7. Treacherous

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"This belongs to the Black Hearts," Cornelius turns the arrow over in his hands as he studies it. "Arrows like these have been killing my spies for over eighteen years..."

"Adara, I am so sorry," Quill says emphatically, staring at me with wide amber eyes of pain. "I should have never left your side! You could have been shot! You could've been bloody killed! How will you ever be able to forgive me?" He clutches my hands anxiously.

"Quill," I force a smile and shake my head. "It's honestly not your fault. Or yours," I give Cornelius a look. He grimly shakes his head and turns away from me. "Guys, for the last time, I'm fine. Startled? Yes. Feeling slightly more cautious than usual? Definitely. But this is not your fault." I squeeze Quill's hands before I tug mine away. "I mean, being sniped at during my own party minutes after completing my very first Labor is...pretty alarming, but I'm not about to let them know they got to me. I'm not about to let her see me be afraid." I feel my gaze darken as I stare out the windows down at the Queen of Hearts' Maze of White Roses.

"I'll have the number of your guards doubled and from now on Quill and I won't be more than a few feet away from you at all times." The White Knight announces, lowering the black arrow to his desk.

"Don't you think that's a little excessive?" I shake my head. "Besides, the guards here are already stretched thin. Ever since the disbanding of the Royal Riders..." I trail off as I think of my beloved Dark Rider's former station here at the Palace being dissolved by the wicked Queen of Hearts after she framed him and the other Royal Riders for Adarina's murder.

"My mums won't mind lending a few of their guards," Quill insists readily.

"Yeah!" Bishop woofs from his place on the rug before the crackling fireplace. "And I'll personally see to it that ya ain't ever alone, lady! I promise I'll watch your back!" The pup vows, hopping to his feet with a wag of his tail.

I smile faintly and shake my head again. "Guys... thank you." I briefly meet my father's concerned gaze. "I'm sorry I cause so much trouble," I grin sheepishly. "I know we have enough to worry about now that I'm actually competing in the Labors and -"

Cornelius quickly hugs me, holding me protectively against him. "I can't believe I almost lost you...again," he shakes his head and squeezes me tighter.

Quill hurries over and embraces me too. My heart melts by being trapped in this group hug and I'm finally able to breathe with relief for the first time since this night got started.

"I love you guys," I smile as I pull away. "I love you too, buddy," I wink at Bishop at my feet. He ducks his head bashfully.

"You'd better try to get some rest, my dear," Cornelius advises me. "We'll have to squeeze more training into your schedule tomorrow before your second Labor."

"Right," I gravely nod at the thought of round two. Each Labor will be harder and harder than the last to complete... I gulp but manage a brave smile for the fellas' sake. "Right. I'm looking forward to it."

"Try to rest well, love," Dad gently tucks a lock of my blonde hair behind my ear.

"I'll try," I shrug. "Oh hey," I nod at the black arrow on his desk. "What are you going to do about that?"

"I've already cast a spell to see who it belongs to but unfortunately this wasn't fashioned by magic so I was unable to decode anything." Dad heaves a sigh as he stares at the weapon. "Black Hearts are unnaturally skilled assassins and have a reputation of being untraceable shadows..."

"Quill told me how in the past whenever you were lucky enough to catch a Black Heart, they'd always...kill themselves before you could extract any information from them." I swallow hard. "Why are they all so devoted? I mean, how has Regina managed to maintain such loyalty throughout the years?"

Dad picks up the arrow to look it over. "Regina and the Kolfer family are masterful manipulators. They reward their followers' exceptional work with powerful positions and impossible wealth."

I rub my temples as I furrow my brow. "So... the Black Hearts? They're politicians?"

Quill nods. "Indeed, which -as you can imagine- makes it incredibly difficult to launch investigations on them. They have connections and alibies lined up like clockwork."

"So then the Black Hearts could be literally anyone at tonight's party?" I shake my head. "This is really unbelievable. How am I supposed to trust anyone?"

"Honestly?" Cornelius and Quill exchange a look. "You can't."

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