Chapter 48

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My eyes snap open and I turn my head from left to right and everyone is asleep in the cave on the sandy gritty beach part of this hell whole. I sit up off the cold, hard cave floor. I look around and see no movement from my allies.

I decide to go out and try to find some food. I make sure I have enough knifes and I exit the cave. I almost fall flat on my face when I step on the sandy beach. I look around for any sneaky tributes, trying to ambush us.

I walk past the pine trees that border the beach. The cornucopia glistens in the distance, about 50 yards from the start of the ocean water. I walk into the forest and it is extremely quiet. I hear a rustle of leaves out in the distance. I avert my hunting path the other way. The last thing I want to do is to run into a gang of tributes right now.

I hear a crack of thunder and I know I am about to get wet, like drenched. I hide under a tree and I decide on the storm to end. Which, knowing The game makers and how Sara has them wrapped around her finger, who knows how long this will last.

I wait for the downpour of rain to come, but it never does. I walk in the open and something hits me. It feels thick and sticky. I look at my shoulder and its dark red. Like, blood. More heavy drops start hitting me all over. I look over me and it is blood.

It’s blood rain. I try to escape the downpour of blood, but it won’t stop. Before I know it, I am covered in Blood. I could use this as a disguise. I hear a rustling of leaves around me. I lie on the ground and cover myself with leaves. I am covered in thick leaves and blood. I look like a dead tribute right now. My eyes glance around me and that’s when I see the pack.

I think its 4 tributes that considered themselves to be the favorites. Yeah, not if I anything to say about it. I jolt my eyes open to look like I’m dead. The pack which is made up of two tributes from 11 and 2 from 9. Chaff Howell and Seeder Aljoy from 11. Leslie Moore and Jose Ellsbury of District 9. Leslie’s eyes look straight into mine and she laughs.

“Well, someone finally got her. Looks like another tribute took Sara up on her offer. Being next in line for Presidency must mean a lot to people. Looks like her poor kids and her husband will have to suffer. Let’s make her pretty face look worse...”

It takes all of my strength not to pop up and kill all four of these cowards right now. More, importantly Sara put a damn bounty on my head! Oh, she is going to pay for this. As soon as Leslie has a blade near my throat, I kick her in the gut and she stumbles back, falling on her but.

I hop to my feet and draw out two knives. Seeder charges at me but I dodge her punch and I stick my knife in the back of her neck and rip it out forcibly. She falls to the ground, dead before she even hits the ground. The blood rain comes to an erupt end.

“You still have the 3 of us to deal with, you whiny little girl. You got lucky in your games. We are going to show why the only reason you won was because of your dumb husband. He has the power in your relationship, doesn’t he? He probably isn’t even the real father of your kids. No way, a man like that would do it with a tiny, prune like yourself.” Chaff says.

“No you’re outnumbered douchebag.” A voice says. I know that voice. It’s Johanna Mason. I look around me and Cato, Janey, Johanna, Prim, Gale, Finnick, and Annie surround Derek, Jose, and Leslie. Cato looks super pissed off and he has a right to be. I nod at Cato and he plunges his sword into Jose’s back and rips it out. Janey takes her batons and slices Jose’s neck. Jose is dead before he even starts to fall.

Chaff and Leslie remain and they don’t look half scared and they should. Prim takes her weapon of choice and smashes into the side of Leslie’s head. She isn’t dead but she is extremely close. Johanna takes her steel ax and smashes it into the skull of Leslie.

Leslie’s blood spills everywhere. Derek is the only one remaining. He doesn’t even know that Cato has snuck up on them. He wraps his arms around Chaff’s neck and he squirms. I walk up to him and take out my double bladed knife that Furling strapped to my side before the games.

“You know, you are really stupid. Now, I’m done wasting my words on scumbag like you.” I snarl. I wave my knife in front of his face and press it to his neck. I whisper the words, “bye bye” before slitting his throat open and killing him.

His body slumps to the Forrest floor, dead. Cato looks at me and grins a little. I now remember that I am soaked in blood. I laugh and he intertwines his fingers with mine.

“Hey Cato, go get her cleaned up. We are going to go find some water and food.” Finnick says as the rest of the group heads near the volcano. Cato and I walk back to the beach and he walks over to the shore.

“Lie down.” He instructs. I do what he says, not really objecting to him. He gets the blood out of my hair and gets it off my jacket, shirt, pants, and boots. He helps me up and kisses my cheek.

“I love you.” He says, smiling.

“Right back at ya.” I respond. He presses his lips to mine and a loud, thundering sound erupts. I look towards the hills and the volcano shakes.

“Oh my god, we have to get the others...” I say to Cato. He looks at me with a look.

“Cato, they would do the same for us. We aren’t going to fall under her trap and play her damn game!” I snap in complete anger and frustration. He looks at me once again and nods.

“Okay, I get what you mean. You’re right. Let’s show that tyrant who we are.” Cato says. A huge grin comes over my face. This is the first time Cato has directly said something towards Sara and this oppressive government.

Cato takes out his sword from its sheath. He puts it in right hand and I grab my best knife and we head into the forest looking for our allies before that dreaded volcano goes off, killing us all.

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