Chapter 14

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I wake up and Cato is still sleeping. I look over at Mira and she is sound asleep. I walk downstairs and turn the tv on. Like usual there is nothing on. I hear crying from upstairs. I pick Mira out of her crib and she just wanted attention. I see Cato waking up and I place Mira on the floor with her toys. I jump on top of Cato and he kisses me. I smile at him and he smiles back.

I start to get hungry and I pick Mira up and head downstairs. I place her in her high chair and I make bacon and eggs. I grab Mira's food out of the fridge and we all sit down. I really hope that Mira doesn't spit her food all over me again. She likes to do it. I love being a mother. I always took what my mom said for granted. I don't now.

I start feeding her and she actually swallows her food today. We get done eating and I have to go shopping for wedding dresses. The wedding is next week and I want it to be perfect. Im going shopping with Prim, my mom, Hazel, and Julianna. I put on my favorite attire. A black shirt, black skinny jeans, and boots. I dont wear tennis shoes at all.

I start walking to the bridal store in town. It's not very big but I love it. I walk in and it's no time until I find the perfect dress for me. It's strapless and the bottom looks stunning. I try it on and it fits perfectly. I pay for it and then I make the choice. Cato, Mira, and I are moving into my house.

I hide the dress in the basement. I set up Mira's crib in my room. I put my stuff back where it was and I sharpen my knives. Cato walks in and sits beside me. He puts his arm around me and kisses me. I then forgot about my that he has never seen my prized possession.

It's pretty funny actually. It's a blankey that my dad gave me when I was 5. It says my little girl, Clove Verona Kemmings. I cherish that thing. I look at Cato and say," I'm going to show you my prized possession but you. Have to promise not to laugh at me." I show it to him and he sighs. He hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.

I fall asleep and I feel safe.

I wake up and I see a note beside me. I pick it up and it says,"clove, had to run some errands. Be back later love. Cato." I get up and I see that Cato took Mira with him. I hop in the shower and I get out. I put on some tight jeans, a t-shirt, and some boots.

I go downstairs and start fixing myself some breakfast. I hear my sister, hazel, coming down the steps. " Want some breakfast sis?" she nods her head and we start eating. We finish and I clean up the mess. I take a seat and my back decides to hurt like hell. The door then opens and Cato and Mira walk in. I take Mira and she giggles at me. I smile at her and tickle her tummy.

She then starts crying her little head off. I smell her and she stinks. I take her upstairs and I change her diaper. She stops crying and I kiss her on her forehead. I take her into my room and put her down for her nap. After she falls asleep I go downstairs and take a seat beside Cato.

He puts his arm around me and we watch tv for a while. He notices me in pain. " what's wrong love?" "my back hurts really bad." "I'm taking you to the doctor clove." I leave Hazel to watch Mira. I put on a jacket and we head towards the doctors office.

We wait for about 15 minutes and then my doctor calls me back. He tells me to lay on my back and he pulls up my shirt. He moves his hand around and then he pulls my shirt back down. Ms. Kemmings, you have back spasms."

We then leave and hazel has Mira in her arms crying her head off. "clove, I've tried everything, she just won't stop crying." Hazel hands her over to me and she stops crying. Hazel looks confused. "she just wanted her mommy. She does that a lot."

I take a seat on the couch and I rock Mira back and forth in my arms. She falls asleep right away. I lay her in her crib and then someone knocks on the door. I see Prim at the door with a bundle of roses. Hey Prim, hold ona second."

I run upstairs and I knock on Reiners door. "Reiner your girlfriend is here to see you. He comes out and walks downstairs. Prim hands him the roses and they hug each other. They are so cute together. Then reiner kisses prim on th lips. I aww in my head and then Prim leaves.

Reiner goes back upstairs and it is about 10 at night. My mom comes downstairs and says," Clove go to bed. You have to wake up early tomorrow." I completely forgot about Mira's first doctors appointment tomorrow. I go upstairs and kiss Mira on the forehead.

I climb into bed and Cato scares the hell out of me. "damn you Cato." "I'm sorry love." he kisses me and I smile. We look over at Mira and her little belly is rising up and down. I can't help but smile but this reminds me of something.

I get out a box from underneath my bed and it says Cloves baby videos. I pop a tape in that says clove sleeping in her crib. I press play and I look like Mira and i sleep like her as well. I then lay down and I wrap my arms around Cato and I fall asleep thinking of my beautiful daughter.

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