The Hunt

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Y/N and Wednesday trek through the woods in silence. Wednesday using her tracking skill and Y/N using his hunting skill since he outweighed hearing that department. "Being a Hybrid has its perks doesn't it." Wednesday says breaking the silence she loves to be in, somewhat shocking Y/N. "You've heard the perks before, you either wanna hear it again or wanna have those perks as well." Y/N quickly sums up to both as he explains himself. He sniffs the air around him picking up the scent of the Rowan’s blood from far away. "This way Wends'." Y/N leads her away down further into the woods. Y/N stops and sniffs again pulling Wednesday behind a tree hiding them as they peeks out and find a search party with hound dogs as well. Wednesday looks very carefully as Y/N senses someone behind them.

Y/N slowly and carefully sharpens his claws as he quickly but silently pull Wednesday away from danger and pins the threat against the tree revealing them to be Tyler. "Woah it's just me!" Tyler whisper yells. Y/N scoffs and let's him go before checking back in on the search party. Wednesday turns to the normie annoyance written on her face. "What are you doing here?" She asks the normie as she and her mate find that the search party has picked up on a trail. "Sorry. I just didn’t want Elvis to pick up on your scent." Y/N picks up on the scent and figures what he used. "Coffee grounds, not bad normie." Wednesday turns to her boyfriend in shock as shes not clearly able to smell the grounds. "Deer-hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista."

"I assume your father didn’t bring the bloodhound to play fetch."

"He doesn’t tell me shit. You must think it’s weird I’m stalking him."

"No, I consistently stalk my parents and Y/N on occasion."

"Not really since I can easily pick up your scent." Y/N says bluntly. And you know what happens every time I catch you Wends.

"Hey, wait, what really happened the other night at the festival? Look, I swear I won’t say anything to my dad." Tyler asks the duo, mainly Wednesday. "I thought Rowan was in danger. Turns out I was wrong. Then he proceeded to use his telekinesis to try and choke me to death." Missing the part where I followed you Wends?

"Holy shit. Wh… Why would he do that?"

"No idea. Y/N came after me, tried to attack Rowan, almost was killed as well but Y/N turn to attacked him but then this monster came out of the shadows and gutted him."

"Whoa. Whoa. So… So you really saw it? And it didn’t try to kill you?"

"It actually saved me from Rowan. That’s the part I’m trying to figure out."

"Very chivalrous of it." Y/N sneers quietly as he's regaining his focus on Rowans trail. Wednesday barely hears him but continues. "I came here to find something that can prove he was murdered and that I haven’t lost my mind. Yet."

"And him?" Tyler asks pointing at Y/N. "I enjoy his company."

"Wednesday!" Y/N calls out making the raven haired girl and younger Galpin walk over as he holds out Rowan’s glasses that are broken. "These are Rowan’s. I knew it was a cover-up." Wednesday grabs the glasses causing her head to shoot up making Y/N catch her. "What's happening to her?" Tyler asks in confusion. "She's having a vision."


Wednesday finds her self in a room behind Rowan as he stares out a window looking at a gargoyle. It changes to Rowan and Xavier arguing. It changes again as he's using his power to move the gargoyle. It changes again to him in a library. A book flies into his hand and he rips a page out. The arguing echos louder and Wednesday witnesses the gargoyle fall to her and Rowan pushing Xavier with his powers. The vision ends with Wednesday seeing a purple book labeled 'Nightshade Society'.

Wednesday 'wakes up' to find herself in Y/N arms as Tyler kneels next to them. "You okay? Wednesday stays quiet.

[Later That Evening]

Wednesday and Y/N are in the boys dorm as she was explaining her vision to him.

"Nightshades Society. The hell kind of name is that." Y/N says as he paces back and forth. "You do realize this is getting deeper and deeper right."

"I've concluded the fact that it has Y/N. You, solving Rowans murder and figuring out what type of monster that thing was is the only reason I've obliged to stay here."

"I may not be strong enough to kill it Wends."

"Are you calling yourself weak?" Wednesday asks the Hybrid as he kneels in front of her. "I was barley able to stop him myself. Whatever it is, it's strong, I only have the strength of the Werewolves from dad to hold it back. But yes I'm calling myself weak."  Wednesday stays quiet as she listens to Y/N. A long pause ensues before she breaks it by slapping him. "I don't appreciate you degrading yourself because it got the best of you, that was your first fight against something of your caliber." Wednesday then cups Y/N face and makes him look at her. "You did the one thing I appreciate, you protected me and I sincerely appreciate it." Wednesday says as she kisses him on the forehead. Y/N chuckles and holds her hands in front of him. "You used kind words, I don't know how I feel about it." Y/N jokes. "This will be the first and only time you will hear that now let's go to the library to find that book." Wednesday says as she walks towards the door but Y/N stops her. "You wouldn't know where my hoodie went would you Wends." Y/N asks knowing she took it but wanting to hear this excuse. "It smells like you, you'll get it back when  I need to have your scent on it again." Wednesday says point blank like her stare on him. "Just making sure." Y/N chuckles as he a Wednesday leaves the room for the library where they look with Thing as well.

"Thing, I keep seeing that same purple book. The cover was darker. More like a day-old contusion. Keep looking." Thing taps and starts looking around while Y/N looks for the book with Wednesday but the door gives away Ms. Thornhill with a lantern. " I don’t usually find students in here looking for actual books. Most sneak in to make out." Totally wasn't an option if we didn't find anything. "I accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging. I can’t unsee that." Wednesday monotonously says as Thornhill makes her. "Is there something I can help you find?" Thornhill asks. Wednesday looks at Y/N who just shrugs. She takes that as a yes. "Have you seen this before? It’s a watermark from a book I’m looking for." Wednesday asks pointing at the watermark. "I think it’s the symbol to an old student society. Um… The Nightshades."

"Like the deadly flower. Color me intrigued. I was told they disbanded years ago. Any idea why?"

"Sorry. I was very impressed with your answers in class today."

"My mother is a carnivorous plant aficionado. I assume I get my red thumb from her."

"Are you and your mother close? Like two inmates sentenced to life on the same cell block."

"I know it can’t be easy… showing up mid-semester. I’ve been here a year and a half, and I still feel like an outsider."

"Because you’re the only normie on the staff? Enid told me."

"To tell you the truth, I’ve never really fit in anywhere. Too odd for the normies, not odd enough for the outcasts. I thought Nevermore would be different, but there’s still a handful of teachers who will barely acknowledge me."

"I act as if I don’t care if people dislike me. Deep down… I secretly enjoy it."

"Never lose that, Wednesday."

"Lose what?"

Thornhill sighs and smiles. "The ability to not let others define you. It’s a gift."

"Doesn’t always feel that way."

"The most interesting plants grow in the shade. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, the door to the conservatory is always open."

Y/N sighs as Thornhill leaves out if the room continuing his search. "Maybe now we can continue the search." Wednesday tilts her head as she walks over. "Did you want to do other things Y/N." Y/N purses his lips and tilts his head as well. "There were a few ideas."

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