Suspect and Team Up

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Outside the psychic and hybrid are hidden as they seen Xavier exiting his art studio. Y/N stares at the creepy bastard as he notices Wednesday glaring.  "We need to do this. Xavier didn't get those scratches from fencing. He's hiding something." Wednesday explains as Y/N chuckles. "I bet he does."

The duo sneak inside to find his paintings in the dark. Wednesday turns on a light to find multiple paintings of the monster. "I suppose every artist needs a muse. Xavier, you just became that much more suspicious." Y/N stares at the drawings of the monster. "Not only that but the dude can make his art come to life." Y/N says quietly. Wednesday turns to her beloved and stares at him quizzically. "Meaning?"

"Remember that drawing he had of you."

"Don't remind me, very few things leave me disgusted. That takes the number 2 spot on the list."

"What's number 1?"

"Not even you would want to know." With that said the duo leave the shed as Wednesday walks away leaving Y/N behind as he catches a scent. Shit.

"Wednesday." The Gothic teen turn to her her main suspect. She looks at the shed and noticed that Y/N in not in eyesight but notices claw marks on the exterior of the shed. 'He left me alone to break Xaviers heart again. And they say chivalry is dead.' "Xavier." She monotonously greets "What are you doing?" He asks skeptically. Wednesday always quick on her feet with a lie at the ready responds. "Nothing. I just saw you come out this way. What is this place?" She asks not letting him know she was in there. "It's kind of my private art studio. I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it." He responds.

"How very entrepreneurial. What does it look like inside."

"Not right now. It's a total mess."

"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. I'm not easily fazed."

"Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?"

"You're still my number 1 suspect."


"You showing up after Y/N battled the beast was oddly timed, and you're excuse to go out was horrible, almost as if you wanted to make yourself a red herring."

"Why are you really out here? Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps? I'm all ears." He says smugly as if not an hour ago she agreed to go with Y/N, she just had to rub it in. "Why would I when I already have a date, boyfriend & soulmate." She say with no emotion. Xavier scoffs. "You really are something you know that, at this point you're just using him."

"Do tell how I'm using the one person in this world who has my trust."

"You're using him to get what you want, you use his as a scare tactic, get him to use his strength to make it to where yoh can get into place."

"Yesterday you were glaring at him in the courtyard after you finally painfully put together that I am devoted to him in more ways than one and now you're attempting to reverse this situation on me as if he were your friend." Wednesday explains to the long haired boy. "I find it amusing that you'd go through expert links to try to get us broken up. Get it into your skull Xavier. I love him, I would never use, abuse, gaslight or manipulate my relationship with him." Wednesday begins to walk away as Xavier blurts out again. "What does he have that I don't?" Wednesday turns and long at Xavier in the eyes. "He's masculine, strong, sadistic, trustworthy, and has a decent murder account."

"And I've also heard you call me a great lay." Y/N now makes himself known as he walks out of the bushes. "And that's just a few, I could list of more that could rival a Steven King novel." Wednesday says as she finally walks away from the psychic artist with Y/N who doesn't even acknowledge Xavier at the moment as they just walks away so callously.
"Oh my God!" The squealing of an excited Enid rings. "Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave'N. My whole world is tilted! You know what you need?" Wednesday turned to her excited roommate, disgusted with Enids happiness with a response. "A hybrid who will make this trip so much more tolerable?"

"A dress." Enid chirps.

"I already have one."

"Not the one you showed up here in! That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate." Enid urges. "You need something that screams, 'First date. Stand back, bitches! I have arrived!' And I know just the place!" The two stop at a shop Wednesday has never associated herself with. "What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?"

"Our first roomie shopping spree! The dance committee's suggesting all white to match the theme, but that's not gonna fly with us."

"I have more pressing business than to worry about a dress for a dance I don't want to attend."

"But I thought we were bonding. Besides we have to pick something that will not only make you center of attention something that'll make Y/N not wanna take his eyes off you."

"I feel I'll only slow you down. You're a gazelle. I'm a wounded fawn. Cut me loose and go run with the pack. Beside Y/N wouldn't take his eyes off of me even if we were trapped in a room for 12 hours."

"You say that as if you were." Enid says slightly confused but realized who she was talking to. "Nevermind I almost forgot you two at this point are star cross lovers. I will say you two must have fell for each other hard." Enid says staring at her pale roommate who soon corrects her. "My feelings for him hit harder than the meteors that hit the dinosaurs." Enid blinked at the colorful wording of Wednesday before she asked one last question. "Is it true Xavier tried to ask you to the dance twice?"

"And failed miserably, his chances at courting me are slim as it is."

"Wow. He really must want you."

"People in Hell want ice cold water but will never get it." Wednesday sneers. "Very slim then?" Enid questions. "More like anorexic. I need to leave."

"Are you sure?" Enid asks. Wednesday nods as Enid skips inside. Wednesday begins to walk away before thing taps on her shoulder. "I'm going to see Galpin. I'm not stop..." She stops as Thing points at a dress. Wednesday looks through the window as she finds it speaking to her. She is almost mesmerized at the sight before she's pulled away as the door chimes and Kinbott walks out causing Thing to hide. "Hi, Wednesday." Kinbott greet as she as well puts her sight on the dress. "That dress will certainly turn some heads." Wednesday eyes the therapist as she concludes why Kinbott is around. "Are you collecting more exotic trinkets for your office?"

"Those are souvenirs from my travels. That's how I step outside of my comfort zone. Speaking of which, are you going to the Rave'N this weekend?"

"I'm not required to answer your questions out in the wild, am I?"

"I look forward to talking about it at our next session." Wednesday leaves the therapist as she marches to the Sheriff office.

She slaps the drawing of the monster on the desk.  "We both know that there's a monster out there. If we're going to stop it, I think it's time we put our differences aside and work together." Wednesday bargins as Galpin looks at the drawing. He looks back at Wednesday. "And this is your stake for me to deal you in?" Galpin then looks at a crime scene photo of the monster as they are heavily identical. "I'm sorry, you gotta do better than that. You got some nice detail though."

"I didn't draw it."

"I need to know who did."

"Unless we're exchanging intel, I'm not at liberty to say."

"Why would I share information about an ongoing murder investigation with a high school kid?"

"Because I go to Nevermore and you don't. Don't you want eyes and ears behind those ivy-covered walls?" Galpin is almost ready to accept her deal but being the type of man to stick to protocol he declines. "Listen, Velma, why don't you and the Scooby gang stick to your homework and leave investigating to the professionals." Galpin's phone rings, he answers it and puts in on speaker. "What?"

"Mayor Walker's on line two. He's looking for an update." Wednesday begins to leave but The Sheriff stops her. "Hey, Addams. Let me see that sketch again." Wednesday walks back to his desk and hands him the drawing. "The person who drew this, that your suspect?" Galpin asks, Wednesday nods. "When you bring me some concrete evidence, maybe we'll talk." With that info Wednesday leaves.

Before anyone asks yes I'm still updating Stranger Things, it's a lot harder now since I've brought in more character and my own script in some places. I plan to update it soon, patience is a virtue

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