Chapter 6 "𝐻𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑠"

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The encounter with Dazai felt like a dream, as many days had already passed since that incident. I returned to my usual routine of waking up, having breakfast, going to school, dealing with the bullies, returning home with more bruises, having dinner, and falling asleep. I began to notice the intentions behind their actions towards me.

They just did it for fun.

They liked to see me suffer as just the sadistic bastards they were. I fought back. I did not resist fighting back. I would use my ability imagination.

During these times, I had started to improve it, I would practice it at home. Now even without imagining vividly but just a blink, I could make people or objects real for 24 hours.

Whenever the bullies messed with me, I would use this ability and make a fake teacher come to scold them. But even this ability is useless as a defense because even if I made any weapon come to real, I could never bring myself to use it. Yes, I can fight back physically but pointing a gun at some minors is not something I can do.

Nevertheless, I was on my way home from school. It wasn't that late yet. Just as I was walking kicking stones for fun, I noticed some thugs coming in my direction, I thought I was just being paranoid but they approached me.

"Ey miss, ya got som' cash with ya?"

"Eh N-No sorry haha"

It was my first time experiencing something like this, I have been an introvert my whole life so I couldn't even call for help, also there were no people there but just these three thugs and me.

"Are ya even bein' serious right now? Just check your freakin' bag or something"

God!!! I always seem to be attracting trouble everywhere I go!!!

My mind just lighted up with an idea

"About that- Omg look at that!! It's a donkey riding a car!!!" I said pointing towards their back side of the area.

They looked back

I saw my chance and ran for it.

They looked back at me seeing me running away for my life.

"Ah tis brat!!!! She did not just trick us did she?!!"
They also ran after me

I ran with all my might till I ended up with an alley on an end.

I stopped and breathed heavily trying to catch my breath. They followed after me and caught up with me.

"Y-ya brat dares to fool us!!!"

Just as I wanted they fell for the trap and ran after me just to end up on this alley's end.

I blinked and used my Ability: IMAGINATION.
I made people with some weapons come out of nowhere to become my defense.
Seeing all these people with weapons, the three thugs were shocked.
The one who seemed to be their leader clicked his teeth ordering "Get back ya two. Run!!"

Just like that they left, and I made the (fake) people with weapons disappear.

I breathed a sigh of relief and began to leave.

Someone grabbed my wrist from my back.

"You're an ability user, aren't you?"

I looked back.




"Haha, what are you talking about? What's that?" I said while turning away and getting my wrist out of his grip.

What the? How is he here? Has he been watching me all this time? Damn it I'm doomed now!!!

"Quite playing around Keiko-chan. Also what a coincidence meeting you here!!! I wonder what your ability is? What does it do? Seeing how you just made a bunch of people appear and disappear just by blinking" he said with a grin on his face.

"Oh my god, you should get your eyes checked. Are you perhaps drunk Dazai-san?"

"No I'm not drunk right now and what I saw is DEFINITELY~~~ real."

"Then did you just see me being in a dangerous situation and not help me at ALL~?"

"Oh Keiko-chan I was just watching how you would react, but also if it were to get more dangerous, I would have jumped in"

"Well I'm still not telling you anything"

"I guess I'll have to figure out myself then. Also, Keiko-chan let me treat you to dinner!! Pretty please!!!"

"Ah sure"
I was too tired to make dinner so I just agreed.

"Follow me Keiko-chan I know a really good restaurant!"

"Sure Lead the way"

I began following him and we arrived at the restaurant. It wasn't bad, it was peaceful with just the perfect number of customers. We sat at the seat near the window facing each other.
The waitress came and asked

"What would you like? Miss and sir?"

"Keiko-chan, what you wanna eat?"
Dazai asked.


"Just ramen? It's bad for dinner!!!"

"RAMEN only"
I said rigidly.

"Okay then Ramen and crabs please"
He ordered.

The food arrived after a few minutes and we both dug in after saying

"So Keiko-chan how's your ramen"

"It's Tasty"

The ramen honestly wasn't bad, to be more honest, it was rather really good.

"Ah right!!! How was your experience seeing a donkey riding a car?"

I choked on ramen.

"Omg, Keiko-chan here's water help yourself, eat carefully!"

"You were watching??? The whole time???" I said.

"I would be lying if I said no... But if you see it again remember to tell me right away!!! I wanna see it too!!!"

I said sarcastically, with my head down and dying out of embarrassment. And he seems to be enjoying it so much.

"Anyway, what were you doing there?"
I said changing the subject.

"Ah about that... Keiko-chan... Join port mafia..."

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