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"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup." Weems announced to the contestants and students. "This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk." Weems explains the rules as Y/N looks at the teams ahead of them. His eyes hit Bianca who has a huge smug smile on her face expecting her to win again. 'I'm gonna love the look of defeat when you realize your flag is a fake, then the trap to.' The Hybrid thinks to himself. His eyes then hits Xavier and Ajax team sporting jester  outfits. 'Gotta admit Ajax being the partial dumbass he is, the costumes just right and Xavier you belong in that outfit. Thinking that you're a better option for My Wednesday, your a clown, can't wait for you to look like someone else.'


"First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges." Weems announces letting the teams get ready.

A/N: Imma skip to when they win, it's my story, my au, my rules *insert evil laugh*

Y/N sits back on the shore line when The Black Cats arrive with their flag in hand not only winning but beating Bianca. The team excluding Wednesday jumps for joy. "OMG, Wednesday, we did it! This is the greatest moment of my entire life. Admit it, you kinda got into the whole school spirit thing." Enid exclaims having Wednesday turn to glance. "You didn't tell me it was a dark, vengeful spirit."

"The first Poe Cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honor Nevermore's most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share. Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those values on display today. Congratulations to Ophelia Hall! As a former resident, I will be happy to see the cup back on the mantle after all these years."

Elsewhere Y/N and Wednesday hide from the 'party' Ophelia Hall is having from the Quad. Enid finds the duo sitting there talking to one another. Enid finds herself staring at the couple as Y/N has his arms around Wednesday as her back leans against his torso. 'How the hell do they kiss, she's 5'1 and he's 6'2, she's not only has to be on her tiptoes but he has to lean down. Blog idea.'

Shaking her head from future idea she walks over to the couple. "What are you two doing down here?" The blonde werewolf asks.

"Hiding/Making out." Wednesday and Y/N say at the same time. Wednesday stomps on Y/N's foot which makes him chuckle. "Both. People keep randomly smiling at me, it's unsettling."

"It's called having your moment duh." Enid teases.

"You took down Bianca Barclay. Try to enjoy it Mi Cuervo." Y/N says kissing the top of her head.

"The girls wanna know if you wanna hang out later." Wednesday has an unsure look to that. "Enid you should know that if there is a gathering of any kind that causes to be social is a obvious no for Wednesday." Y/N explains. 'Unless it's a funeral.'

"Oh, come on, it won't kill you." Enid begs. "I'll think about it." Wednesday lies to which Enid believes. "Yes!" Enid walks away leaving the couple. Y/N smiles and looks down at his raven haired girlfriend. "She sees you as a friend you know." Y/N softly announces as the cheerful werewolf is out of earshot. Wednesday continues to stare off away from the others. "I don't have time for foolish childhood fantasies."

"It isn't a 'childhood fantasy', everyone needs friends Wednesday, you need someone to have your back."

"You have my back Y/N, literally."

"While it's true,I'm not always gonna be there for you, in this case if I fight that monster again you'll need someone else who can help you."

"Even so we can both handle ourselves quiet well." Wednesday softly brags. "It's good to see you fitting in. Just like your mother." The couple stares up as a wild Weems approach them. "You too as well Y/N, it's good to hear you finally speaking."

"My mother and I are two different people/species/everything and Y/N has always spoke, just when he wants to." Wednesday explains the the Head Mistress who still has the smile plastered in her face. "The last time Ophelia Hall won the Poe Cup, your mother captained the team. I was her co-pilot. Maybe you two are more alike than you think." Weems tells the younger Addams as she looks away. "Y/N if I could talk to you for a second?" Weems asks. Y/N let's out an exhale as he walks away from his girlfriend to the taller woman. "You rang?" He voices. "You've been quiet since you came here. Both figurative and literally, since Wednesday got her you've not only been talking but getting more attention as well."

"I've always been a trouble maker Weems I just needed my partner-in-crime."

"Y/N as the Head Mistress, I want what's best for you..."

"And as Wednesday mate I want what's best for her and the only thing keeping her here is finding out what monster killed Rowan, she thinks she's losing her mind but my nose picked up the strong perfume." Y/N explains as Weems face drops into defeat. "You're a shape-shifter, I haven't told Wednesday yet, but you need to realize there is more going on at stake here in Nevermore."

"You always were the most clever person here in Nevermore. Anyway I will let you get back to your fun here, G'day Y/N." Weems walks away from Y/N even blank stare could give Wednesday a run for her money. Speaking of Wednesday, she now approaches Y/N from behind and wraps her arms around his waist and buries her face into his back. "Is there something you need princesa?" He asks to which Wednesday responds with. "Writing time."

Y/N sits on Wednesday’s bed playing Chess with Thing as Wednesday types away on her type writer. She stops typing and picks up the drawing Rowan had staring at the stamp in the top corner of it. "Y/N follow me." Wednesday commands as she leaves the dorm. Thing signs to Y/N asking what they're doing. "Knowing her it's either to find out more about that drawing or she finally giving me more affection." Thing signs. 'Wanna bet, I say the ladder.' Y/N chuckles. "You're on I say the drawing. $10, see you later buddy." Y/N exits the dorm where Wednesday waits. "What took so long?"

"Thing wanted to bet that were leaving to make out. I told him it has something to do with the drawing."

"Technically both of you win the bet if we have time." Y/N chuckles as he and Wednesday find themselves infront of the Edgar Allan Poe statue. Wednesday shines a light on the book he holds revealing a riddle. Y/N The opposite of moon, A world between ours, Two months before June, A self-seeding flower, One more than one, Its leaves weep to the ground, It melts in the sun, Its beginning and end never found, Every rule has one, The answer will give a sharp cracking sound." Wednesday reads off as Y/N finds himself an answer. He smirks and holds his hand out and snaps his fingers twice. The statue moves revealing a hallway and stairway with painting on the wall. "Dark, ominous area. Fitting place." Y/N says as he walks down with Wednesday behind him, they now find themselves. "Cuervo, I think we found the Nightshades." Y/N says as they look around finding themselves in a library of sorts.

Wednesday walks over to a bookshelf finding one out of place. She takes the book, opens it and finds a missing page. "Seems we have found the book." Wednesday says showing Y/N. She closes the book and the duo walk away but are stopped as bags are put over their heads.

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