A Creep & A Plan

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Wednesday, Y/N and Thing find themselvesin Xaviers room as they they to find another clue.  "That purple book has got to be around here somewhere." Wednesday says with her commanding look towards Thing. "Start investigating." Thing starts looking around as Y/N looks at Rowans side of the room and Wednesday on Xaviers side as she skims through his art book and finds a drawing of her. Wednesday cringes and moves to closet. "We're gonna need to hurry Wends." Y/N whispers as Wednesday checks the closet. "I remember you liked breaking and entering." Wednesday quips as she checks every inch of the closet. "True but with that creepy bastard, I'd half expect to find drugs in here." (Nod!) Y/N grimaces as he finally helps Wednesday who can't reach the upper part of the shelf. "Isn't it a bit to soon to pin me like this." Wednesday says quietly as Y/N finally realizes  the position they're in. Wednesday had her back pressed against Y/N's chest but with the little room they have with Y/N reaching for the top shelf Wednesday was felt almost everything. "I thought we shouldn't mix business with pleasure."  Wednesday quips, a small smirk on her face as well.  "With all the time we had in the library you wanna be naughty with me now in this creeps room." Y/N says as Wednesday squeezes out of Y/N way. "Tease."

Wednesday turns off the lights off and pulls out blacklight checking the area under Rowans bed. She lift a little hidden panel and pulls put a mask. "Rowan’s full of surprises." Y/N turns to Wednesday getting up from her spit showing him the mask, making Y/N smile. The trio are ready to leave when they hear two knocks at door. Y/N quickly turns to the closet leaving it barely open while Wednesday hides under Xaviers bed.

Xavier walks out of the bathroom and turns on the light as the knocking continues. He opens the door finding Bianca standing there. "You’re not supposed to be up here." Xavier groans as he pulls Bianca in his room. "Good to see you too." Bianca says offended.

"How’d you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren powers?" Xavier sneers as he sits on his bed. "Not while wearing this." Bianca answers as she hold the amulet around her neck.  "Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once?"

"What do you want, Bianca?"

"To see how you’re doing. I’m sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close."

"Since when did you give a damn about Rowan?

"You were the one afraid he’d do something to Wednesday. Isn’t that why you’ve been following her like an eager-eyed puppy? Or is there something more? Seriously, what do you see in her? You have a thing for a tragic goth girls with funeral-parlor fashion sense that have a Hybrid as their boyfriend?" Bianca explains proving a point but Xavier deflects. "Maybe it’s because she hasn’t tried to manipulate me." Bianca scoffs at Xaviers statement.

"I make one mistake, and you can’t forgive me. 1: She treats you like crap, you can’t get enough. And 2: Y/N and her are obviously dating practically mates and you think she'll give you a time or day."

"Why are you fixated on Wednesday?"

"Because she thinks she’s better than everyone else. I can’t wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch her werewolf roommate crumble. It’s gonna be a Poe Cup finale to remember."

"I hate to think what you’ve got planned."

"My game’s already started. I like to win. Is that so wrong?"

"And you wonder why I broke up with you. You used to love my killer instinct. We were good together, Xavier." Bianca says holding Xaviers hand. "Were we? Is that just how you wanted me to feel?" Xavier says.

"Trust me, Wednesday Addams is not the girl of your dreams. She’s the stuff of your nightmares and if you keep pushing Y/N will make that nightmare come true." Bianca leaves Xavier's bedroom and Xavier leaves back for the bathroom. Y/N, Wednesday and Thing take that as theirs time to leave.

The trio make it back to Wednesday's dorm where they find Enid weeping in her bed. They open the window and enter the room gaining Enid's attention. "Where have you been? I’m literally having a heart attack right now. Yoko’s in the infirmary!" Enid explains in between her sobs. "What happened?" Wednesday asks.

"Garlic bread incident at dinner. She had a major allergic reaction. She’s out of the Poe Cup. I don’t have a co-pilot." Enid whines.

"It wasn’t an accident." Wednesday states. "Bianca’s behind it."

"How do you know?"

"Doesn’t matter. You and I are going to take her down tomorrow."

"Wait. You’re joining the Black Cats? You’re willing to do that? For me?"

Before Wednesday could answer Y/N speaks out.  "She want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat." He says in the tone Wednesday would knowing she'd say exactly what he had shocking the Werewolf.

"Y-yeah, b-but mostly you’re doing it because we’re friends, right?" Enid stammers hoping she's finally gotten Wednesday to open up. "Tell me how she keeps winning."

"It’s a real brain cramp. The past two years, no other boat has made it across and back without sinking."

"Sounds like sabotage."

There are no rules in the Poe Cup, and she the biggest entitled bitch of the sirens, giving her a clear lead above everyone else." Y/N answers.

"Then we just need to beat her at her own game." Wednesday's says as she finally comes up with a plan. "Before you tell me your plan, Y/N." Enid says pointing her attention to the Hybrid. "You talking now?" She asks as Y/N answers with a shrug. "We'll see about that." He answers. "I'm gonna head back my dorm before Thornhill gets here." The boy says as he makes his way towards the balcony. "Goodnight ladies." He bids before he vaults over the ledge and head to his room.

[The Next Day]

That morning Wednesday walks over to Enid. "We’re all set. Thing’s in position."

"And Y/N?"

"He set up the traps last night, told me to look for a marking when I have to get the flag,"

"Wanna tell me what you three are ultimately up to?"

"And spoil the surprise?"

"Speaking of surprises, your costume’s in the tent." As if her signature deadpan stare could get any more....deadpan, you could see the dreaded disappointment on her pale face.



Y/N stands outside the Black Cats tent waiting for Wednesday. From his previous time watching the Poe Cup from his time in Nevermore, he was surprised to know Wednesday would wear the same costume. But then again he realized who Wednesday was. Leather, Black Leather. She'd wear that but the cat ears and whiskers, not a chance in hell. But here they are.

The tent opens and out walks Wednesday, in the leather Black Cats outfit but...with the cat ears. 'Cute'. The boy thinks to himself. "OMG, you look purr-fect!" Enid quips as she makes her way to the pale skinned girl. " Only thing, where are your whiskers?"

"Ask again, and you’ll be down to eight lives." Wednesday threatens. Enid slightly gulps before she makes her way to the canoe. Before Wednesday could walk Y/N grabs ahold of her forearm. "When you see the mark get close to the tree line."

"What masterful plan did you set up for this trap?"

"I must not tell my secrets Ms. Addams."

"You know that last name bores me."

"What do you....."

"Wednesday Friday Corvin." She says quickly

"Beat Bianca ass and I'll consider it."

A rousing fanfare plays as Enid and Wednesday make their way to their boat. "Focus." Wednesday whispers to herself and Enid.

"What do we have here? The runt of the litter." Bianca says as she pokes a quip at Wednesday to retaliate. "For the record, I don’t believe I’m better than everyone else. Just that I’m better than you."

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