Chapter 20

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As soon as Jin jixun arrived back at the Jin sect his uncle was very pleased
In a week he will have Wei Wuxian in his possession. He didn't care that the immortals didn't take the gold and it made him angry but that's of no consequence of now.

" Father I saw your plan comes along nicely".

Jin Guangyao said.

" Yes finally I can do what I could not before. Being more powerful then even Wen Ruohan".

He smiled to himself. But Jin Guangyao could not shake what A-Sang had said to them.

' That men would never let anything happen to those two boys and do you really think that they will not kill anyone who tries to harm them. You judge him on his past so they will judge you the same'.

He knows first hand what they did to Wei Wuxian. He and his father were the most influential instigators. Maybe he should pack his things and get da hell out while he stil can. He can't allow himself to die. Yes he wants this man's approval and exceptance more then anything but is it worth losing his life over. What he doesn't know even if he is so smart is that even now there are spies within koi tower. Someone will not allow anyone of them to escape or make a run for it. Jin Guangyao saw a disciple running towards him and his father. The disciple bow and hand them a note and told them that it was found on the dead body of one of their disciples. Both men turn white as ass. Realizing that they were never in charge. They were never even in the race to begin with. Whatever is going to happen at the so called trial none of them are going to survive.

Lan Xichen sat in his office looking at the letter in his hands. He sighs softly and lowered his head. His uncle finally went into seclusion when he was discharge. Here he is all alone. No family left his brother he had also lost. A trail what is a trail gonna do. It's not going to bring his brother back or give his uncle his core back. Oh how he wished he could go back before all this mess started. Maybe if he could just took the time and look at his brother and listen to him but no he judge Wei Wuxian on his past. He saw him as the devil the one his brother did not deserve. He saw him as his brothers only mistake. But it seems he was wrong. Because of his stupidity his sect will be left without a sect Leader or worst destroyed and it will all be his fault and his alone. He does not even feel like attending this trial but as a sect leader he must. May his ancestors forgive him for what he had allowed to happened. Tears roll down his face. Thinking if only he hadn't been so haste in his accusations. But it's to late. In one week from now he'll be dead and his uncle would join him soon. He folded up the letter and close his eyes as the tears continued to roll down his face not even bothering to wipe them.

Sect Leader Jiang looked at the letter after reading it. In walked in his wife and son. He gave her letter to read.

"Finally. It took them long enough to take action. That son of a servant will finally being shown his place. Who does he think he is. Breaking A-Cheng arm. It seems he forgot the life debt he owns this sect. We have the right to punish him accordingly. Fengmian can you see now what type of person that brat is? " .

She asked the sect Leader while zidian sparks on her wrist. Jiang Cheng is stil furious at Wei Ying for breaking his arm and for humiliating him in front of the sect heirs and their disciples. He will show him who is superior and who is inferior. He will make him bow before him and make him beg for his life before he kill him. In their first life he was to soft on him but he won't make that mistake again. See you in a week bastard then you will see what I will do to you.

At Yiling manor three people could be seen sitting at one of the tables in the garden. Wei Ying, Wen Qing and Wen Ning. They stare at each other no one ready to break the silence.

" I'm sorry Qing - jie. I couldn't protected you. It was all my fault. Please forgive me".

Wei Ying said head hang low in shame.

" Wuxian look at me."

Wen Qing said.

" It's not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for. We knew that one way or the other they would come for us. They wanted your Amulet. Your power and they would've done anything to get it. I should've known giving us up they would not leave you alone".

She took his hand in hers and made soothing circles with her thumb over his hand.

" Wuxian you were good to us. Those few years were the best. We were a family. And I will never regret it. Do you hear me".

Wen Qing told him to which he nods his head.

" You were my first and only friend master Wei. You didn't judge me or belittle me. You always helped me even if you didn't had to. Your kindness is unparalleled".

Wen Ning said to him with so much sincerity it brought tears to his eyes.

" Ah Wen Ning what's up with this master. You can call me A-Ying. We are family or did you forget".

Wei Ying said with a chuckle. Wen Ning smile and nods his head.

" So how long do we have to stay here. Not that I mind this is a really nice place. "

Wen Qing asked him as she looks around.

" Oh after the trial we are going back to the four season manor and this place will be yours".

Wei Ying told her with a twinkle in his eyes. Both brother and sister were shocked to hear that.

" Wei Wuxian we can't".

" Yes you can and you will".

He answered her. They heard footsteps and saw Lan Zhan came walking over with a tray. He put it down on the table and sit next to wei ying. They ate and have their tea in silence. Once done Wen Qing said to the two.

" I heard what happened in the cloud Recess and is this the reason that, that pompous peacocks wants to hold a trial. You do know that they are just looking for a reason to get you away from your uncles and Lan Zhan. "

She said to them and the two nodded their heads at her.

" We are quite aware Wen Qing of their intentions."

Lan Zhan answered her. She nods her head in understanding. They then sat in complete silence for the rest of the afternoon.

In the Unclean Realm where someone had made himself at home in his da-ge's office at a low table painting his beloved fans much to his brothers annoyance. If he gets disrurb one more time to look at a beautiful and mesmerizing landscape he had painted on his God damn fan he will scream. He knows why is brother doing this. But really he could do this in his room its not like he would run away like a little child. He sighs when he read the letter that was delivered this morning by a Jin disciple. He looks at his little brother not knowing how he would feel about it.

" A-Sang the Jin sect will be holding a trial in one week against Wei Wuxian. They state that he must be held accountable for what happened".

He watched his brother closely. Waiting for some sort of outburst or anything but his brother just put it fan down not to smudge the wet paint. Then he looked at his brother eyes shining brightly. What is he up to now his brother thought. A-Sang stood up and looks at his brother with a smile that bothers on mischief.

" Ah Da-ge we've been cooked up in the sect for so long. I think it would only be right to attend the trial. Don't you think?".

He asked innocently. Mingjue looked at his brother wondering once again where did his timid I don't know little brother went. But all he said was ohk.

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