile back because that just was Kai's effect on him. Even in a hospital gown in a hospital room, he made him smile. He put down the small pot of flowers on the bedside table but Kai didn't turn to look at the lilies, his eyes remained glued to Cole's.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, sitting down. He couldn't get enough of Kai's smiley face. At times when the sun is hiding behind clouds most of the time, it is nice to have such a ray of sunshine for a friend.

"Eh, a little dizzy but definitely better than before."

"I'm glad you're okay." He took his hand.

Kai shrugged. "Come on, it was just some kidney stones. No need to worry."

Cole intertwined their fingers together and squeezed his hand. "You know me. I always worry." Kai didn't squeeze back. He was probably still weak from the anaesthetics. It wasn't that long since he woke up, after all, there was not any reason for Cole to overthink it.

"I know. It's one of the things we all love about you." Cole's smile widened until a small coughing fit broke it. He pulled away from Kai, letting go of his hand in the process, to avoid coughing directly at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I guess even I can catch that stupid flu that's been going around recently."

Kai rolled his eyes. "I keep telling you to wear warmer clothes. You're not as invincible as you think."

"I'm good."

"Sure." Then Kai chuckled and relaxed his frown. Cole stayed by his side until the visiting hours were over. Which seemed to be too soon but again, that simply was the effect of Kai's presence. Time flies by fast, way too fast, at least the joy it brought him remains for a while.


But once alone in the hospital room in the company of the pot of lilies of the valley, Kai found himself unable to relax. Most of his night was spent restlessly tossing and turning, avoiding looking at the flowers. They were meant to bring happiness and luck, and maybe they did for most, however, for Kai, they were a curse. They were closer to resembling those tears instead of the joy Cole always believed they would bring. He would never dare to tell that to him – his smile meant too much for him to do so.

Kai Smith was designed to push through things no matter how uncomfortable they were, no matter how difficult or challenging. He just pushed through because he had to.

He should have known the nightmare would not be that easy to end.


Everything went back to normal once Kai was discharged from the hospital. Hanging out with friends, work, alone time. The familiar cycle of eating, sleeping and doing something in between.

Except for that damn flu, everything was fine.

It's not like it was exceptionally bothersome – in fact, it was rather easy to forget about – but each time he got into another coughing fit, Cole couldn't help but curse the stupid disease that never seemed to fully cease. He took some medications and, to his displeasure, wore warmer clothes but nothing seemed to work. It would leave him alone and then strike again when he least expects it.

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