Chapter 8 "𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑙"

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"I will not apologize. I have never bullied them physically nor emotionally. You can think whatever you want since you only want to understand what you wish to understand."

"What?!! This brat??!! Mrs Fujita!! CALL HER GUARDIAN RIGHT NOW!!"
Said the principal.

"Ma'am Please calm down... She doesn't have any guardians, the orphanage supports her..." Mrs Fujita said.

"What??!! You expect me to calm down when this lowly thing dares to make my blood boil even though she has no parents and is an orphan??!!!"

'Lowly thing'?

"No. I have a gaurdian. I will call him."
I said.
I lost my patience when she said those horrible things.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and also took out that business card which I had kept in my bag.
I dialled the number.


"Dazai-san I made up my mind. I will join Port Mafia."

"Oh my god!! Your timing is so great Keiko-chan!!!"

I heard him say just before the door behind me was kicked aggressively from outside, revaling Dazai with a bunch of men holding guns who seemed to be tough bodyguards or something.

"Wow wait- what!!?! How are you here Dazai-san???!!" I yelled.

"Ohh my dear Keiko-chan!! How could I leave you alone? I couldn't wait for your decision!! so I came to know your answer"

"Wait still this is so ridiculous!!"

"Well first things first, we got other things to take care of..." He said while turning his cold gaze towards the three girls and then towards the principal.

"W-what!!?! Who are you?!! How dare you barg in here?!! Get out of here!!! or I will call police!!!!" Said the principal.

"Try it if you can"

Hearing him, the principal ran towards the window just to find a bunch of black cars surrounding the whole school.

"You!!! Just who are you?! What do you want ??? Why are you messing with me??!!"

"What I want? Mmmmm lemme think... Ah! Keiko-chan Let's go on a date!!!"

"W-what?! Wait is this the time to be asking me on a date??!!" I said turning around, facing the wall trying to hide my blush.

"Mmm you're right, this isn't the mood. You there. The principal. I'm declaring it right now. Keiko-chan won't be coming to this shitty school anymore." Dazai said with his cold stare on the principal.

Averting his gaze towards the three girls he said "Also. You three... Well I don't have to punish you in front of Keiko-chan right? I'll deal with it later"

"Now then!!! The trouble has been dealt with Keiko-chan!! You said you will join the port mafia!! I recorded it. So don't you dare go back on your words!!"


God... Just what trouble did I get myself into this time?!


Dazai told me to follow him and I did. He said he was going to introduce me to Mori today. On the way...

"So This will be your last time seeing this school Keiko-chan. Do you have any friends you wanna see before we leave?"

"Ah About that, I don't really have any friends or acquaintances since I'm pretty Introverted myself"

"Oh you're a loner!! Aren't you? Keiko-chan?"

"What- No- no... Maybe I am..."

"Haha even you don't know yourself! Anyways you're gonna meet all your superiors today"

"Ohhh I guess" I said while breaking in a cold sweat.

At first, I just wanted to get out of that bullying situation. And I unconsciously said I would join port mafia unaware of the consequences. Port mafia is really dangerous. Well so is Dazai. Port mafia raises dangerous ability users, I didn't want to get involved knowing how much trauma they've given to Dazai, Akutagawa, Kyoka and all other members. But oh well I've already agreed joining so I guess there's no turning back now.

"Are you scared?"


"I guess you are"


"Yo Keiko-chan!!! Don't worry!!! I'm right here with you! I'm pretty strong myself!! So don't be afraid I've got your back!!"

"Ah... Thanks"


"Mori-san This is the ability user I told you about." Dazai said pointing towards me.

"Oh Hello there..." Said Mori, turning around looking me straight in the eyes.

"Keiko. I'm Suzuki Keiko. My ability is IMAGINATION. I can make anything I imagine come to reality."

"Oh quite an interesting ability you've got there. I'm Ōgai Mori, the leader here."

"Nice to meet you, Mori-san"

"Dazai-kun told me you're a high school student. You're 17 right?"


"Oh Dazai is just one year older than you. Then I guess I should assign Dazai to you as your teacher since you guys are pretty close in age. Dazai. You'll be her senpai and Sensei from now. Got any problem?"

(Sensei: way to address teacher or instructor in Japanese)

"Omg I'm more than happy to teach Keiko-chan!! Call me Sensei from now on!!!" Dazai said grinning towards me.

"No Thanks, I'm just fine with the way I call you." I said.

"Aw that's too bad. Well whatever then we'll take our leave now, Mori-san"

"Yeah sure"

Dazai introduced me to mostly all others including Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, Akutagawa Gin, Oda, Tachihara and others. Though I was yet to meet Chuuya. After greeting everyone, Dazai dropped me off at my place saying the lessons to improve my ability will start tomorrow and that I should take a rest for now.

Dazai is being unusually nice which is making me suspicious of him. Wasn't his motive to have me join port mafia? What more does he want? Well thinking about it is giving me a headache, so I guess I'll just wait and see.

𝐴𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦: 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 | 𝒟𝒶𝓏𝒶𝒾 𝒪𝓈𝒶𝓂𝓊Where stories live. Discover now