Chapter 19

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Wei Ying started to feel restless. He couldn't concentrate on anything never minding sitting still for long periods of time. Which means that in the middle of him meditating or even sword practicing he would just give up and walk away. Lan Zhan and their uncles pick up on it. Giving him space and time to come to them when he is ready. They know by now that he's only like this when he got something on his mind. Something that's bothering him and he needs the time and space to figure it out.

They would watch him closely knowing their A-Ying is going through something that's not easy on him. Lately he has been getting nightmares again and when he wakes up he would say I'm sorry over and over again and they would wrap him in a comfortable and loving hug telling him that they are here if he needs them.

They have a inkling of an idea what he is going through. He is excited and scared. Excited to meet the people he called family and lived with at the burial mounds. Scared because he think that he had failed to protect them. The only people who excepted him for who he was and never judge him for his cultivation. And so they wait, showering him with love and understanding. Who are they to not understand the inner struggle that their A-Ying is going through.

But they will be there when he is ready. The Cultivation world can wait. They are in no hurry. They were sitting at the low table in the receiving room when Wei Ying came walking in. They looked up at him waiting patiently for him to start talking. Wei Ying stood before them biting his bottom lip and fidgeting with his hands. Lan Zhan ache to reached out a hand to comfort him but he refrain himself from doing that. Wei Ying will talk when his ready.

Wei Ying lifts his head up and looked at them. Tears filling his eyes.

" I want to go see them. I want to see if they are fine. I want to make sure that nobody hurts them this time. I want my family to be alive and live a full life. I want to free them. Make sure that nobody comes for them again. "

He said with so much determination and conviction in his voice. Stil standing he looked at his uncles and Lan Zhan waiting for their answer.

" What do you want to do A-Ying? We will do anything. We will make sure that they are safe and unharmed".

Kexing said to him and he meant every word he just spoke and the others agree with him.

" I want to free them from wen ruohan. I don't want him to use them any longer against
Wen Qing so that she can keep on treating him. I don't want Wen Ning to be bullied by that coward Wen Chao anymore".

Wei Ying said eyes hard and unforgiving.

" I want to go to Nightless city and get my sister and brother away from that man. I don't care if we have to fight them I want them free from his clutches. He doesn't care about them he is just using them for his own ambitious. "

He sat down next to Lan Zhan who took his hand in his own and gave it a light squeeze.

" If he is using her family against her and I'm not saying that he isn't A-Ying we need to find out if he already placed guards there and how many. So we will send someone to scout the place out. Second are we just going to walk into Nightless city asking the sect Leader to release Wen Qing and Wen Ning or do we have a plan".

Zishu asked the group in whole. The others looked at each other not knowing what to answer.

" The best laid plans always go sideways. So I say we just walked up to the Palace make our intentions known and take it from there. "

Kexing answered.

" So many things could go wrong with your plan. But I have to agree".

Biayi said.

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