The Cloud Recess Study Arc 2

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As they make their way towards their dorms Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were angry. Their disciples were just as angry. The two senior disciples who holds a higher ranking as the others
Lixin and Lingyun were worried for their two masters. What they saw and heard these people were right out disrespectful towards Master Wei. If their shufus hears about this they don't know what will happen. They know their orders. They must keep them safe at all cost.

Nothing must happened to them. That's what they will do. They love their two masters very much. They treat them like their friends. Like family and family protect each other. Master Zishu told them not to let anyone know who they really are. For now they are just plain senior disciples of the four season manor, but in truth they are two of the best assassins. Not even the two masters know. So in light of what just happened they stop Wei Ying and Lan Zhan before they could step into dorm.

" Young Masters in light of what just happened I think it would be best if me and Lixin does a througher swept of the room".

Lingyun said.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying nods their heads giving the two permission to do it.

" Lan Zhan are you okay".

He just nods his head still pissed at the man he once called his brother.

" Don't worry about me Wei Ying. How are you feeling. I can't believe they treated you with such disrespect".

Lan Zhan told Wei Ying anger still evident in his voice towards the people he once considered family.

" Lan Zhan you know me. I just love a challenge don't I. They have once again showed that they do not care about what's right and what's wrong. What's black and what's white. Back then I wasn't strong enough but now is a whole different story".

Wei Ying says with small smile on his face.

" We will face them together Wei Ying."

Lan Zhan nods his heads and gave Wei Ying a small smile in return.

Some of the other sects disciples walks past them. Some looks at them with curiosity and some with disdain. They didn't even spare them a single glance.

" Lan Zhan those two have been in there for a while now. What do you think they are doing. Maybe they fell asleep in there. "

Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan when the two haven't emerged from the room.

"Your right. Lixin and Lingyun what are you two doing".

Lan Zhan asked worriedly.

Just as the two wanted to step inside the room.Lixin and Lingyun steps outside sliding the door close behind them. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looked at them with a frown.

" What's wrong?".

They both asked with worried voices.

" Masters I think it would be wise if you don't step inside. It's for both of your own safety".

Lixin said as he looked at them.

" What do you mean we can't go inside".

Wei Ying asked confuse.

" Master Wei remember when you taught us about different talismans and spells and what they can do."

Lingyun asked him.

" Yes I remember".

Wei Ying said. Now they are worried.

" What are you trying to say".

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