Who was that?~

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What just happened..... why I am laying on the cold wet grass as voices are screaming at each other. Why is the only warmth I'm feeling is my own blood on my skin as it continues to leave my body? I don't want to die.... I want to live....yet I don't have that choice anymore.... that's up to Death itself to decide if it's my time or not..... I just hope it's not.....

"KNUXIE!!!" I jump when fingers are snapped in my face and I look into concerned blue eyes. "Girl what's up with you?" Said a two tail yellow fox girl. "Sorry Millie... didn't get much sleep last night...." I said staring blankly at the glass of wine she ordered. "Why not?" She asked taking a sip. "I don't know... could be because my dad has been working harder for that promotion at his job even though he should retire leaving my brothers and I to maintain the house..." I said and sip on my water. "I mean ever since mom died he's been throwing himself deeper into his work..." I finished. "Yeah... I can't believe she's been gone for two years now..." her ears fold. "Yeah...." I agreed. "Hey sorry I'm late ladies" we turn seeing a female blue hedgehog walking up with shopping bags. "You're really late Sonia" Millie crossed her arms. "Hey you know how it is at work besides I had to stop by Fawns to pick up Arron a birthday gift before the store closed." She said sitting down. "One it's lunchtime and fawns closes at midnight. Two I see you went to more than one store Sonia" I said annoyed. "Humph" she rolled her eyes. "Well you will forgive me once you see what I got you both" she beamed and rummaged through the bags. "We'll make it quick since I need to head back to work soon" Millie said. "Same here I need to drop off my dads suit for his business meeting after work." I agreed. "Ok ok here" she hands Millie a tool set she's been wanting. "Sweet!" She smiled. "And for you red" she smiled and gives me a yoga mat. "Thanks" I smiled. "So am I forgiven?" She smiled. "Not until you show up on time to the club tomorrow night" I said and she pouts. "Fine I guess it's fair" she smirked and we laugh. We finish the last of the food before we parted ways. I start tapping my finger on the steering wheel singing to myself to the end of the song "God of Thunder by KISS" as it plays on the radio. It was a nice day so I had my windows rolled down of my 68 Chevy Z28 Camaro. As I waited for the light to turn and Aerosmith song was playing I hear the rev of a loud engine. I turn seeing a green hedgehog and his friend smirking at me in a brand new Ford mustang. "Hey there sexy ruby~ wanna pull over and give me your number?~ maybe have a little fun in the back seat of your car~" he licked his lips. I smiled as the chorus came on and turned on the volume as the light turned green. "DREAM ON DREAM ON DREAM ON DREAM ON DREAM ON DREAM ON DREAM ON AHHHHH" I smiled driving off and seeing his friend laughing at him in my rear view mirror. Man I wish I recorded that but I don't text and drive. I finally arrived at my dads office and walked to the lobby security. "Hey Bart" I smiled. "Hey Knuxie here to drop off for your dad?" He smiled. "Yep" I replied and he gave me a visitor badge. "Thanks and tell Darryl and the kids I said hey" I waved. "Can do" he smiled. I walked into the elevator seeing my reflection in black jeans, green button down shirt, and black heel. My long red fur pulled half up with my bangs neatly over on of my eyes. I touched up my nude pink lipstick and put it back in my purse just as the elevator reaches my dads floor. The office was very busy with phones blaring and papers shooting out of the fax machines. "Damn..." I thought as I walked to my dads office seeing him rubbing his eyes after staring at the computer. "Hey dad" I said and he looks up at me. "Knuxie right on time did you—" "yep here ya go" I said handing him the dry cleaned suit. "Thank you sweetheart.... At least you cared enough to bring it..." he growled. "Dad Mason and Lance have been busy with their own businesses and Lance is expecting a baby soon. Cut them some slack you been hard on them for a long ass time." I sneered. Dad always put pressure on my older brothers and gave me the princess treatment but I would actually help my brothers and try to tell dad to stop playing favorites. He never listened.... Mostly because he wanted a daughter and not sons. I think because I never became spoiled rotten and treated my brothers poorly is why the mental abuse wasn't as bad but it was still bad. Our mom tried to stop dad playing favorites and why my brothers were more upset about her death. She was a hypocrite at times but my brothers had my back and pointed out her hypocrisy when she did the same thing to me. Overall I had a stable and good relationship with her too. "I don't care about him or his gold digging wife" he snapped. "Dad Cherry is not a gold digger why are you always so mean?" I shook my head. "They been helping you pay the bills when you're not home and the first to arrive at the hospital when you had that stroke. Your sons have done a-lot for you despite how you treated them growing up. So start appreciating them and love them." I said a bit more sternly and he sighed. "Fine whatever you say Knuxie now go on and go" he waved as he started working again. I sighed knowing that I just wasted my breath because he didn't care. As I walked into the elevator I'm greeted by a tall black and white jackal with long white hair and glowing yellow eyes. "You new here?" He asked in a natural seductive voice. "No I was dropping off something for my father sir" I replied not looking at him. I could feel his eyes looking up and down my body mostly because of his reflection in the mirror of the elevator doors. "Names infinite my father is this CEO of this company" he smiled. "Cool" I replied not taking my eyes off the floor numbers that seem to take forever to go down. "What's you're name?" "Sorry I'm not comfortable giving you my name" I said politely. He nods and checks his phone. The elevator finally reaches the lobby and I bolt out of there. I gave my visitor badge to Bart and left. "Bart? Who was that?~" infinite asked. "Who?" "The female echidna" "oh that's Locke's daughter Knuxie" Bart said and infinite nods walking to the other part of the building.

"Knuxie~ Such a pretty name for such a stunning and sexy woman~"

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