Class, Family & A Tease

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"How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" Y/N listens as Wednesday berates Thing who was trailing Rowan but lost him, in a rest stop restroom no less. "A lefty wouldn't have failed me." Wednesday adds to the sulking appendage. "Don't sulk. I'm going to have to find new evidence myself, since you lost our only lead." Wednesday adds to the error which Y/N stands at. "Thing why don't you take a walk buddy." Thing listens and quickly leaves before Wednesday can say anything making the pale girl glare at Y/N.

"You've grown soft." Wednesday sneers turning away from him. "There's a joke in there somewhere but I'll ignore it." Y/N quips making Wednesday scoff. "Beside that wasn't actually Rowan. Completely different scent than what his is." Y/N finally informs Wednesday on his information. "Who's scent was it then?" Wednesday questions, moreso demands but Y/N smirks. "I can't give you that answer yet. This is your mystery, I'm helping you cause it's the only thing keeping you here, well other than me." Y/N explains as Wednesday sighs at this struggle. "Why must you make simple thing difficult." Wednesday states in her dismay. "I'm not, because I know if I told you, you'd be upset that I figured it out before you did." Y/N answers Wednesday who knows he's right. "I see you finally made another friend. Even if it is a plant." The sudden self declared queen bee speaks up to Wednesday. "I go for quality over quantity." Bianca opens her mouth to speak but stops when she is met with the glare from Y/N. Bianca and her entourage quickly walk away making the Hybrid smile. "I love the smell of fear." Y/N quietly says as he makes his way past Wednesday into his seat. Wednesday follows to find herself offered a seat before she could sit next to Y/N.

"There's an open spot next to me. If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob." Xavier sighs as he draws a spider in his notepad. Wednesday doesn't respond as she sits next to Y/N who has a slight grin on his face. Suddenly Xavier uses his powers to make the spider from his drawing come to life and crawls over to the table Wednesday sits at. "I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Thornhill says having the attention set on the table Wednesday sat at. "Admit it, you're a little impressed." Xavier boasts but Wednesday quickly crushes the fake spider with her hand making the students laugh. "Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. Now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Thornhill asks as she points out an orchid in a glass vase. Bianca raises her hand to answer but Wednesday beats her to it.

"Dendrophylax lindenii."

Otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca finishes.

"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." Wednesday explains monotonously.

"Very good, Wednesday. You may have competition for first chair, Bianca." Thornhill chirps making the some students 'Ooh' while the other subdue their snickers. "Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities." Thornhill motions at Wednesday who quickly answers. "Resilience and adaptability. It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments."

"But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it."

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. Nothing a Weedwacker couldn't fix." Wednesday explains as Bianca stares at her. "You can most certainly try."

"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier says breaking the arguing girl making most of the students laugh, most. "Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights. Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today."


In the field Enid is fixing her canoe as Wednesday walks over silently speaking to her roommate. "I have to get back to the woods, but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass."

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