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Six months after the massacre of the 2 great sects and some of the smaller ones, the five found themselves standing in front of the burial mounds. Wei Ying stretched his hand out and touched the barrier. The mountain vibrates as if it is recognizing its master. Wei Ying pulled his hand back in shock he looked at the others with wide eyes.

' Did the burial mounds just recognize him. Recognize his energy'.

He thought.

As if reading his thoughts, Ye Biayi said.

" The burial mounds is sentinel. It never forgets those souls that enter. Nor does it forget their pain and suffering. "

He looks up at the mountain, remembering that a young man once called this place home. The mountain, it seems, didn't forget either. They stood in silence after Master Ye words. They wanted to come here to see for themselves the place Wei Ying were thrown in and brought the Wens and called it home.

" So it seems I'm quite famous."

Wei Ying said.

" No one can forget me once they meet me."

He gave a soft chuckle. Lan Zhan took his hand and said.

" Wei Ying is unforgettable."

All of them start laughing while Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan with wide, unbelievable eyes.

"Lan Zhan, warn me before you say such sweet things, or my heart might just explode. "

He said with a blushing face, hiding it in his hands as Lan Zhan's ears also started to heat up. Long after they had stopped laughing, the five stood there for some time before Wen Kexing said.

"Come, let's go. Let's go home."

They all agreed, and Lan Zhan took Wei Ying's hand in his and entwined their fingers, and they all left. One day, maybe they will come back to make sure that no one disturb the mountain or the Wen who will be staying on in the manor in Yiling.

As they made their way down the mountain and through the market. They realise that they will miss this small town and its people. A sadness came over their faces at that thought but they knew that it was time for them to go back as they make their way towards the manor to say their goodbyes for now before finally making their way home. To the four season manor.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan said a teary goodbye to the Wen with the promise that they would visit as often as they could. The Wen once again thanked the two young men and the three immortals for what they have done for them and for saving them. Soon after, the five men left.


Jin Zixuan became the new sect leader of the Jinling sect, and Jiang Yanli became the sect leader of the YungmiangJiang sect. The two still worked things out between them and eventually got married, and with the help of Madame Jin and the Jiang elders, those who had survived the war, the two sects came together not forming one sect but with better relations and understanding between them. They agreed that should the two sect leaders have children that the eldest would be sect heir to the Jin sect and their second born sect heir to the YungmiangJiang sect.

Neither had a problem with that, and they soon got married. It was not a big and grand affair. Only those they deemed important were invited. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan also received an invitation via the Yiling Manor Residence, and the two attended the wedding and gave their blessing and best wishes to the couple. Wei Ying and Yanli also had a heart to heart, and they managed to smooth things out between them. She also told and expressed that she does not hold anything that had happened against him or Lan Zhan.

Jin Zixuan and Jin Yanli had two sons in the course of two years. Their eldest they named Jin Ling and second eldest they named Jiang Zizhen. Making Jin Ling the heir to the Jin sect and Jiang Zizhen the heir to the YungmiangJiang sect.


Lan Xichen had gone into seclusion, leaving the Lan sect in the hands of the Lan elders. He does not know how long he will be in seclusion because he feels that he needs to repent for all the pain and hurt he had caused his brother and Wei Ying.

Lan Qiren passed away one year after the massacre at the Jin sect. Lan Xichen only came out of seclusion for the duration of the funeral before he went back again.


The Nie brothers grew close to the Yiling Wen and soon became regular visitors in Yiling. Huaisang is still hoping that someday he will be able to attend Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's wedding because it has been too long now. He still keeps his eyes and ears open for anything unusual or for things that could spell danger for anyone of them.

Well, he did not have to wait long for a wedding invitation from his two friends. Their wedding will be held at the Yiling manor, and is that not a convient coincidence. Here he thought that the day might never come.


As soon as their parents were back from the armery and their shushu were back from his mountain. The two young men informed them of their decision to finally get married and start their lives as a couple together. Their parents and shushu were happy for the two of them, and they also had no problem when the two informed them that they wished to have the wedding ceremony at the Yiling manor with their other family.

The day was perfect. They got to share their special day with their family and close friends. They celebrated deep into the night and for the next seven days. Well, they were intimate before their wedding. An intimacy that occurred every day and that resulted without their knowledge in dual cultivation. Wei Ying found out that he was pregnant two months after the wedding.

Seven months later, he gave birth to a boy. They him named A-Yuan. Two years later, he gave birth to another son, and they named him A-ji. The three immortals were beyond happy with the two new additions to their family.

Not long after Wei Ying and Lan Zhan cultivate into immortality. Teaching their two sons the same way that they were taught by their parents and shushu. They did get the chance to visit their shushu mountain, and they were in awe. The two new young masters became their grandparents and great uncles' pride and joy as well as their fathers.

Sixteen years later, they met two brothers. Jin Ling and Jiang Zizhen, while they visited Yiling Manor and the Unclean Realm. The four became friends fast. They spend every moment together whenever the two young masters come to visit. They went on nighthunts together and many more adventures. Jin Ling and Jiang Zizhen also met their martial uncles. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan and they have great respect and admiration for the two immortals.

One day, who knows another threat might arise, and the help of the immortals might be needed once again. But until then, for now, they enjoy the peace. Spend time with their families and friends and teach their sons the importance and value of family.

If Wen Kexing, Zishu, and Master Ye shed a tear when the boys were born well, that's their business, and no one needs to know.

Peace finally reigns within the cultivation world for how long needs to be seen.

The End.


I finally wrote it, and I hope that you will enjoy reading this last chapter.

Thank you to all who took the time to read this fic. Thank you for voting. Leaving comments and for adding it to your reading lists.

This was my first fan fic and I know that I made a lot of mistakes but I had fun writing it and I hope that you had fun reading it.

Much love to you all❤️🙏🥰

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