Promises & Clubs [revised]

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(A/N: A little bit later after Enid spots Y/N and Wednesday as well as this chapter may be a bit long since half will be of Wednesday and Y/N alone)

In a secluded field in the forest, Y/N lays on the ground staring at the sky and trees. Y/N closes his eye listening to the soft wind moving the tree leaves in the air. He gives a soft exhales as he hears leaves crunching under a pair of feet that soon stop at his head. Y/N opens his eyes to find his girlfriend staring down at him. Y/N gives a smug grin to the emotionless girl which confuses her. "Loving the sight I'm seeing." Y/N says still with the smug grin on his face. "Of your girlfriend?" Wednesday questions. Y/N smirks as he finally cracks on why. "That and the fact I can see you're wearing lace underwear, very sexy Princesa." Wednesday has a slight blush at the embarrassing position she's in. "So what, I'm your mate. Mention it again and I'll gouge your eyes out and crush your skull." Wednesday threaten knowing it won't effect Y/N. "Do that and I'll tell Enid you have a pair of pink panties with your name on them." Wednesday's eye widen in shock causing her to glare at the boy. "You wouldn't."

"Try me Wends, I'll also tell her on you have a matching lace set with my name on it." Y/N teases causing Wednesday to go silent. "I wanna know when you got that though since we haven't seen each other in years."

"I got it last year when I subcomed to the fact that I had feelings for you."

"And you got a special pair for me. Just letting you know I can still see your underwear, it truly is a magnificent day now." Y/N chuckles making the pale teen grow a brighter shade of red from the contant teasing from him. "Sadist." Wednesday quickly says as she lays down next to Y/N. "You know you enjoy my sadist side, to bad you won't see the full effect." Y/N says still teasing her as he wraps his arm around Wednesday, pulling her closer to him. It was quiet for a moment of time as Y/N closes his eye enjoying the peaceful setting. Him and his girlf...mate, alone in the woods.

"When are you going to mark me?" Wednesday bluntly says breaking the silence. Y/N gives a light chuckle as he looks down at her. "I already gave you a hickey Wends, want another?"

"Yes but I mean permanently marking me." Y/N raises his upper body up and stares down at Wednesday. "You're serious right?"

"I already pronounced my love for you, you've done the same. We both know we were meant for each other. I'm harsh you're brash, I make threats and you fulfill them, I speak my mind while you're have you're radical honesty." Wednesday explains to the Hybrid. "Besides I had a vision for us in the future, it was uncomfortably pleasent."

Y/N stares at Wednesday feeling so many emotions, he won't deny he loves her, the pheromones he's been picking off from her confirms that she loves him and he knows that with them alone he'll take his chances. "I'll do it." Y/N says quietly. "Under one condition." Wednesday sits up next to the boy. "I'm listening."

"Promise me that no matter what, we tell the truth and love each other for the rest of our lives."

"Deal." Like always Wednesday spoke with her simple mind as she leaned in and kissed the Hybrid. Y/N accepts the kiss and puts his hand on her cheek.

*timeskip(no smut.............yet)*

Wednesday finds herself into Weems office, barging in the room gain the headmistress attention. "I need to speak with Rowan. I can’t find him." Wednesday demands. Weems still holding her peaceful demeanor responds. "It won’t be possible, I’m afraid. He’s been expelled." Wednesday slightly confused continues. "For what?"

"Never you mind. He’ll be on the first train out this afternoon. What were you and Y/N doing out in the woods with him?"

"I told you already. I heard a noise, and I went to investigate, Y/N followed as he was curious."

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