Chapter 19

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I wake up and Cato is staring at me. "I love the way you sleep.", he says. We both get up and I get in the shower first. I get out and Cato gets in. I put on a t-shirt, tight jeans, boots, and a jacket. I go and sit down on the couch.

I need to find a way to get to the training center without Cato knowing. I heard that Caliie and Scott are both going to be there today. I go check on Mira and Braden. They are both sound asleep. Cato is still in the shower.

I put on my jacket and I head out. I am armed with my double bladed knife and my 2 throwing knifes. I see the training center and they have started training. I see Callie and Scott sitting in the back of the room.

I approach the training center and I kick open the door. Everybody turns toward me and I stand there. Olivia sees me and says," Clove what are you doing here?" "OLivia, you may want to know what your husband has been up to." 

"He and Callie killed my mother." I take out my double bladed knife. Callie and Scott, you have about 4 seconds to run." They start runnung and I start chasing them. They bolt out of the training center and I decide to take a shortcut to cut them off.

They dont know that I'm not alone. Reiner, Prim, Hazel, and Julianna are waiting for them. I see Callie and Scott running for their lives. I see them in front of me and I cut them off. "Nowhere to go now." They laugh and say that they could just go the other awat.

"Thats where you're wrong." All of a sudden, they are surrounded by Prim, Reiner, Hazel, Julianna, and me. "Now give me one reason why we shouldnt kill you right here, right now." Callie whispers I have a kid Clove.

I let her go and Scott punches me in the face. I fall to the ground and I think he broke my jaw. I lay there crying and Prim hits him in the stomach with her maze. Scott falls to the ground but hes not dead yet. 

I see cato running towards me. He asks prim," What happened?" Prim tells him and Cato takes his sword and stabs him in the chest multiple times killing him. Cato picks me up and takes me to the doctor.

The doctor concludes that my jaw isnt broken but its very close. he says that I need to be careful from now on. We walk home and Cato gets an ipepack from the freezer. He hands it to me and I place it on my jaw.

Mira comes upstairs and she sees me and she runs up to me. I pick her up and place her next to me. "mommy are you okay?" "yes Mira, mommy's fine." She kisses me on my forehead and I put her favorite show on.

Cato sits next to me and I hear crying. cato goes upstairs and brings Braden down. He goes and gets his food and takes a seat next to me. He starts feeding him and he just giggles at us. I get up and I take the icepack off my jaw. 

Cato wraps his arms raound me and then we hear the capitol anthem. I rush into the living room and I see Sara Snow on the screen. "ladies and gentleman, I have 2 hug eannouncements to make. The first one is that I am the new president of Panem. the 2nd is that I am bringing back the hunger games. 

The screen goes black and I look at Cato. We now have to go to the capitol each year and mentor 2 tributes again. I lay down on the couch and I  sigh in shock. I go upstairs and I put on a green tank top with black short shorts. 

I climb into bed with cato and I snuggle up next to him. He kisses me and we dont stop. We finally break  and he starts messing with my hair. My ahir is super long and I only get in trimmed if that. Cato likes my hair long anyway. I usually put it up in a ponytail. I fall asleep lknowing that I am safe, FOR NOW.

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