You Won't Find Him

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Sect Leader Jiang had searched every alley and hook and crook to find Wei Ying, but he couldn't found him anywhere in Yiling. Dejected he returned home. The moment he set foot inside the sect, his wife was waiting for him arms across her chest with a sneer on her face.

"Still couldn't find him huh. Tell me how long will you waste your time looking for a street rat and the son of a servant. Did you forget you already got a son, or do want to make that gutter rat the sect heir. For God sake you go out everyday looking for him, time you could've spend with your own son."

She spat the words at him with anger and he hanged his head low and shook it before he looked up at her again.

"My lady please he was the son of my friend. It would be the right thing to do to find his only son and bring him back to Lotus Pier.

He spoke despondently.

"Your friend the man who left your side to follow that good for nothing woman. I'm glad you didn't found him.
Maybe now you will remember who is truly important to you. And just so you know that boy would've only brought destruction to our sect if you remember who his mother was, she had no morals, you think her son would've been any better. So Fengmian, I hope this was the last time that you will waste your time looking for that boy. You see this one right here and she pull Jiang Cheng closer, he is your son, your blood the true heir to your sect. So do me a favor and forget about that street rat."

Then she turn around and walk away not giving him a chance to answer.

Fengmian just tap his sons head and walked away towards his office not knowing what to think. Where did that little boy disappeared to, is he dead. He has been on the streets for years now, if he is correct then he should be around 9 years now. A perfect age to form a golden core and a strong one at that. He just wanted someone here to help his son, who's core isn't the strongest and his son does not have the ability to make friends, because he got the same personality and attitude as his mother. If he could get cangse and changze son, he knows his children would have the perfect protection. He wouldn't let anything happen to them.

He could be a buffer for my son and a shield for both of my children. But he could not found him anywhere in Yiling. What happened to him. He could not have disappeared into thin air.

'I needed someone who would be loyal to my children and my sect. So what do I do now.'

He was so deep in thought that he did not hear the knock on his office door. After the third knock he came out of his thoughts and gave the person permission to enter. The disciple enter bow to him and then gave him the letter. He took the letter and saw that it was from Lan Qiren and what he read gave him some hope. Seems that the second young master and wei ying are together but Xichen and mingjue went looking for them but couldn't found them. Are they dead or were they found by someone. I believe that they are stil alive so I stil got a chance to bring Wei Ying into my sect. Just have to found him first.

Nothing is lost they will appear someday. They are just to young boys they will eventually venture into a town. I just have to have patience. He wrote back to Lan Qiren informing him of the boys name. But he also told him to inform him immediately if they should find them, because he is one of his disciples and he just disappeared one day. He is Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze's son and he promised them that he would look after their son if anything should happened to them. I'm really worried about him and my children misses their brother. I hope that you will find your nephew soon and unharmed.

When he finished the letter, he called one of the disciples telling him to deliver the letter to cloud Recess, telling him to make haste. Feeling a little lighter he goes about his sect duties. The disciple flies non stop towards Cloud Recess to deliver the letter. When he land he told the disciple at the gate that he had an urgent letter for the sect Leader and it's from Sect Leader Jiang. He was shown inside delivered the letter to Lan Qiren and left right after. Lan Qiren read the letter, one thing was going through his mind. If Wei Ying was a disciple from Yunmeng why did he have racks on according to the lady Xichen talked to. And why didn't he send a letter out for help to the other sects like they did.

He asked Xichen the same question and his nephew was also confused.

" Maybe there's a reason uncle that we don't know about."

Xichen said to uncle but Lan Qiren shook his head and said.

"Xichen if that boy was so important don't you think the sect Leader would've asked for help,and he says his children are missing their brother. I'm sorry Xichen I'm taking everything this man wrote with a pinch of salt."

" Uncle what about Wangji?.Are we going to stop looking for him also?."

Xichen asked with tears in his eyes. He misses his didi so much and he doesn't know if hes safe or laying somewhere hurt or dead.

"Xichen, of course, we will never stop looking for him, but for now we can only hope that someone found them and that they're safe and cared for. That some day soon we will see them again. So don't worry we need to be strong. I know you miss your brother but so do I. We don't know what happened or how wanji ended up in Yiling. We just need to have patience, one day we will get our answers, so don't fret my nephew. "

He assured his eldest nephew as he pat him on the arm and Xichen nods his head at his uncle. They both sat deep in thought after that. All they can do now is hope and wait that Wangji would somehow show up somewhere and than they would be able to bring him home.

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