Chapter 4

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I lay there in shock. Cato just asked me to marry him. Wer'e only 16 but we look like we have been dating for 10 years. I mange to get out a yes. i extend my hand and he places the nicest ring ever on my finger. I'm wondering how I'm going to tell my parents.

I feel like crap and I fall asleep. I wake up and I realize its 3;30. I have rehab at 4:30. I get up carefully and get in the shower. I get out and I put on a t-shirt, a jacket, and tight blue jeans. I walk to the rehab center which is at the end of town.

I walk in and my rehab doctor, Dr. Manning, tells me to take a seat. he first makes me do 30 pushups.I then do 25 situps. He then makes me lift 125 pounds. I may be a small girl but im stronger than most of girls my age. I do some planking and some stretching. Dr. manning then catches the ring on my finger.

"So, Cato and you are getting married?" "Yeah, not anytime soon. We have too much stuff on our plate. He proposed to me last night." "well, youre done for today. I'll see you next week clove." I walk out of the rehab center and I run into Aspen.

"hey Aspen, whats up." She whispers in my ear," My mom heard what you did at the capitol. she wants to talk to you right now." I think to myself, crap im screwed. I dont want anyone to see me like this. I'm all hot and sweaty.

I step into Aspen's house and there sits one of my mentors, Enobaria. She then starts yelling her head off at me. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS GOING TO HAVE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES!" I just walk out and I can tell she's pissed.

I arrive at my house and my parents are giving Hazel a talk. I overhear them say," We know youre dating Chris. We didnt think you were that serious." I guess she got caught kissing him. Well, if my parents think that her first kiss is bad they will be shocked to hear my news.

I run up to my parents and say," I need to tell you something." My mom says," what is it clove?" I hold out my right hand and say," I'm engaged." The look on my parents face is priceless. They are absolutely stunned. "sweetie, you know that this the guy you will spend the rest of your life with." "Mom, I completely understand. I have made my decision", I say.

I walk back in the house and get some water out of the fridge. Then all of a sudden, a huge clap of thunder hits. What???!!!! It hasnt rained in district 2 in months. It then starts pouring down rain and it lasts for about a hour. I remember the victory tour is next month.

I then see capitol peacekeepers marcing towards my house with rifles. I run upstairs and arm myself with knifes. Aspen and Cato knock on the window. I let them in and Aspen has a bow. cato has his sword and knifes I gave him.

They break down the door and then I hear a shor ring out. Then i hear a scream from my sister. Thats it, nobody tries to hurt my sister IT'S ON! We charge down the steps and I kill 3 of them with my knifes. Aspen is taking out peacekeepers left and right with her bow. cato is slicing people to shreds with his sword.

After all of the peacekeepers are dead, I treat my sister's wounds. She stands up and is limping but she isnt to badly hurt. My head still hurts a little but not bad. Aspen leaves and goes back home. I walk upstairs and put my knives away and Cato puts the sword underneath my bed.

I change into a t-shirt and I sleep in short shorts. Cato thinks I look super sexy in them. I lie on top of my bed and Cato gets beside me. he kisses me on the chek and starts messing with my hair. he is the only person i will let touch my hair. it takes me hours to get it the way i want it.

Cato and I start making out and he pulls away and says," I love you forever." I respond," Always." the doorbell then rings. I'm thinking who in the world is at my door at 9 at night. I get out of bed and walk downstairs. I open the door and there is a little twelve year old girl standing infront of me. I invite her in because its freezing outside. I hand her a jacket that I used to wear as a kid.

"Whats your name", I ask. "Primrose Everdeen."

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