🜃 | bet on losing dogs

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[for those who remember this paragraph from after dark — They kissed once. they were a little tipsy, being (beside Zane) the eldest of the group. And there was this stupid bet... And it could've gotten more passionate if Kai didn't throw up right at that moment. But Cole just pretended it didn't mean anything. And Kai either did too or just didn't remember the night at all – which was the more likely of the options.❞ — a little backstory... god i love lava!!! i want to put them into a mixer.]

Nothing unusual for Kai to suggest giving a local bar a visit. What was pretty unusual, on the other hand, was Cole agreeing to it. But the earth ninja was getting exhausted from everything and a break seemed like a good choice. Things were piling up and the vision of allowing his brain to turn off for one night seemed nice. What could possibly go wrong?

So, the two went out into the town that was getting ready to go to sleep. Well, most of it, at least. The bar wasn't crowded, yet the ninja still decided to dig up some clothes in unusual colours to avoid excessive attention. In hoodies the colour they weren't used to, Kai and Cole entered a bar that was filled with music and chatter. They sat down at the desolate corner of a bar and waited for someone to offer them drinks.

That's when Kai came up with a (in his words) great idea.

"I have a great idea! Let's get absolutely hammered – not with your hammer, 'cause that'll just be painful –"

"Both will cause you to wake up in pain but go on."

"–and do some dares or bets or something, y'know, to make it more exciting!"

"I thought we were just gonna drink until we forget about our problems..."

"We are," Kai replied as two glasses were placed in front of them and Cole realised why Kai came later to the table. He was unsettlingly swift in these places. "But with a fun twist!" He clinked his glass with Cole's and as they swallowed their drinks, the night was ready to begin.

At first, Cole was rather hesitant about each and every one of Kai's ideas and suggestions but this was quickly washed away as they drank. Whenever the conversation seemed to go in a direction Kai didn't like, he sprung up and came up with something to bet Cole. And if you lose? You get a double.

And it started off pretty easy, while the alcohol still didn't manage to take over their minds but as the night went on and the bets piled, there were more and more glasses on their table and more and more money on the tab.

Throwing darts, for example, suddenly became one of the biggest challenges Cole had to endure and Kai constantly giggling next to him and eventually trying to assist him certainly wasn't helpful. And as revenge, Cole made Kai build a pyramid out of the coasters – because that should've been impossible in their state, considering they're little circles and even making one out of rectangular cards isn't as easy.

What a surprise when Kai filled a table with three of them.

Even through the fog, Cole managed to notice how Kai changed during the time. He started energetic, only to act like a sloth after a few drinks, just to then become a giggly mess to become some sort of a drunk philosopher. That did spark an interesting and deep conversation and Cole got an interesting peek at what Kai can think about, learning something new even after years of getting to know him. Oh, if only it wasn't interrupted by Kai betting Cole that he could totally breakdance flawlessly. Of course, Kai lost and had a double of his beloved rum with cola.

Cole wondered what he looked like to Kai in his drunk state.

"All righ', I think we've had enough for tonigh'," he said when Kai came back to sit down after doing a handstand and surprisingly not letting out all of his insides.

"You're just sayin' that 'cause you just lost." Kai moved two glasses towards him. "Drink up, loser."

"All righ', what abou' this... we each drink one and go home."

"God, you're the lamest drinkin' buddy."

"I'm your only drinking buddy, buddy." Instead of bothering with any remark, Kai took one of the glasses and tossed the drink down, Cole following suit. There was a thud as they put the glasses back down on the counter but Kai wasn't done yet.

"I have one more bet for you, earthlin'," he said and pointed at Cole with his finger.

"Kai, I swear to–"

"I bet you're a terrible kisser"


"You heard me."

Cole scoffed. "Yeah, and how exactly am I supposed to—" He wasn't given a chance to finish his thought because before he knew it, Kai was holding his head closer, taking over Cole's lips. He wasn't even sure why he kissed him back. Out of pride? Trying to prove him a point? Was it because of the weird feelings that were taking over him over the years? Was it a simple instinct?

He wasn't sure. He wasn't sure about anything at all. Maybe they had too much like he said. Maybe none of it was even real anymore.

But it for sure felt good and Cole didn't mind Kai's lips occupying his own like such. Tonight was about shutting off for a while and at that point the mission could be marked as accomplished, for there was nothing but the hazy blurs inside Cole's mind. Not even the television that was screaming through the bar could be heard anymore, all his senses were focused on the warm hand holding his neck from behind and the pair of lips claiming his own.

And Cole wanted to lean in and hold Kai even closer – as far as the stools allowed them – and maybe even dare and run his fingers through the gelled brown hair but the other ninja quickly pulled away all of a sudden. Before he could ask or really just get out of the drowning haze, the master of fire was doing exactly what Cole expected when he saw him do the handstand.

If that's what happens every time he kisses someone, then Kai lost another bet, Cole thought for an ephemeral moment before he went to his fellow's aid.

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