Strolling About

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"We have to go to number 5 on Rúa de Boa Nova. It's about a fifteen-minute walk, according to Maps. Are you up for it?" I invite.

Rick doesn't take long to respond.

"Yes, of course. Perfect for me. I'm just worried that you might be bothered along the way..."

"Let's hope not. The weather is lovely today, and I'd rather walk than take another taxi or whatever. I find it relaxing. Besides, we still don't have paparazzi chasing us. I don't usually have these moments of anonymity as much as I'd like to."

"I imagine someone from the hotel must have alerted the local press. It's just a matter of time before they arrive, and the peace be disrupted."

"That will be Future Athena's problem. Let's make the most of the seventy-two degrees!"

"Oh, right! I forgot that you measure temperature in Fahrenheit. According to Google... it's 22 degrees. Well... it's not such great weather. In Malaga at this time, we're dealing with temperatures in the thirties, which would be around 90 of the strange degrees you have."

"Strange degrees? You have to have a lot of personality to use them."

"Yes, just like ounces, pounds, gallons, feet, or miles... It's a desire to go against the grain."

"We're special."

"I won't argue with that statement."

"Hey! The way you say it makes it sound bad."

"Me? No way." He exaggerates so much that it makes me laugh.

"Do Americans really bother everyone that much?" I ask, with a hint of sadness.

"Not at all, I'm just teasing you. I couldn't care less where you're from, as long as you treat me well. Whether you're a colleague, my boss, or the king of Spain, I won't tolerate disrespect."

"You would struggle in my world."

"I would be one of those labeled as troublemakers."

"Oh, really? You seem very calm."

"Until someone crosses the line. That's when my kindness turns into hostility. I wouldn't physically harm anyone, but I would probably tell them to fuck off."

"I've done that a couple of times, and you have no idea how much criticism I received on all the shows. They think freedom of the press gives them the right to do whatever they want. Let me make it clear that I have a lot of respect for the work of journalists, reporters, and photographers! Like you, I don't tolerate disrespect, and even less so the systematic harassment to which I'm subjected."

"Is your partner used to all this?"

"You know I'm not with the one who shall not be named anymore. I don't understand your question."

That sets off a small alarm. Is he listening when I speak?

"Of course, but I don't know if you're with someone else."

He sounds very sure. He's probably testing the waters. Let's keep this alert under review.

"Have you really not researched all those details?"

"I don't need those for my protagonist. I can create that information. Just so you know, I hate those types of shows and press. You'll rarely see me consuming that crap."

It sounds plausible and consistent. Alarm deactivated. Let's push him a little.

"And you? I see a ring on your hand. Are you with someone?"

"There are two women in my life."

"Oh, really!" His answer surprises me. "Are you one of those modern couples?"

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