Chapter 29

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  • Dedicated to ALL CLATO SHIPPERS

Cassi and Drew take a seat in front of us. I grab a glass and fill it with water. I take a seat next to Cato and Cassi hasn't taken her eyes off of me. I look into her eyes and I almost fall abck in the chair. I see myself in her, somewhat. The drive to win and then the heart to make sure the love of her life wins, too. I remember me when i was reaped the first time, the mean streak and the loveable side of me. I see it in her.

"so, we all know that you dont want to hear this crap, so listen. Make allies, thats how you win. Simple as that." "I want to talk to Clove, alone, says Cassi." Prim, James, Enobaria, Brutus, and Cato stand up and walk into the other room.

"Clove, I'm just scared. I have a family to take care of. If I die in the Games, then they die. My mom is brutally sick, My dad left us last month, and I have a 13 year old younger sister. I just want James to gte out alive."

Tears start coming down her cheeks. I stand up on my good leg and I sit beside her. I hug her and now, this is where I see it. She cares for her family, wants her love interest to live, is scared of dying. She is exactly like me."

"Cassi. Listen, WE will do anything in our power to make sure you both get out. Cato and I did, so I'm sure its possible. again. I then reach into my pocket and grab Johnny's gold necklace with a blue saphire in the middle of it. 

"here take this as your district token. It will give you strength and the courage to get out of this alive. She puts it around her neck and the door opens and everybody else comes back in. Cato explains to James about shelter and everything.

The train comes to a stopa nd we have reached the capitol. "Cassi and James, listen up. These Capitol people are weird. They dress way differently then we do abck at home. Just follow us and walk right back them."

We walk out of the train and we lead them past the Capitol crowds and into a building. Their prep teams take them away and we wait outside of the building that houses all of the tributes. Furling told me that he and alexa are going the roman gladiator way this year. After about an hour, Furling comes out with Cassi and James.

Cassi is wearing a brown dress that comes down past her waist, a red cape, brown armbands. Her hair is curled up and comes down past her shoulders. James is wearing a black 1 piece. The top is black, with gold lines down the side. The bottom is a the same. He is also wearing black armbands and black sandals.

They get in the carrier and we watch the tribute parade. When our chariot enters, James winks at Cassi and they grab each other's hands and raise them in the air. Cassi kicks the chariot and their outfits light up in a dark blue.

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