Chapter 4 "𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙"

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I put on my school uniform, grabbed my bag with a few books, locked my apartment, and left for school.

I soon arrived at school after searching it for half an hour. I took a deep inhale, straightened myself up, and stepped in. I entered my grade's classroom and suddenly the chittering voices all stopped in silence and began staring at me. Abruptly I became the center of attention and I unconsciously stiffened up. I kept my bag beside my table and sat on the chair.

A girl with long straight black hair walked up to me and banged her hand on my table which made me startled. "Finally nice to see you here, Keiko"

I looked up at her, awkwardly greeting "Ah... Hello". I tried to act as naturally as possible to keep up the facade of 'Suzuki Keiko'.

"Oh you seem to be acting quite differently than before," the girl crossed her arms against her chest.

Differently from before? How did the person in this body usually behave?

"Well, whatever I hope you haven't forgotten our usual place... I hope to see you there after classes." She shrugged and looked at me with cold eyes.

"Usual place?" I stuttered.

"The music room. Don't be late" she narrowed her eyes.

"I understand, I'll be there," I said.


*Bell rings*

"Okay everyone that's all for today."

I stood up from my seat and proceeded to look for the music room. I went through the hallway, where random students were walking by and chatting. After a while of walking, I finally found the music room. I grabbed the door handle, prepared myself, and finally entered. It was just the usual music room with a few musical instruments here and there. However, it was quite peaceful how the sunlight coming through the window reflected on the piano keys.

I figured that girl was probably late so I made myself comfortable and stood beside the window, gazing out at the school playground.

After a few minutes, I heard light footsteps approaching the room. The door opened, revealing that girl from this morning. I took a closer look and saw two other girls standing after her. She continued walking towards me until she was right in front of me, she halted. So did the other two.

"Why did you want to meet me?"

Somehow I had a bad feeling about all this school thing, but I simply wanted to get over with it all and go home.

The girl leaned in closer and holding my chin whispered, "Do you really not know why I called you here?"


She slapped me, I was in utter shock. It was at that moment that I recalled reading about bullying in the journal of this body's owner. Bullying was the cause of her sorrow. I clicked my tongue and slapped her back.
Much harder than she did.

"My bad, it's only right I return two times what I get." I unconsciously grinned.

Even if the original owner of this body could not fight back or didn't want to, I don't care, I'm not her.

"What?! So you have the guts to stand up against me now?" The girl grunted.


"Fine, we'll do it the usual way. Girls, restrain her arms..." She said ordering the other two girls standing behind her.

The two forcefully grabbed my arms not allowing me to move.

"You're gonna remember this."


My eyelids felt heavy yet I somehow opened them through the unknown overbearing pain. It was evening now. I tried to move but then felt the heaviness of my body. I blinked a few times till my blurry vision finally faded away. Bruises were what I noticed when my vision cleared, not just one or two but I was entirely covered in bruises.

Tch. Did I really faint from the beating of those girls?

I somehow got up on my feet and walked to my classroom. The quiet school hall was covered in crimson orange from the evening sunset. Everyone had already left. I reached for my bag after arriving at the classroom and finally started heading home. Walking was hard for my bruised and pained physique however I whatsoever managed.

After a while, I checked my watch and it was around 7 PM now. The sun had already set leaving the sky with a purple-dark blue shade and a bright full moon with some clouds surrounding it.

I took a turn and walked into an enclosed alleyway that had little to no lighting. Not caring about the surroundings I confidently matched up ahead, until I felt something soft under my shoes. I looked down and found a person lying underneath. I instantly jolted away.

A person?! No wait what if it's a corpse? Is it alive?!

I stepped closer and leaned in to get a clearer view of the lying person. All I could see was a dark figure lying on the ground. Since there was no lighting with the moonlight covered in clouds, I couldn't figure out anything about the corpse- person lying underneath. 

However, all of a sudden my vision became clear when the clouds covering the moon shattered and the moonlight fell over.

It was a male, with brunette wavy hair dressed in all formal black attire. I leaned in closely and noticed the blood that covered his torso.

He is heavily wounded.

I took a closer look at his face which was covered with uneven hair ends surrounding his forehead and bandages covering his right eye.

Dazai Osamu.

It's him for sure.

I bent on my knees and touched his neck checking his pulse.

He's alive.

𝐴𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦: 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 | 𝒟𝒶𝓏𝒶𝒾 𝒪𝓈𝒶𝓂𝓊Where stories live. Discover now