Chapter 50

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My eyes open and I have a breathing apparatus next to my bed. I have no idea where I’m at. I look around and I’m in a cold, dark room. I have a breathing tube over my nose. I breathe slow and heavy trying to figure out what’s going on. I hear the door open and I glance over and I can’t make out exactly who it is. I hear a chair being moved next to me.

“Clove.” A voice says. I somewhat recognize the voice but I’m not quite sure. I feel my hand being squeezed and the girl’s fingers trace a letter in my hand. The letter J, Julianna. I smile for a split second before I realize what’s going on.

I reach up with my left hand to remove the tube from my nose. I set it beside me and I scoot up in the bed, so I’m sitting up. I see my older sister sitting at my bedside. I’m wearing a gown that comes just to knees.

“Julianna, what is going on? The last thing I remember was being in the hovercraft and hearing Cassi say something about a rebellion.”

“Shhh. Keep your voice down Clove. We are still in the Capitol and they have bugged every room in this place.” She says, I am still left with tons of questions.

“Okay, but where is Cato? Don’t you dare lie to me sis... I will explode if you do. I have a right to know where the father of my kids is.” I snap at her.

“Ok, he’s in the other room. Clove, the rebellion Cassi mentioned... It is happening. Everyone in the games that was taken out knew… except for you. We didn’t tell you because you would have played it differently in the games. We couldn’t take that chance.”

“Oh hell no! That’s not something you keep from me!” I snap at my older sister. She places her hand on top of mine, this is a move by her to relax me, and she’s used it since I could talk. I am a hothead so it’s good that she still uses it. She massages the top of my hand. I sigh in relaxation, something I have not been able to do in years.

“You better?” She asks.

“Yeah I think so. So, who all got rescued from the arena besides Cato and me?” I ask, with curiosity.

“Finnick Odair, Annie Cresta, Johanna Mason, Briar Galloway, Janey Raymond, Wiress Naysmith, Beetee Naysmith, Primrose Everdeen, and Gale Hawthorne.”

“Briar, the shy girl from One? Why her?” I ask.

“She’s incredibly skilled with a bow and she’s one of the smartest females in all of Panem. When she was first reaped, James talked to her. She sounded too intelligent for James, who is smart himself. But, we couldn’t do anything about the district, Sara bombed right after Gale blew up the force field. Thank God for Cassi and James. They got everybody they could on hovercrafts. Some couldn’t be saved.”

I feel my eyes grow wide and Julianna puts her hand on my shoulder. I freeze in complete and utter fear for a few minutes. I look at Julianna and she nods.

“Clove, we got your kids out. They are fine, resting comfortably in District 13.” I give Julianna a look when she mentions District 13. It was blown to pieces after the dark days, everyone knows that. So, I have no idea what she is talking about.

“What? I thought that District 13 was destroyed after the dark days... They show the footage every month now...” I say.

“That’s what we thought too... But, it wasn’t, the capitol made it look like that so that District 13 wouldn’t attack them. You know, since their nuclear district. That’s where everybody in District 2 is, right now.”

The door bursts open and its Johanna. She in in combat clothes and wields her signature ax. She tosses me some clothes. I look at them and its blue and black camo pants, shirt, jackets, and boots. I look at my arm which has a bandage over it.

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