Chapter 7

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It has been months since Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji disappeared. Nobody has seen them or heard anything about them. Lan Xichen missed his little brother and not knowing what happened had him worried because he doesn't know if he's safe, hurt or even dead but it's best not to think like that he told himself his brother is alive. He still doesn't know how his brother end up in Yiling. His brother doesn't know yiling, he doesn't even have his sword yet so how did he get there. His uncle has been sending disciples out daily to search, he himself would go whenever he can. Another thing that's bothering him, is how does his brother knows this Wei Wuxian. Have they met somewhere, but where his brother has never left cloud Recess. The healer had given him some calming tea, just to calm down his nerves. Sometimes he wonders. Did they do something? Did they hurt Wangji unknowingly that they don't know off? But still Wangji is not someone who would run away just like that, he would never.

Maybe they could work together with the Jiang sect Leader. He did say that the boy was one of his disciples. Maybe he should talk to uncle or he's going to go crazy. He can't think straight anymore and this headache won't go away no matter what he does. Maybe he should go for a walk. Breathe in the cool air of cloud Recess. Yes that will definitely help. He stood up and walked out of the Hanshi and let his feet take him wherever. As he walk he didn't even realise that he was walking towards the Jingshi until he found himself in front the door. He can't make himself to go inside knowing he wouldn't find his brother inside. So he stood in front of the close door tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't even hear someone coming up behind him until he hear his uncle's voice.

"We will find him Xichen".

Xichen can just nod his head. He could not look at his uncle. He cannot let his uncle see the tears that is threatening to fall from his eyes.

He got his emotions under control before he turn around and looked at his uncle.

"Uncle I was thinking that maybe we should work in conjunction with the Jiang sect Leader to find them.
He did say that the boy was a disciple of his sect. And for the life of me I just can't recall if Wangji ever met him. Uncle what if this boy broke through our wards and lured Wangji away. What if he'd harm Wangji and hes laying somewhere hurt. Uncle I can't loose my didi. Uncle Wangji would never leave on his own. He just wouldn't. I know my didi".

Xichen spoke in an almost pleading tone of voice. Lan Qiren looked pass his eldest nephew deep in thought after hearing Xichen's words.

"I will write to sect Leader Jiang. Maybe it's time we found out more about this boy. Wangji is a sensible boy he would never just followed someone blindly. I wanted to keep this quiet but I think it's time to get the other sects involved maybe we should've done it since the beginning maybe then we would've found Wangji by now. If this boy have hurt Wangji in anyway I will make him pay personally
Come let's go have some tea. You look tired didn't you get any rest?"

Lan Qiren said. Xichen nods his head and the both walked towards his uncles house the Lanshi. When they arrived, they went inside and Lan Qiren brew tea for the both of them. They drank in silence both thinking about who the boy is and how Wangji ended up with him. A disciple from the Yunmeng sect. He will write the letters as soon as possible asking the various sects for their help in finding his nephew.

"Xichen I think you should go see the healer, you don't look so good".

He told his eldest nephew and Xichen said.

"Yes, uncle, I will go now".

He bow to his uncle and walked out. He stood for a moment in front of the door. He was suppose to protect him, he made a promise to him. Look now his didi is missing and he can't even find him. He slowly started walking towards the healers pavilion. They gave him some bitter medicine to drink and some for him to brew himself if the headache doesn't subside. He thanks them and walk back to the Hanshi. Once inside he tried to do some work but he couldn't concentrate no matter how hard he tried. The medicine did helped but only for a while so he decided to go lay down for a bit. He softly massages his temples while breathing slowly through his nose and mouth in and out. He closed his eyes, hoping he would somehow drift of to sleep. He knows it won't be peaceful, because since his brother vanished he'd been having nightmares of his brother laying somewhere hurt and he can't help him. Wangji, I will find you I promise and then sleep took him over.

After Xichen left Lan Qiren poured himself another cup of tea. Contemplating and wondering how Wangji knew the boy.

'Where could they have met. Things just doesn't add up. Wangji isnt someone who would just have followed a stranger. He would've told them about the boy. But Wangji had never left cloud Recess. The only time was when he took the two boys with him to Yiling. Wangji was 7 or 8 at the time. They both are two young to have met during a night hunt. Who da hell is this boy?.'

He's going to go mad he needs answers. He thought to himself and he took the brush and scrolls and started writing to sect Leader Jiang and also the other sect leaders asking for their help in finding his nephew. By the time he was finished it was almost lunch time. When he came out his nephew was walking towards him. They both walked towards the dining hall. The place just doesn't feel the same not without his brother. He has lost his mother, his father is in seclusion and now he has lost his didi.
Is this how his life always will be. Him losing everyone he loves. Is he destined to be alone. If only he knew what happened. If only he could find a clue something, anything maybe then he can understand why this is happening.

He couldn't stomach anything. When people started to leave he stood up. He thinks his uncle asked him something but he didn't hear, the headache is truly making him feel more miserable then he already is. The medicine doesn't helped. He just needs to make it back to the Hanshi. He needs to lay down because he's starting to see black spots before his eyes. He started to walk a little bit faster. He can hear people talking but he pay them no mind. He needs to get to the safety of his home. Are his ears ringing, he believe it is. When he finally reach his home, he slide the door open and walked inside sliding it close behind him once he's inside. He made it to his bed just as darkness engulfed him.

Lan Qiren saw his nephew leaving the dining hall he looked at his food and saw that he practically haven't eaten anything. He called after him but he just kept on walking. He stood up as quietly and quickly as he can and followed him. He saw him swayed a little his steps uneven so when he walked inside his home he followed and immediately knocked on the door. On receiving no reply he entered and found Xichen who was laying on the bed sprawled out. Unlan like. He immediately went towards him putting his hand on his forehead and pulling his hand back immediately because Xichen was burning up with a fever. He called one of the disciples to call a healer, right now he is on the verge of screaming. First his youngest nephew dissappear and now his oldest nephew is sick. Not long the healer arrived kneel beside the bed and put his hand on his forehead. He took his wrist send a small amount of spiritual energy threw his meridians just to realise that his golden core is dangerously unstable. They immediately moved him towards the healing pavilion and start to work on him. Lan Qiren was at his wit ends he didn't know what to do but slowly he started to blame the boy he doesn't even know. If he didn't take Wangji then his nephew wouldn't be in this state.

He still would have both his nephews healthy and by his side. Unbeknownst to him is that the coma his nephew fell into was not due to any illness but his soul from a life he has not yet lived has just been pulled into him.

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