🜃 | the day my nonexistent life changed completely

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[can't believe i have to delete and throw out all of my ninjago stuff because I'm a legal adult now 😔 damn
oh, do you think a number is gonna stop the brainrot from going? hell no! cole is the birthday boy today instead of me! can't catch me now hehehe]
who's gonna be the 100th follower ⁉️⁉️

"Cole, wake up! Come on, rise and shine, superstar!" Cole groaned, turning away from the annoying force trying to rid him of the precious warmth. "Come on, sweetie, wake up! We don't have much time, spread your wings and get out of bed!"

"Go away, Kai."

"Not until you wake up. Come on!"

"Why are you doing this to me?" he whined. Despite being the strongest and having a nice boost from his powers, due to being only half-awake, Kai was able to put up a strong fight with him over the blanket. And all Cole wanted was to stay in the soft embrace, being the filling between the mattress and the blanket.

"Rise and shine, we have to go! The clock is ticking!"

The clock. Of course.

Cole turned his head to look at the clock on his bedside table. He just couldn't tell which one of them will regret that.

"Seriously? It's not even midnight yet! What are you doing?" Cole exclaimed. In that quick moment when he was distracted by the time, Kai used it to his advantage and mercilessly stole the blanket. "Hey!"

"Come with me if you want to be warm!"

Cole groaned some more, throwing his head back, and hitting the pillow in the process. "You are the most annoying existence in the entire universe right now."

"Good! Let's go!"

He knew there was no way of getting out of this one, so there was no other choice than to sit up and swing his legs off the bed. He rubbed his eyes when Kai threw some clothes into his face. He picked the pile up from his lap and looked at his boyfriend with zero amusement. It wasn't a murder glare yet but he was getting there.

"What did I ever do to you? If this is your revenge for the che–"

"We don't have time for this, Cole, come on, put it on and let's go!"

Sighing, Cole untangled the ball of fabric and put on the hoodie and sweatpants Kai gave him – while his dear firemaster kept ushering him to hurry up. It got to the point he put the hoodie on the earth ninja himself, earning another annoyed groan.

As if that wasn't enough, the moment he stood up to follow him, Kai attacked him once more. Which this time resulted in Cole not being able to see anything. He reached up with his hands and tugged on the blindfold.

"What the hell?" he shouted and Kai shushed him while failing to contain a laugh.

"Stop screaming, you're gonna wake everybody up!"

"What in the world are you doing?"

"I gotta take precautions. Now let's go!"

"Wait, wait, wait – I can't see anything!"

"That's the point, dumbass, just hold onto my shoulders."

So Cole did. And they silently moved through the monastery, Kai warning Cole occasionally before a dangerous step. He didn't like not knowing what Kai had in mind for them and what was going on around him but most importantly, he missed the softness, warmth and comfort of his sweet, sweet bed he was being pulled farther and farther away with each tender step. It was a cruel separation for which Cole was ready to hold a bargain.

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