Chapter 7 "𝐽𝑜𝑖𝑛 𝑀𝑒"

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"Join Port mafia"

At this moment I already had sensed that my life might change for the worse now.

Port Mafia? The mysterious criminal organisation who is known to be the cruelest of all? Many members of which are actually wanted men, including Dazai, the youngest executive. Even the general police cannot hunt them because they have the Ability Business Permit which lets them perform some villainous operations in a legal way.

In other words, they're no good news and getting involved with them meant putting my life on the stake.

"And what might that be?" I asked.

I wanted to play the role of an innocent high school girl who knows nothing about the underworld. uwu.

"It's an organization!!! We have special abilities that allow us to do our work. I am an executive there!! Join it it'll be fun!!"

What? An organization with special abilities? Is he trying to hide the fact that it's a criminal organisation?

"No Thanks I'm good. I've got my highschool and I need to study. Besides I don't have the special ability you seem to be talking about"

His eyes darkened when he said "Ah Keiko-chan There's no use in lying, I already saw you using it. Your ability would be a great help to us"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. You probably hallucinated or something, I'm just a normal highschool student"

"Hmmm but that's definitely not the case. And also the bruises on your body seems to have increased quite a lot. Are you doing ok Keiko-chan?"

I tightened the grip on my chopsticks.

He is testing me.

He may have already found out about me being bullied. Hence, He is provoking me to join Port Mafia by indicating that they can protect me if I'm one of their people.

But wait how did he notice that my bruises got worse? I'm wearing a hoodie and pants under my skirt. So how'd he found out when my body is hidden in clothes?

"Haha is that so? My clumsy habits seems to be getting worse..."

"You should be careful Keiko-chan"



We were done with our meal and he payed saying he wanted to treat me. I hate being in favour of anyone but I made an exception since I was too tired to argue with him on spitting the bill in half.

Anyways he insisted on walking me home so I let him. The walk was honestly very quiet, neither of us tried to strike up a conversation. But I felt comfortable with him even through he wasn't saying anything and just walking quietly. It was rare since I have high functioning social anxiety and I usually care too much about how the other person would feel walking beside me, what if they get bored around me and thoughts like that. But strangely I was calm and relaxed.

I liked it.

We reached my apartment. I thanked him for walking me home as a sign of politeness.

"No need to thank me Keiko-chan. But I hope you consider my offer of joining the port mafia" he said with his business smile.

"I'll think about it" I just said without giving it much thought.

As if.

"Rightt!!! Here's my business card. Contact this number when you've made your decision. Also this is my personal number so save it!!! I feel like we can be good buddies!! I wanna be friends with you!!"

"I-I will think about this too haha" I said while rubbing the back of my head with my left hand.

"W-well then Bye Dazai-san"

"Bye Keiko-chan"


<< The following day>>

I went on my usual routine of going to school.

I entered my homeroom class, but everything seemed a bit unusual today. My classmates were gossiping about me, making it really obvious, whispering into each other's ears. But the unusual thing was their stare. They were looking at me with resentment, and contempt as if they were looking at some sort of criminal.

Just as I was about to sit, the speakers in my class interrupted

"Suzuki Keiko, grade 3-12, is ordered to report at principal's office"

What? They're calling me? I don't remember doing anything that sort to be called like that.

Anyways without keeping my bag pack at desk, instead I took it with me and went to look for principal's office.

I found it after walking around on different floors. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before finally opening the door.

It was three of them, the girls who bullied me (fake?) Sobbing. And there was Mrs Fujita, my homeroom teacher and beside her was a lady who I think is the principal.

"So Suzuki Keiko, I got a report stating that you bullied these three innocent girls. Their parents also confirmed so." Said the principal.

Bully? Me? I bullied them ? A victim bullying the bullies? So they have been turning a blind eye to all the reports I sent just so they could lick these rich family lil brat's false complaints?

I guess this was the reason why my classmates were being so unusual today.

I couldn't control it and let out a slight chuckle.

"Suzuki Keiko! Did you just dare to laugh in front of me?!" Said the principal lady.

"Ah my apologies!! I couldn't help but laugh at how dumbfounded I am to be in this ridiculous situation!!"

"You're acting so spoiled and disrespectful. APOLOZIE to these three girls. RIGHT NOW!!!" said the principal pointing towards the three who seem to be enjoying seeing me getting scolded.

I looked towards my homeroom teacher, Mrs Fujita, hoping she would stand up for my sake. But she did not. Instead she averted her eyes, avoiding to look at me.

Seems like no one here is willing to understand me.
I even held back to use my ability against these three.

"I will not apologize. I have never bullied them physically nor emotionally. You can think whatever you want since you only want to understand what you wish to understand."

I said.

𝐴𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦: 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 | 𝒟𝒶𝓏𝒶𝒾 𝒪𝓈𝒶𝓂𝓊Where stories live. Discover now