Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe pt 1

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Everyone should know this by now, I do not own the series Wednesday or its entirety, all rights to the man himself Tim Burton and Netflix.

Y/N-Your Name
H/C-Hair Color
H/L-Hair Length
S/C-Skin Color
E/C-Eye Color
F/C-Favorite Color

A boy with H/L H/C stares down at the school below him from a balcony. His E/C eye glares at the thought of why and how he landed there. Nevermore. The S/C boy looks up at the sky wishing that if things were different where would he be, but he can't as the principal has a figurative leash on the boy. He turns back to his room and enters where a short kid stares at him. "Ready for another socialization exercise?" The boy asks. The Hybrid just stares at the boy. "Another time then." The glasses wearing boy said slowly moving away from his roommate who nodded. "You gotta socialize man, I don't want to just be your only friend besides half of the girls here have been trying to either date you or want your number. How will you answer people when I'm not around Y/N?" The boy asks. The Hybrid now revealed as Y/N does as he's always annoyed by conversation. He grabs his bags and walks away out of the dorm leaving his roommate. "'One day I'll talk to them, gee thanks Eugene.' Your welcome Y/N." Eugene says to himself.

Y/N walks down the corridor pass the gossiping students his very own special made Nevermore uniform plastered in black and F/C. "Hi Y/N." The boy hears a cheery voice. He turns and sees a blonde with red and blue highlights on the end. Enid Sinclair. Probably the second person closest to the purposely mute boy. "Still not talking I see, what about that phone idea I gave you." Enid chirps as she skips along side the boy. Y/N stares at the girl. While him not talking may confuse others Enid and Eugene understand the assignment of his motions and facial expressions. "Still a no. Come on how else are you gonna talk to me or your nameless roommate?" Enid questions as Y/N answers by raising his eyebrow. "Got it. I'm getting a new roommate today." Y/N had no new expression as she says what's on his mind in a voice she'd think he'd sound like. "I know what your gonna say, 'I feel sorry for who's gonna be your roommate." But don't worry I'll make sure she'll enjoy Nevermore." Y/N looked at her unsure if it were possible but he went with it. "Anyways I gotta go meet her and make sure the room looks good. Bye Y/N." The boy watches as Enid skips away. He has little in common with her as she's a werewolf as well but she hasn't 'wolfed out' yet. Y/N hated the terms that his peers made, it's so stupid why can't they just talk normally. (Why can't people just say the word they used to, I'm losing brain cells thinking about it.) The boy enters the main hall to she the headmistress of Nevermore. I never knew a woman could be so tall, Brienne of Tarth. He noticed, Headmistress Larissa Weems tailed behind at a family of 4.

A overweight man with a horrible haircut and nice mustache being the father. A even taller woman with long black hair, Y/N began to wonder how a man like that became the husband to a woman like that. In the back was a small Grim looking boy who looked like he was ready to leave.

But what caught his eye was the girl standing 5'2, with braided pigtails on both sides of her head, her dark brown soulless eye and her deadpan stare. Y/N knew this familiar feeling as well as the family. The Addams, my favorite family. With his enhanced hearing the boy listens to the conversation between the family and the headmistress.

"Wednesday is certainly a unique name. I'm guessing it was the day you were born?" Weems asks the emotionless teen. "I was born on Friday the 13th." The girl replies. Still serious as ever aren't you Wednesday. "Her name comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme, "Wednesday's child is full of woe."" The mother sings. Weems still with her forced smile quips. "You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia."

Wednesday herself notices that they are being followed but says nothing as Weems continued. "Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?"

"And you graduated with your sanity intact?" Wednesday sneers.
Finally in her office Weems sits in her chair while the Addams sit in their in front of the desk. Y/N listens from outside. "Impressive. You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Eight schools in five years."

They haven't built one strong enough to hold me." The girl says. "I bet this place won't be any different."

"What our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity." Gomez says as if it's normal.

"Nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday's perfect grades and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception." Weems explains. Wednesday turns back to the door of her office still wondering who's been following her. "Larissa, what about Wednesday's, um... therapy sessions?" Morticia asks her old roommate. "The court ordered them."

"Hmm. The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho. She can meet twice a week." Weems announced to the teen who's expression still hasn't changed. "Did you hear that, my little storm cloud? You're in excellent hands." Gomez says in a cheery tone. "We'll see if she survives the first session." Wednesday stands from her chair and silently walks to the door and opens it to see Y/N listening in. The boy towers over the girl who stares up at him. "You were the only person who could sneak up on me. It seems you've lost your touch Y/N." The Hybrid smirks at the girl as Morticia and Gomez realize who the boy is. "Y/N Corvin isn't it good to see you again." Gomez stands from his chair and marches over pulling the tall boy in the room. "I take it you know Y/N?" Weems questions. Morticia turns to her old roommate and answers. "Y/N parents Selene and Michael are family friends, after they were shunned out we helped them back to their feet." (If you guys get the movie references of the names you know your film)

"Y/N here has always been quiet, unless it came to Wednesday who's the only person other than his parents to hear his voice."

Wednesday smirks at the boy who just smiles back at her. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all." Wednesday chimes. Y/N smiles, ruffles her hair and walks away. It seems you have returned to me Mi Lobo.

Short chapter but its a work in progress.

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